
2 A weird school day

It's been a few weeks since Lilith's last dream. But she doesn't trust herself to sleep these days. The dreams were becoming more and more realistic and that meant danger. Daniel was struggling to breathe in his last fight. His wound from the lash of the spiked whip has not yet healed. She saw him wincing when he breathe. Every time she gets up from her nap she can see things burning in her room. She has aired her room with perfumes, almost every day this week. Still, the burnt smell lingered.

Her mother's indifference towards her counts as a blessing these days. Lilith didn't know how her mother chose to conveniently forget her existence. Lilith's mom, Alice Clinton, is one of the best business lawyers in the country. Her dad, who she hasn't met yet, is another unknown entity in her life. According to her mom's version, he's a deadbeat man. But Lilith doesn't believe in her mom's judgments. That woman seriously has trouble choosing her men. Currently, on her third husband, Jefferson, Jeff for short, who Alice Clinton thinks as an earthly form of an angel, is a fucking weasel. The last two husbands were creeps as well. Her dad, whoever he was, wasn't married to her mom, which sounds good, based on her mom's choices. That summarises her current living situation with the ever-loving husband, jeff. Please note the sarcasm.

Jeff doesn't care, unless Lilith gets into real trouble, as in getting kicked out of the school. He doesn't mind her presence or absence in the house as long as she is there before the gates are closed by their security around nine pm. Last year, when Mom was back from her honeymoon with Jeff and left her with Jeff because there was an 'unavoidable emergency', he made a pass at her.

That resulted in her bloody knuckles, scraped knee, stitched forehead, and a gash in one of her eyebrows. Jeff showed up with broken bones on his arm and his lower limb two days later. She warned him with the CCTV footage of that day, to stay the hell away from her. From then on, the pervert has kept his distance from her. Still, sometimes, his creepy glances freak her out. And obviously, her mom was still unaware of her husband's and her daughter's perfect bonding. yes, imagine guys, the perfect feeling of being unsafe in one's own home. God, I am so funny.

Jeff has been creepy lately, floating in cheap beer, giving ominous glances in her direction whenever she is in the same room, which she avoided as much as she could.

She dumped the burnt papers in the dustbin and got dressed for school. She didn't shower, as these days her shower time has been changed to the middle of the night, covered in dust and soot. She didn't bother to eat breakfast too as that meant a confrontation with Jeff with an awful hangover.

Lilith collected her school bag and put on simple black jeans and a thigh long sweater with a button-up, white jacket, and a white fur cap with sneakers. She reached her destination, silver mounts high school, in the exact time she did every day, just seconds before the classes began. That was another escape plan, it helps you to not indulge much in the fact that you have zero friends to hang out with and fewer bullies to fight.

Lilith had a friend, Jesse, who was her befriended her first crush, her first kiss .but the keywords are, 'was' and ' had'.When they were kids they were inseparable. From the moment Jesse decided to give her, his broken pencil on the first day of kindergarten. In high school, they have been good at pranking people, partying, and getting into trouble. But as her mother married for the third time and his marks rocketed straight to the bottom, and her dreams came back with full force he decided she was not the best 'cool' kid to hang out with. Then on, he ignored her and the thing that hurt her is that he stole her first kiss and pretended as if everything is completely fine.

So, now she fights like the one-man army, but her classmates may differ on her views about the army and stuff and may have suggested the term, loony freak, for one, oh who am I kidding, for too many times. The headstrong weirdo, with high grades, no friends boyfriend's ( which raised suspicions about her sexual orientations), and kind of mute who talks only when teachers ask her a question about how complex the DNA structure of a human being is is is or what is the mendelian rules in genetics. yeah, she scored a 4.9 GP out of 5. so, she is a freaking weirdo, might be a genius but obviously, that doesn't count.

Lilith was completely exhausted, her sleepwear brutally interrupted with showers to clear soot particles from her skin and the burnt acrid smell of her dresses. Plus, the walk to the school and no breakfast don't help her situation.

She received some snickers and rude comments about how weird her face looks with hair not styled and blemishes on skin uncovered. yeah, the usual, which she ignored being the wide-hearted one. Lilith settled on the back seat, she reserved herself, which was decorated well, with used chewing gums and scribblings that said freak or weirdo.

To her immense pleasure, it was zoology hour of the silver mount high's laziest teacher, Mr.smith.He was too lazy to check up on students to see whether they were sleeping or gaming on phones. Lilith settled herself into a sleeping position to wander around in her dream universe in her freshly knitted cream-colored cute jumpsuit.

Daniel was in his golden-brown armor but he winced whenever he took a hit in the stomach from the wicked creatures that surrounded him. Imthyas was fighting with everything he had, to bring down the giant looming creatures towering over his six feet height. The darkness was rounding up Daniel. But he stood out like a star in the dark sky.

This time, the battlefield was changing from the burnt dark greasy form. Glimpses of brown land with patches of green could be seen, whenever the giant dark forms fell in the battle. Daniels lion sword was good at splicing the dark whooshing creatures into shreds. Imthyas was fighting with his spike, throwing it to pierce the creatures through their chest. There were different weapons in the arms of all the soldiers fighting by the side of Daniel. They were brave, seeing the way they fight, with all their might, pledging their devotion to their country, fighting the dark looming creatures, and reducing them into ashes.

Daniel fought like a lion. His movements were fluid as the flowing stream, his fighting stance majestic. He was slashing away three creatures at once. All at once, a dark shadow rose from the dark sky behind Daniel. Imthyas was fighting at the other edge of the battlefield. Eurygon was excited to see his master slashing away his enemies. The shadow evolved into a spreading dragon-like thing with something like a sword in one of his limbs.

Daniel sensed the darkness above him. He turned in time, to clash the lion sword with the shadow dragon's sword. A green light came down from the sky, suddenly the lightning sparks were there. The fighting soldiers and creatures were stunned. The reflections of the lightning showed a completely different land. The battlefield disappeared. They were all standing on a brown fertile land with rich green vegetation. Daniel and dragon were the only ones still fighting. But, as another green lightning struck, Daniels lion sword dwindled in his hands. He felt drained. The shadow was gaining. Daniel fought with the last of his power, his aura oozing out the braveness from each of his pores. But his lion sword deflected and the shadow struck his sword into Daniels's arms. The blood was gushing out, drowning his armor. Imthyas ran, crying, from the other end of the field to Daniel, pushing the soldiers, standing dazed.

Daniel stepped back, but pounded back with extra strength onto the shadow, piercing the shadow, but it disappeared into thin air. Following the shadow, all the looming dark creatures disappeared into thin air.

With the last glance at Imthyas crouching at his feet and Eurygon with other distressed soldiers on the battlefield, Daniel closed his eyes.

when Lilith opened her eyes she was screaming, sweating like pig, wailing with hands raised in the air," Daniel..."

A stunned Mr. Smith stood gaping in front of her chair and all the freaking students were in front of her with their eyes as wide as saucers.

And this time there was blood flowing down from her left arm, that pierced her button-up, white sweater, and there was blood splattered on her white fur cap.