
The Lightning Wielding Rune Smith : Fantasy novel

John was reincarnated into a fantasy world after a tragic death. It is world filled with danger at every turn, but it is a world filled with powers that let him live out his true dreams. Follow John's new journey as Kane in another realm . Don't expect consistent uploads yet. This is just for fun.

Nameless_deity · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chap 1

Don't go into the light was a phrase he remembered from movies. Except, the dark tunnel he moved through was real, and the light at the end of the tunnel grew near. Light, blinding even, burned his eyes. His vision cleared slowly. Something large, big enough to cover his bottom, scooped him up with ease.

"It's a boy! Congratulations on another healthy birth, Amira." The presence wrapped him in rough fabric and put him into the arms of another. The difference between the two couldn't be bigger. The second presence felt warm and loving, something he'd never experienced. A beautiful woman held him in her bosom, feeding him from her breast. Her Hair was red, but tinted orange. Eyes green like apples and a smile that felt safe. His new mother, Amira. Amira planted the softest kisses on his face, rhythmically bouncing him side to side.

"Don't hog our son honey," said another voice. This one deep. A man as wide as a door held him tight enough to cause discomfort, but he felt that same warmth. It was father. Large and meaty were the only words to describe him. He was handsome, dark-haired, and full-bearded. A scar ran from his left eye to his chin. It didn't make him less appealing by any means. His eyes were a deep black, almost scary looking.

"Isn't he supposed to cry Arwen?" His brow furrowed.

Another woman soon stood beside father, and things began to make a little less sense. Her hair was as green as mother's eyes and long enough to brush her hips. Her eyes matched her hair. Her face was abnormally perfect. High cheekbones, a soft button nose, and large round eyes, but her ears drew his attention. They were long and pointy. Longer than any human he'd ever met.

"Most babies cry, but it's not common for them not to." Arwen touched his forehead with her finger and fire coursed through his veins. "He's more than healthy. He's special. Arwin looked at father and mother wide-eyed. "His body has perfectly inherited two constitutions. Something thought of as impossible."

Father looked like he was going to burst. "This is impossible. I inherited a blacksmith's constitution from my father, but my other siblings didn't. They received the Viking constitution from our grandfathers on both sides of the family."

"And I inherited the Valkyrie constitution from my mother, while some of my siblings have no constitution or inherited the ice constitution from my father," mother spoke. "Which ones did Kane receive?"

Arwen smiled at father. "He has a Viking and blacksmith constitution, but there is something off. I've felt blacksmith bodies before, but his is different.

"No more probing," mother interjected. "Give me my son back please."

Arwen frowned for a second but gave Kane back with a smile. Amira nursed her newborn and he stared into her rich green eyes. Broken memories of the past flooded him. All he could remember was an orphanage on fire and the screams of his friends. He was small and frail, but he helped whoever he could get out of the building. His name was John and he'd been abandoned at a fire station. At least that was the story told to him. Life at the orphanage wasn't bad or good. He had a roof over his head, but that was about it. Still, he kept his spirits high and made the best of his situation. He had very few friends who shared his love of manhwas, manga, and fantasy. John was intelligent too. He helped the others with their schoolwork whenever he had the time.

Things didn't turn bad until he was diagnosed with stage four cancer after being sick for months. After being bedridden for a while, he accepted his fate and decided to break out of his shell and live the rest of his life as a social butterfly. Those dreams were crushed as the orphanage went up in flames. He was one of the first to see it and warn the others. John didn't have to die at the moment, but he'd heard the sniffles of Jayla, one of the grade schoolers he tutored, in a closet far from the exit. He didn't hesitate to walk her to safety, but a piece of flaming roof caved in above them. He pushed the girl as hard as he could before he was trapped. It was hard to breathe as he tried to find another way out. The room spun and he fell face-first onto the floor. It wasn't how he expected to die, but he was contemptuous of no longer suffering the pain of cancer. He closed his eyes and accepted the darkness that clouded his vision.

But he awoke once again. This time in a white room. No, space. With nothing in it besides a table, two chairs, him, and another man. He claimed to be a minor deity that governed the realm of earth. He was an older man, bald with a long gray beard.

"I know you know not of what I am or what I am, but I commend you on your actions to save those around you. Even with your disabilities, you dove headfirst into danger without thinking about your own life. I wish most I watched had your courage."

John thought he was looking at God, Jesus' father, but the man told him that Jesus and his dad had given up on humanity a while ago.

You aren't here just because of your actions. Your soul is too strong for an earthling's vessel and I'm offering for you to reincarnate into a world you could only dream about."

"You mean like a fantasy world with magic and superpowers?" John leaned forward, gripping the bottom of his seat with all he could muster.

"It isn't called magic, but you do have the right idea. It will be dangerous. Beast that could ravage entire cities exist there."

John's body went rigid for a moment.

"But people with powers swoop down and kill those monsters and save thousands of people. As long as you're strong, you can accomplish great things and live for hundreds of years. I believe you would love it. I believe it's where you are supposed to be. Turn down the offer, and you'll be reincarnated to some random place, or take it and live a life filled with adventure. Your choice."

It didn't take John long before taking his offer. Having superpowers is really hard to turn down. "Do I get to choose my powers or gain a special ability?"

The old deity laughed. "There are certain limits I can't break but your soul is abnormally strong so the limits you have are high. Throw some suggestions at me and let me see what I can do."

With that, the darkness took him once more, and now he's Kane.

The ride back home was in a carriage, not a car, though it looked rather expensive. He slept the entire ride home, only to be awoken by three other figures. A girl with black hair and green eyes who looked like an adult. She favored Amira. Another was a young boy thick as an ox and shared mother's hair and father's eyes. The last was the oldest with red stubble, black hair and green eyes. He favored father greatly. They all stared at Kane, tickling him and giving him kisses. Amira shooed them away and took him to her bedroom where he slept again.