
At the Café.

Inside the restaurant, it didn't take long for a waiter to come to assist me.

"Hello sir, would you like to sit in the open area or rent a private room on the second floor? We only have a small room option."

"I already have a reservation under the name of Luana."

"Ah, with Miss Luana, please follow me, we are already expecting you."

I agreed with her in a calm and gentle voice, even though the mask and disguise covered me.

"I see you are bringing your items, please do not return them to their original size unless your life is in danger, or higher fees will be applied."


This is something quite common in most restaurants in the game. There is the open field where you only pay for the food, and various players and NPCs are in the same place. And the private rooms, where the individual pays a specific higher amount besides the food, the rooms are also protected with special materials and magical circles that prevent others from inspecting and listening to what happens inside.

Of course, there must be ways to bypass this… as I saw in a forum that in larger cities there are different private rooms where higher amounts are paid, and both the size and level of protection are higher… which probably indicates that there is a way to bypass these protections.

Many people pay for the room just for the privacy and not for sharing secrets and the like, as this is something that guilds do more often. Even in these cases, there are more suitable and safe places to share information.

While I was recalling random information I read on the forum posted by one of the largest guilds, we arrived in front of the room.

"And this, sir, if you need anything, just apply mana to a small symbol on the table, and an attendant will come to assist you."

She spoke with a cordial and gentle smile and soon left.



"Alex!! Come sit here!"

I followed the words of one of my only friends and sat next to her.

And she looked at me closely.

"What is it?"

"Tsk, why are you still in a mask and cloak? Take them off, I want to see your race too, so if you are in disguise, take it off, I want to introduce you to my friend Eliane as well."

I looked ahead and felt a bit embarrassed.

"Cough, sorry… it's a habit."

She smiled animatedly like the fire that her clothes and hair seemed to be.

"Relax, big brother, it's not a problem, you can take your time, you look more mysterious like this!"

I felt a bit embarrassed by her comment.

And beside me, I heard a whisper from Luana.

"Tsk… it's not for mystery that he does this…"

But I ignored it.

And quickly removed the items while simultaneously undoing my Metamorph skill.

My tail, which seemed tired of being disguised, eagerly returned to its upright position and twirled behind me, my hair fully released with its silver and golden colors, my ears returned to their slightly pointed appearance, and the mysterious and attractive color combined with the special aura that exuded mystery and charm.

"Well, what do you think?"

I asked, curious to know their opinion, but both seemed speechless…

And so, almost five minutes passed.



"Cough Cough, Luana?"

When I spoke again, she seemed to wake up.

"Ah yes yes"

She approached and looked closely and seemed to agree with a nod.

"Well, the face doesn't seem to have changed… but the colors, aura, and the rest really made you even more attractive and beautiful… the tail also makes it very interesting… the clothes also match and give a cool aura."

She spoke while watching my tail move…

And at that moment, her friend Eliane seemed to wake up too and asked loudly.


I was startled for a moment, and my friend responded.

"Surprising, right? I told you his face was extremely handsome, tsk,"

"Yes… words really don't describe it enough…"

She seemed to agree strongly, and I simply didn't know what to say.

They also continued talking about all sorts of things that even I, who am somewhat accustomed to this kind of conversation, felt a bit embarrassed.

But we continued to eat while I tried hard to change the subject, I ate a lemon tart made from fresh lemons and took a sip of black herb tea, both very delicious, it was an interesting moment where we talked about various things about the games, discussed cities or places we went to, combat modes, and all kinds of information. It was also interesting to talk about the game like this… maybe that's why people join guilds, even if they don't adventure and hunt together, it's a good place to exchange opinions freely, besides forums and the like.

And after eating, we went outside the city.


Outside, I decided to ask where we would be fighting.

"Well, which Dungeon are we going to?"

When I asked, Luana began.

"The Dungeon is an open one, the main monster there is known as Fiercy Bull around level 42 to 45, which is where we are going, it has a lot of vitality and relatively high damage and good resistance, but the speed is not high."

"I see, by the way, it would be good to know a little about everyone's classes and combat style?"

Both agreed, and Luana said something before.

"Yes, it's a good idea, by the way, let's add to a party right away."

She spoke and created an invitation.

[You have received the party invitation: "it's time for a Bull barbecue." Do you accept?]

I was speechless with the name but agreed and checked the party status.

[Party: it's time for a Bull barbecue”

Leader: Alex General class (tamer) Lvl 36


Eliane General class Mage lvl 40

Luana General class Support lvl 39]

I was surprised not by the level but by the fact that I was the leader. Moreover, as I saw in comments, it doesn't specify the class but gives a general direction, such as: Warrior, Mage, Support, Tamer, or similar.

"Why am I the party leader?"

And Eliane responded.

"Well, you are a tamer who, although not a rule, usually has a better field vision. And the main thing is that we are not good at commanding and organizing. Well, Luana is not so bad, but she is better at focusing on organizing our combat skills. Besides, you being a new member makes it easier for us to adapt to your combat style and from the conversation before, I feel you will do well at this, big brother."

Luana agreed after her speech.

"Yes, Alex. I know you well, you will certainly do a good job."

She smiled confidently.

And I ended up agreeing, a bit embarrassed, but it was quick.

"Well then, let's talk about the combat style and general classes.

"Luana, you start explaining yours."

She smiled and began to speak.

"Ok. Well, I…"