

" I hide my emotions and fear all these years but is it really useful .These emotions makes me sink down deep inside the ocean in my dreams i don't know how many times.Its not that i wanted to live a life of a masked girl but i have no choice.....now when i looks back i don't know what to do how should i feel.I don't want to live like that and wants to break down those chains who is trying to tie me down. But can i do that??? If i can't break those chains then i will kill those chained who me down, even if i had to go hell i will bring all those people to meet their demise sooner or later." Mo Chou: "Dare to touch me i will cut your hands " Fei Hong: "I don't dare but let me touch your heart" This is a story of Mo chou who lived her life as a person who she didn't. She indured physical harrasment at young age but unlike others she didn't shed tears and ask for justice because she didn't want to hurt her parents and make them feel sad. She endures this pain silently without any complain .But is it really easy .Her believes and heart was shattered by her boyfriend once again and what was worst that she even misunderstood by her parents and everyone.When she is alone none of them comes to her which makes her realise that this world is cruel but even though she didn't complain but one day everything she did became nothing when she realised all these pain which she endured till now is given to her by her parents because she has never been a daughter for them there is only one daughter i.e.,her elder sister.But why ??? Is there any secret?? She decided to punish all of them even her parents for her pain and sufferings.No one will be spared. Fei Hong a young and ruthless CEO OF FEI GROUP fells in love with her.And decided to make her his woman. But whenever he tries to go near him she glared at him with her icy look which makes him even more passionate about her. Can Fei Hong will win her heart or her heart which becomes a ice block will never melt for anyone?? Come and join this adventurous journey of Mo Chou and Fei Hong where they torture the villains and face up and down in their relationship. And eventually find themselves empty without each other.

Aayushi_Garg_4694 · Thành thị
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76 Chs


A sense of thrill filled her heart as she acclerated the speed of the car. She looks in the side view mirror and see they are chasing her car. She moved her car swiftly in sixty degree and easily dodged the attack coming from left side. She then turned her car in right side and accelerated her speed once again.

Mr. Fei i am sorry for bringing you trouble. But do not worry i will protect you. It is she who is there target but since he is with her , he also becomes the target. She don't know much about him but since he can shoot others she is confident nothing wrong is going to happen with him if he stand close to her.

You do not bring me forcefully with you i willingly comes with you so there is no need to apologise. Yes he comes here on his own will , he choose to follow her because he doesn't want to leave her alone. He knows that she is strong but he wants to accompany her, to be with her is the only thing he cares about and for other things he doesn't care.

Mo Chou feels relief when she hears him . As expected he doesn't blame her but why he wants to come with her and put himself on danger . She wants to ask him but this is not the right time. She must ask him later about this , she thought.

You don't need to think about it .I don't have any intention behind this , i come here because i want to join in this fun. I had been in army and had been trained as soldier but i left army three years ago because of my injury in my left hand . But now i am fine and want to use my combat skill for my own enjoyment. Fei Hong explained her inner thoughts as if he can read her mind.

He doesn't hide anything because if he do she will start doubting his intention, which he doesn't want.

Then i am relieved, but still you surprised me Mr .Fei. She believes him when he says he has handgun and can shoot because it's normal for a business tycoon like him to have handgun for his protection but he was in army this is truly unexpected and so surprised her.

She nodded her head in understanding and started focusing on the people behind them. As she doesn't have anything to ask him when he himself explained himself clearly.

She continues driving her car in east direction and soon enters into deep forest . Those people who is following her also enters the forest behind her. She takes a turn and stopped her car in an open space which she find in the middle of the forest. Her instant move lead the car who is close to her loose it's control and then bam with a loud noise it bumped into the tree .

She comes out of her car and lazily sit on the bonnet of her car. Fei Hong also follows her and stand beside her. One has an aloof and dangerous aura while other is cold and looks like an agile tiger waiting for its prey. Together they gives the illusion of death messenger .

People who were following them comes out of their car and saw this scene. A sense of fear creeped inside their heart. They have more people with them and there are only two people there opposite to them , but still they don't seem to be in disadvantage. And their eyes has a murderous look which is rare and cannot be find among them. Their fearless attitude surprised them.

You really have some skill , which i also appreciate it but you are a fool, who think that you can deal with us. You are only two in number but we are twenty nine . So you are really overestimating yourselves. Just give up because you can't win against us. A man who is standing in the middle says looking at Mo Chou and Fei Hong. He really doesn't know from where does they get confidence to win against them when they obviously are on the loosing end. He laughed at them for their foolishness after mocking at them.

Other people who comes with him also laughed with him when they hears his words.

Hahaha girl if you give up and comes to us we will make your death less painful and for your friend he has to die now without any mercy, another man laughed and gives her offer to surrender herself. His voice sounds awful which make Mo Chou feel disgusted.

Whether we are two or one it has nothing to do with you people. And for our death, you should have some capability before you talk about our death . We are more than enough to deal with you and your useless and weak friends. Unlike you who give me the option whether i want to die easily or cruelly , i will give you only one option i.e., to answer my question or die . Her words doesn't sound like threat but if anyone understand her words can say that it is more lethal than any other threat. She is calmly sitting on the bonnet fiddling with her pistol without even giving them any look.But this is this simple scene that brings an undeniable threat in their mind.

You really are bold and courageous, earlier i thought our boss is exaggerating by sending all of us behind you but now i think he is right. But... however you are strong but at the end you are still a girl and cannot win against us. Since you don't want peaceful death be ready for a dreadful death. He says and ask his man to attack on her and Fei Hong.

Both Fei Hong and Mo Chou takes their position and stand beside each other holding their pistol.