

My mom was born in Mexico and October 23 my grandparents always thought my mom was a boy and they were really disappointed when they found out it wasn't a boy so they treated her badly. later on they had another baby girl do you ended up treating her really nicely and from there my mom was always left out. At the age of 15 my mom had my older sister. the father of my sister was a narco if you do not know what that is it's basically a person who sells drugs and kills people for a living at the time my mom did not know that she was dating a dangerous person all. she knew is he was a nice person and kind and later she found out the truth. she was pregnant with her second child with that man. So she ended up leaving my sister behind to come to the US and find a good job a better life for her kid illegally though it was sad for her to leave her country that she love the most and leave her daughter.