
The miracle girl

So there was a girl who was living with her parents and she was named isabile, she was happy she had a sister and too brothers She was the oldest one that's why she was the favorite one. One night while playing with her siblings she fell off the balcony and got shot with a gun. After sometime in the hospital and being in surgery for quite some time her heart stopped beating so the doctors though she was dead and suddenly she opened her eyes before her heart beats again that's why all the people called her the miracle shild. 2 months went buy and no one new who shot isabile so the parents just gave up.

15 years past buy and today is her birthday and she was permanent to find who shot her 15 year's ago. First she went to see the cameras and she found a tattoo on his hand and the second clue is that she knew it was a guy because of the size of his hand, so that's when she started looking for him from a village to a country and then one day she found a guy that had the same tattoo but his hand was to small so she asked him from where he got the tattoo, so that's why he took her to the artist. And it looked like she found the guy and he was scared to death but then he told her why he shot her it's because he wanted to know if she was doppelganger it means if she dies she will relieve like a vampire she won't die until the one and only dagger is daggered in her heart. Also a dangerous hunter is going after her so she has to practice to kill and to kill him she have to rippe his heart out. When the day came she was nervous as hell, she spotted him in the crowd and she was moving fast so he can't block her but suddenly he blocked her and started fighting then they went in the forest where she put a trap buy using a witch buy her side. Then she caught him and she pulled his heart out of his chest and for now she's safe, so she went to her family and had a good year.

End of story❤️