
The Life Of A Villain In An Apocalypse

"Man i hate heros"- theres talk about heroes everywhere nowadays, but lets not forget ladies and gentelmen that you wouldnt have heroes without villains just like how there isnt joy without pain.

DaoistRdwVyX · Thành thị
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3 Chs

The Plan

The students all started lining up on both sides, making a pathway for me to lead the way or... it was to use me as a meatshield.

"Uh, truly shameless, I see," I exclaimed as I walked down, death-staring each kid as I continued to pass by. Well, of course, that didn't have much of a long effect as 'the goddess' came walking from behind.

But as I approached the main hall after climbing down the stairs, I was shocked. These people were more pathetic than I thought. Not even one dared to fight back; some even froze in fear. Their friends were dying and ripped to shreds right in front of them. And what did they do in return? Shed tears down their pathetic faces and scream for help.

"Pathetic! Their friends are dying, and all they can do is cry and scream for help?!" I exclaimed angrily. They all looked puzzled at me and still pale. Then I remembered most of these people are spoiled brats who just took advantage of their golden spoon to indulge in their pleasures and drink potions to increase their mana. Though it didn't seem to be the case for all of them. Now that I think about it, Temi did once have a close-to-death experience when she got kidnapped once for money; however, it didn't even last a day.

"Oi, if you wanna cower in fear, then do yourself and your family a favor and feed yourself to these zombies. Don't become a deadbeat and drag me down!" I exclaimed in a serious tone to at least get them to stop shivering.

"Axel's right, guys. If we want to get out of here alive, then we must all work together and stop being afraid," replied Temi.

"Wow, way to go, princess!" I replied sarcastically.

"Oi, Axel, how are we going to get out?" stuttered Emily. I almost forgot about her, but since when did she get so close? She was now wrapped around my arm, squeezing with her - wow, wow! - not today, Satan. Anyway, despite how hard she tried to hide it, her legs were shaking a little.

"You scared?!" I replied in a provoking manner.

"Yeah, right!" she stuttered while her mouth was shaking too.

We were on the third floor, and considering the number of students behind, it meant that I had to beat every single zombie in sight, but even then, that doesn't cover unexpected incidents. So, though running isn't the best option, the last thing I can do is trust these crybabies to stay in formation and fight. So we ran, and I got rid of the most zombies in the path, however, not all made it. And I don't plan on making any excuses; this experience just goes to show that I'm lacking.

We made it out with about 200 people left, and to our luck, the mana busses were still in one piece.

"I'll get rid of all the zombies in the way; you guys get into the buses!" I exclaimed. All I had to do now is make sure I don't mess up. This was the most important part of the plan - swish I barely dodged a sword swing.

When you're in an apocalypse, your only foe isn't just zombies.

"Wow, how commendable! What truly kind-hearted guys you are," I said with a smile as I put my arm on the guy's shoulder (the one that swung a sword at me).

"Eh?" The whole group of 5 said in unison as they were puzzled and tried making out what was happening.

"I didn't know you guys actually still had hope in the humanity of these zombies. Oh well, then I'll leave them to you in that case," I said in a subtle sarcastic tone and rushed off, leaving them to deal with the zombies.

"AXEL! WE'RE READY!" shouted Temi. By now, everyone boarded the bus; however, that wasn't my plan, and I made sure to get enough attention from zombies to make it look impossible to get to the bus.

"Axel, watch out!" screamed Emily. swish It seemed like the previous guy had finished his meal and was now for payback.

"There are way too many zombies! You must leave now; I'll meet you at the great bridge tomorrow at 9 pm (like hell I am)," I replied to Temi, and with a bit of pressure from the other students, they started to drive off.

Now while everyone on the bus was still looking, I couldn't just kill the guy that swung a sword at me, even though that was more the right thing to do. So I guess for now, I'll just run. However, I ran into a horde of zombies.

"ARGHHHH, AAAAAA!" I screamed.