
The Limitless Young Master

A genius inventor transmigrated into the cultivation world were powerful cultivators were respected while the weak were like insects fortunately he transmigrated with his artificial intelligence chip plus that talent that he got in the game

Nakacwa_Masturah · Huyền huyễn
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12 Chs

Ace At Ten, Beaten up After Cultivation?

After Ace's mother was taken away, his father, Brahan entered a cultivation frenzy, he cultivated like a robot, nonstop, meanwhile as if stimulated, even Sozi was cultivating.

One year after Alice was taken away, Brahan made a breakthrough to the True Core realm, Sozi, the butler broke through to the Empty Core realm with many resources being burnt, in the second year, Ace started working on his plans, he first looked for ten mortal children, nine of them were boys , then used an excuse and got a secluded place where he settled the nine boys, as for the young girl, he brought her with him to the Frost family, he wanted her to be his maid, but also his most trusted confidant, he wanted her to be his most hidden card that was also in the open, (who would think that a mortal girl on his side was an expert?).

After three years, Ace was now ten, meanwhile at the age of ten, he looked like a youth in his age of twelve, in the cultivation world, at the age of ten, one would start cultivation, his meridians would be sturdy enough for Qi to pass through.

As he was conversing with his maid, butler Sozi came to his room and said,

"Young Master, Master has said that you should go to his sturdy, he has something to tell you,"

After the butler said this, he went away to do other things, meanwhile after Ace heard what the butler said, he hurriedly went to the sturdy, if he was correct, then today, he will start his cultivation, he asked Sera some years ago if he can start cultivating but he learnt that his meridians were not solid enough, and he couldn't use any of the many talents that he had to forcefully make them solid.

After he reached the sturdy room, he lightly knocked on the door and then said,

"Father, you asked me to come,"

"Yes Ace, it is time for you to start your cultivation, I think you also know that once one reaches the age of ten, he or she will start cultivation, and one of the essential things needed for cultivation is a 'Cultivation Technique ' this kind of technique allows one to gather the spiritual energy (Qi) in the area to temper ones own body, "

After his father said this, he got a beast hide from his spartial ring gave it to him, after that he told him

"Read all the information that is on this beast skin, it's the basic cultivation technique, it's from the first ancestors of our world, after you memorize it all, then cultivate according to the method mentioned on the beast hide "

After he got the beast hide, he first used the system's scanning function and got all the information that was recorded on it,

After that, he started cultivating according to the method mentioned on it,

The first step for a junior cultivator is to Sense the qi in the area,after that one would use the cultivation technique to drive the qi into his body through the meridians this tempering it,

As he was sensing the Qi, he heard Sera's voice

[Master, you can use your talenttogether with that cultivation technique, it will be more times easier]

After he heard Sera's suggestion, Ace immediately did it and he was greatly surprised because he immediately sensed it, was it that simple? Why is it not difficult at all?

After Ace easily sensed the qi, he thought that directing it in his body would be easy but only knew it was difficult when he tried it, he wasn't even able to get it near him,

After many tries and errors, he was able to get the qi in his body, then as if stimulated, all the qi in the room started gathering in his direction, it was as if it was being pulled into his direction, as his father looked at him, he was shocked to find that he was absorbing all the energy in the room, in just a few minutes, all the Qi in the room was 'devoured' , you couldn't find a wisp of qi .

It should be noted that the reason why cultivators used spirit stones to cultivate was not because of the scarcity of spiritual energy, it was because even though the qi in the area was dense enough, one can only absorb 20% of it in the end, no matter how powerful one is , this was irreversible, while one absorbes all the qi in spirit stones without problems.

And now he was looking at his son, who by some means managed to refine all the natural qi in the room, meanwhile as he was looking at him,the person in question had now started breaking through like crazy, it was simply crazy

1st stage (Body Tempering)

2nd stage (Body Tempering)

3rd stage (Body Tempering)

His momentum didn't stop until he was at the peak of the Body Tempering Realm, meanwhile as his father was looking at him, he felt like he could nolonger understand the term 'cultivation', it was becoming more sort of something foreign to him,the more he looked at his son,the more he felt like he was the junior here.

As he was going to congratulate him for his breakthrough,he heard him say something that made him very angry

"Sigh,it seems like I am not that talented, I didn't advance to the next realm even after cultivating for this long ,sigh, what a waste of Heavenly resources, I---" before he finished his words, he felt a powerful aura coming in his direction, then a fist came in his direction, then he was thrown out of the cultivation chambers after the first fist, a second one came and this time, he was thrown out of the sleeping chambers of his father completely, then a third fist came in his way but this time he was prepared for it.

As he looked at the fist that was coming his way, he utilized the qi in his body and threw out a fist, the two fists met and a powerful gale appeared


Many of the flowers on the walls, the spirit lights, and the pottery was ruined, it was completely ruined, this showed how powerful the force in the fists was, meanwhile as the two people exchanged punches, his father retreated three steps backwards,

"Ehh? It seems like a person in the same realm as you can't defeat you, no, he can't exchange two moves with you, okay, let's see if a Qi Refinement Realm cultivator can't fight you "

After he said this, his aura became many times more powerful , meanwhile Ace was looking at his father in confusion, he really didn't know how he had angered this old man, it seemed that the old man was hellbent on beating him up, fine he will fight him!

Booom! Booom!!

Another round of punches came in his way, and he also threw out punches in retaliation, he believed that he was defending him self (yeah, definitely defending him self)

As they were fighting, Sozi came from the hall, then looked at them, after he saw them fighting, he shouted

"Master, Young Master, you are ruining all the things, stop fighting, or else we will have to build another house for real"

After Brahan heard

What butler Sozi said, he increased his cultivation to the third stage of Qi Refinement Realm, then he started beating up Ace, he was now beating him up, Ace had no time to defend, he felt like if his father still continued with the beating , he will be injured, so he looked for a way out

"Father, I'm sorry, I apologize, okay forgive me, butler, father really wants to beat me until I bleed,if you don't help me now, I'm going to die" said Ace as he quickly retreated in Sozi's direction

Meanwhile after Sozi heard this, he quickly came and said

"Master, what happened, why did you start fighting with the young master?"

"Sozi, I have to beat up this unfilial and prodigal son of mine today, did you see his cultivation realm?" Asked Brahan as he looked at Ace as if he wanted to skin him alive.

"Err, he is at the peak of the Body Tempering Realm, wait wait,the peak of Body Tempering Realm?, didn't the young master start cultivation today, how comes he is at the Peak of the Body Tempering Realm ? Hiss! "

" Yes, he started cultivating today, he reached the peak of the Body Tempering Realm in a few minutes after sensing Qi, yet this prodigal son said that his talent seemed to be lacking, tell me, if I don't beat him up, who should I beat? " Said Brahan angrily

Meanwhile after Ace heard the reason why he received a beating all of a sudden after starting cultivation, he felt like his father was just jealous of his supreme talents

" Young Master, could you please allow this old servant to exchange some fists with you? I swear it will be very beneficial to your future development "

Ace "..... "

Brahan".... "

It's only at this moment I've learnt that Sozi can be shameless too

thanks for your support, we will start an update frenzy by the fifteenth chapter, some power stones to appetise the meal, pliz leave a review, in case of an error :info wwwnakacwamasturah@gmail.com

Nakacwa_Masturahcreators' thoughts