
Avoiding Rita

"I don't know why she's acting like this." Taro sighed suddenly, while he was having dinner. No one around him knew what he was talking about.

"Who are you talking about?" Kunjan asked.

"The vice principal, Miss Rita. I don't get why she's acting so nice with me. Like, if you ask me, I'm totally fine with people acting antagonistically towards me, because then you don't have to actually feel bad about it when you hate that person." He replied.

"Wait, you hate Miss Rita? That's surprising seeing that you two seemed to have some kinda friendship going on between you two." Kunjan spoke.

"Well, I don't know. I feel like she's acting overly nice to me. You know, if there's any kinda people whom I actually hate are those who acts like that, because that would mean that they've got something to hide. Like, no one behaves like that unless they need something from us, right?" He asked.