
The Lightning Wielding Rune Smith : Fantasy novel

John was reincarnated into a fantasy world after a tragic death. It is world filled with danger at every turn, but it is a world filled with powers that let him live out his true dreams. Follow John's new journey as Kane in another realm . Don't expect consistent uploads yet. This is just for fun.

Nameless_deity · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chap 3

Kane didn't expect mother to be father's trainer. The pair faced off in the backyard. The neighbor's home was far away, and a fence made of wood separated the two while wood lay behind the home. The probability of someone snooping was low.

Mom wielded a spear longer than her body and made of shiny silver metal. Father wielded a large great sword. Watching the two stand each other down from the porch made his blood boil, which surprised him. He was never the fighting type in his past life. Even when he was bullied, he turned the other cheek. Was it because he was weak that he backed down? Or was he just a coward? Kane let go of those thoughts and watched the battle.

"I guess it's time for me to refresh your skills woman," father laughed, but mother remained stoic. The woman was serious. Kane hoped dad would let her win to save face. Men shouldn't feel good about beating women.

Mother crouched and disappeared from where she was just standing. The sound of metal clashing was deafening. The shockwaves tingled. Kon's feet slid across the ground and his hands were shaking from just blocking the blow. Guess it's time to give up the women are weaker than men beliefs.

"Come on! Where's all that bravado? Show me the greatest swordsman among the blacksmiths!" Mom practically was screaming. Dad let out a battle cry of his own and the two met in the center of the yard, exchanging strikes. Dad's sword was brutish, like a slugger throwing punches. He put his entire body in his strikes. Mother spear was wild but controlled at the same time.

Mom used her agility to her advantage, constantly dodging father's wide swings. Kane wasn't sure if it was because Kon was slow or that mother was just that fast, but he was impressed by Amira. She moved elegantly in and out. Her spear twirled and hit its target, but father blocked it. Kon's hands shook even more. Mother outclassed him in every way.

"I yield. I can barely pick up my sword." Father plopped on the ground trying to catch his breath while mother looked like she could fight him ten times in a row without breaking a sweat.

"You've gotten a bit better since the last time we fought. You might be able to take on your niece," Mom erupted in laughter.

"You don't have to rub it in. A Valkyrie versus a blacksmith is hardly a fair fight." Father got up and held Kane on his shoulders.

"Was that fun to watch, son?"


"Go get cleaned up and I'll prepare my two boys some dinner." Mom went to the kitchen and dad cleaned them both up. This world had indoor plumbing and hand pump showers made of metal. Thank God they weren't too far behind earth.


Mother may have won the war outside, but father was the winner in the bedroom. After dinner, mom washed up and it was time for bed. She put Kane in his crib beside them and lay down. Father came out of the bathroom completely nude. Neither of them knew he was still awake.

Father's nude form was even more intimidating than clothed. The man was built like a gorilla, but the thing between his legs was far bigger than what that beast could pack. It looked like a forearm which made Kane happy. Inheriting those genetics was another plus this life gave. During the meeting with the deity, John didn't directly ask for a large member because he couldn't. He did infer that he wanted to be endowed everywhere, but the deity told him that he was already going to be blessed in that way. Every isekai protagonist he read about in adult manga was packing serious inches and he wanted to live out his dreams. Still, John asked for the blessing and now it might've been a bit of overkill. At least he would be guaranteed a good body and the ability to please a woman he'd ever come across. Thank you, father.

Kane didn't want to watch his parents do it. So, he tried to sleep, but all the slurping, smacking, grunting, and yelling had made it impossible. Morning came and the tension between Kane and his parents was thick. Kane gave them attitude the whole morning and the pair had no idea why. Maybe they should keep it down or at least make sure he was asleep before they do it! Every time he closed his eyes, the image of father relieving himself everywhere came to mind. He held back the urge to puke on their nice rug. His siblings weren't in the house. The oldest was in the military while his other two were in school.

Today, Kane upgraded from crawling to walking. The process wasn't smooth, but he got the hang of it after a few hours. Having to learn how to walk again isn't as easy. As the sun set, Kane waddled to father's study to learn more about the world he lived in. Father left the door open now that he was exploring things. He picked up the history book of Sonas and read it from the beginning. The first inhabitants of Sonas were native to the land and a whole new race. They were humans created from the sun god Inti out of boredom. The god didn't care for his creations one bit and didn't bestow them powers to defend themselves when the invaders came. Let's just say sun people are rare these days. Then came the imported beast-kin who were enslaved to a few different countries already. The conditions they had to work in were downright horrific. Beast-kin was one of the last races to understand Aether, which made enslaving them easy.

Kane closed the book. Reading about slavery made him angry. How come it took three hundred years for them to be liberated? Why are they still oppressed today? He couldn't rack his brain around it. Everyone should be treated equally. He would never treat people like that.

He walked over to the book about Aether and read where his father left off. Aether had to be cultivated in a certain mind-state. Simply working out didn't cut it. The wielder has to be in a trance or state of mediation while doing the action. The book had a drawn picture of a farmer cultivating Aether while mowing a lawn using a scythe. From the illustration, it was clear that his connection with farming was a big reason why he could train the body path this way.

There was another section that talked about core colors and rings, but that could wait another day. He needed to know how early someone could begin the paths. The book stated that age was not set in stone and that everyone's path is different, but the youngest documented age was five. Kane was sure he could beat it. He needed to find his connection to the trance state.

Kane was exhausted and wanted to retire for the night, but as he approached the cracked door, he could hear mom and dad mating again.