
July 15th, 2023

My brother had told me that I was supposed to find my true potential sometime now that I knew I had powers. But I don't know when or how I was supposed to gain this magical "new form" of myself. But I can't help but think, Maybe if I get my true potential, I'd finally feel okay. 

Which is why, I've decided to question my uncle about this on such a beautiful Thursday.

"Uncle Wu?" I knocked on the paper doors and then opened them, only to be bombarded by a cloud full of smoke. I coughed loudly and waved my hand in front of my nose, my eyes watering. My uncle was sitting criss-cross-applesauce style on the ground, his eyes closed, his brow furrowed in concentration. Another wave of smoke came by and I coughed, noticing the pots on the ground with the sticks that were lit on fire to emit smoke. My uncle cracked open one eye and then sighed heavily.

"Livana. How may I help you, niece?" He opened a window and then got up, grabbing his bamboo staff. "I suppose we may go to another room. Since you've interrupted my meditation with the Smokes of Vision," I winced at that, "I'll let the room air out." My uncle walked past me, "So. What is so important that you have decided to interrupt my meditation?" 

"It's about my true potential." I said, "Uncle Wu, when you unlocked it… how did you feel?" I asked and Lloyd suddenly leapt onto my back, giving me a noogie in the head.

"Hey, kid! What's up?" I flung him off of me and he landed on his feet after a few rolls. He grinned at me and I grinned back.

"What has gotten you so cheerful this morning?" I asked, fixing my hair with a laugh. Lloyd grinned at me.

"Oh, nothing. Just that I managed to beat Cole in Lava Monster 3." I rolled my eyes. Lava Monster 3 was this video game that the boys had been obsessed with. Cole was always the proud, leading champion of the game. But I guess my brother upped him this time.

"So that's the screaming that I heard this morning." I laughed, shaking my head, "You guys are way too obsessed with the game." Beside me, Uncle Wu shook his head, making his white beard sway from side to side.

"Touche." Uncle Wu sighed, "Nephew, have you at least washed all the clothes yet? Did Cole do the dishes? Did Kai and Nya rake the leaves? Did Zane fix the broken toaster? Did you all read the scrolls that I handed out to you all?" 

My brother scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "Uh… no?..."

"I did what I had to do, if that helps." I offered under my breath and Lloyd tackled me again, rubbing and messing up my hair yet again.

"Look at you being a good person." He cooed and I flung Lloyd off of me again with an affectionate eye roll before turning to look at Uncle Wu.

"Uncle Wu, about your true potential…?" I asked and Uncle Wu nodded his head.

"Oh, yes, right! I felt like something inside me had been unlocked. As in, there was this weight on my heart and it suddenly just… lifted. It was incredible. I'm sure that you'll feel the same way, too, when you unlock yours." I stopped walking and Lloyd looked at me.

"Are you scared…?" Lloyd asked.

"Who isn't scared of something like this?" I asked, "I don't know when I'm going to find my true potential, Lloyd, and how it's gonna happen. Dad says that we're not the same. We're different and now I realize that. I am more fortunate and I have choices he didn't."

"Mhm." Lloyd nodded his head, his pale blonde hair falling into his eyes. He brushed it aside, "Care to help me with some chores?" He grinned sheepishly and I sighed, brushing my own hair back.

"You're impossible. But yes, sure. I'll help. I'll do some training later." Outside, I heard Nya shrieking at Kai, who was shouting something about leaves being on fire. I smirked and looked over at Lloyd. "You guys are hopeless when it comes to chores." 

Lloyd shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "We're not exactly… the best chore doers." 

"That goes without saying." I laughed, "Okay. Let's go stop some leaves from burning." And with that, we rushed out into the courtyard, facing whatever was before us. Just me and Lloyd. Like it always had been.


"Livana…" A voice called and my eyes opened slowly. "Livana…" My eyes snapped open and I sat up, turning around as far as my waist would allow so that I could see all around me. The sky was dark and purple, with soft humming coming from it. It sounded like a machine. Shapes darted around the sky, looking like dragons soaring on majestic wings. I probably should be scared, but all I could feel inside me was… 

"Peace?" I gently touched my chest with one hand.

"Child." Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of me. I leapt up onto my feet and put my fists up, ready to defend myself automatically. The shadowy figure put their hands up, "I come in peace, child. Please, calm down and listen to me." 

"Who are you?" I asked hesitantly, my fists still up, "Why am I here? What is this place?" Gradually, my fists fell by my sides, "Is this…"

"This is the place where your powers were first discovered, child." The shadowy figure whispered, holding out one hand, "This is where darkness was born." 

My nerves screamed out and I tensed next to the shadow, "This is where the Overlord was born? This is where everything began?" I wanted to run away, but my feet were rooted to the ground. It was as if… my soul knew to be here. 

"The Overlord has been here, yes, but feel at peace." The shadow spread their arms out, "Look around you, child. Don't you feel the peace that you have been yearning for?" I looked all around me and mostly, at the sky. It was a gorgeous dark purple, laced with black lightning. I shook myself and glared at the shadow accusingly.

"Let me out of here. And explain who you are!" I shouted.

The shadowy figure turned around and tsked, removing their hood. I held in a gasp when it showed my face. My eyes… they were the color of the sky. 

"I'm you, Livana." The other me said, grinning, "And it's time for you to accept who you are. Please, Liv, this is who you are. You are a peaceful person with a dangerous power. But you don't have to be dangerous." 

I stepped back and the other me came forward, touching my face. I jerked back, "What are you talking about? There can't be two of me." 

"I am here to reassure you," The other me put her two pale hands onto my forehead, drawing some kind of symbol, "that you will do just fine, Livana." 

And with that, I was plunged into darkness. Sweet, beautiful darkness.

I shot up with a gasp, pressing one hand to my chest just like I had done in the dream. My heart pounded inside my chest, threatening to tear itself out. I got up and did the only thing I could think of doing to calm myself after that dream. I went up to Lloyd's room and shook his shoulder violently.

"Lloyd. Lloyd!" I whispered urgently and my brother groaned, turning to look at me with one sleepy eye. I noticed that I was shaking again and I put both my hands together, ceasing my trembling. 

"Livvy? What's going on?" Lloyd mumbled and then he turned around, taking in my full face. He gasped and sat up, all traces that he had been asleep gone.

"What is it?..." I asked, touching my face. "Is everything okay?" 

"Your eyes, Liv." Lloyd grabbed for his phone and turned on the camera. He flipped it to selfie mode and handed me his phone. I gazed into the phone and a shiver fled down my spine. 

My eyes were dark purple, laced with black. Just like the sky in that dream. 

Something told me that I would soon visit that sky again.