
Why ?

" Hey kid , how's it going ? " Martin asked as he a fist bump to Lesley .

" It's good , Martin . " He answered with a soft smile .

They stood infront of their Rover in a parking space in what could only be called an underground parking lot . They were under Deadpool-HQ in a place where all Squad teams kept their Rovers .

Martin and Lesley were the only two down there at the moment though , since the others were getting the equipment they needed for their excursion that day .

" So you still dreaming that dream ? " Martin asked him .

Out of all the squad members , Martin was the only one who still brought it up and he actually meant it . Lesley knew that Martin actually cared for him , like a big brother . Not to say that Liam wasn't a good brother type but sometimes Liam ... was Liam .

Martin had shown great support for Lesley since he joined the team . He taught him how to use his Crux in the most efficient way and gave him combat tips that he had used to mop the floor with Liam at home . Yeah , Martin was great ... but -

" Nah , I am sleeping like a baby . " Lesley lied smoothly and Martin nodded his head .

" Good , I was getting worried last week . Dreams like that mean something you know ? " He said and Lesley blew from his mouth .

" Not really . Just things swirling in the mind . " He responded , " Even if it did mean something . I don't think I'd want to know . IF , it had meant anything ."

" I believe there is meaning behind everything . It's instinct and intuition . " Martin said to him , " Anything has something behind it . Some meaning , some clue . "

" You're saying everything is mystery meant to be solved ? " Lesley shook his head , " That doesn't work for me . Something is or is not what it is . "

Martin gave a loopsided grin , " Oh really , then what is this ? "

The bearded man opened his palm and showed Lesley a golden coin . It was round and so shiny that Lesley was shocked for a moment . How did Martin get a gold coin ?

" Where did you get this ? " Lesley asked him .

" Eh , no , first answer my question . What is it ? " Martin asked him .

" A gold coin , now where did you get it ? " The redhead asked and Martin chuckled .

He lifted the coin and - pealed off a thin layer of gold covering . Under the layer , Lesley saw that the coin was brown , a deep brown that only came from one thing .

" Chocolate ? It wasn't gold ? " Lesley said Indignantly and Martin chuckled loudly .

" Told you , there's something behind anything . " Martin said popping the chocolate into his mouth .

" Unbeliev- " Lesley was cut off before he could finish his sentence .

" Hey , is that big Martin I see ? "

A new voice spoke up behind them and the two men saw three other men coming towards them . One was tall and wearing shared glasses even though they were underground , the next was a buff guy with silver necklaces around his throat and the last one , who had spoken up was a brown haired guy with a loopsided smirk on his face .

Both men scowled when they saw them but each for different reasons ; Lesley because he didn't know them and Martin because he did know them . They were Squad 19 , one of the top rank Squad teams and one of the few people in the world that made even Martin's good nature fizzle out .

" How's it going Martin , you still hanging in there ? " The guy with brown hair asked him .

" What do you want Will ? " Martin asked and Lesley noted his usually friendly voice was as friendly as a knife on a throat .

" Oh nothing much , " The guy , Will said as if he didn't hear the threat inside Martin's voice . Martin was more buff but the other guy was slightly taller than him .

" Well what is it ? " Martin asked with narrowed eyes and that made Will's smirk grow . It's just too easy to rile him up , Will thought .

" I came to congratulate you , your Squad got a rookie right ? " Will said , " It's been nearly a year since the other one died . "

" Liam isn't dead . " Lesley said with a frown and that drew everyone's attention .

" Hey there . Sorry about ignoring you , I'm Willson Front , Captain of Squad 19 . " Will said and pointing behind him , " The one behind me in shades is Darwin , called Dar and the other is Justin . You're the new rookie ... Luis ... Lass - "

" It's Lesley . " The redhead said to him .

" Isn't that a girl's name ? " The one with necklaces said and Lesley scoffed .

Unbelievable that people still think that , he thought to himself .

" No , it's not . It's gender neutral . " He answered .

" Gender neutral ? Hmmm , " Will said looking at Lesley and then at Martin , " Are you two ... ? "

" Will leave . Now . " Martin said harshly and the two guys behind will placed their hands onto their Cruxes . They would not strike , the action was merely a warning to not go too far .

" May I ask what is going on ? "

Lesley turned to the owner of the voice with a relieved smile . The tension and had been building up and he was worried he'd end up in a fight .

Captain Rick was looking at the five of then as he and Ross lifted an empty crate into the back of the Rover . When they finished he came and stood infront of Will , glaring at his goons .

" What is going on ? " He asked even though he had an idea .

" Oh , Ricky. Just wanted to say goodbye , I mean ' hi ' to your rookie . He's a nice looking and sweet piece of a$$ isn't he ? " Will said with a smirk but Rick's own frown turned to a scowl .

" Prick . "

All eyes turned to Lesley who had thought about keeping quiet until he was called a sweet and nice piece of a posterior . That boiled his blood like no one's business and his mouth had opened of its own accord .

" What was that ? " Will asked , his smirk now cemented in place .

Well , since I've already spoken I might aswell continue , Lesley thought .

" I said you're a prick . Your thugs are probably pretty dumb aswell , since they couldn't figure out my name right. " Lesley said folding his arms .

" Ohhh , a fiesty one . That's nice , very nice . The other one was also fiesty . " Will said , " Not Liam . I don't mean him . No , not that one . "

" Who ? " Lesley asked and Will gave the three men there a pointed look .

" Ask your team . You'll get your answer ." Will said and turned around , " And by the way rookie , being called a prick isn't the worst I've been called . I've been called much worse . "

" By your own mother no doubt . " Lesley said to his retreating back but Will just continued walking until they were gone .

" Are you okay ? " Rick asked Lesley holding his cheeks and turning his head around and Lesley blushed hard .

" Yes , I'm fine. I wasn't hurt . You can stop now . " Lesley said but Rick just moved his face close and gave Lesley a quick peck on the lips .

" Get a room , you two. " Martin said jokingly as he turned around to the Rover .

" Why did you do that infront of them ? " Lesley asked embarrassed and red cheeked .

" Because I'm the Captain and I can . " Rick said with a smile , " And because I like seeing you blush . "

" Oh , that's painful. " Ross said from the window and Lesley groaned .

" Hey guys , " Liam said rushing over , " Did I miss anything .

Lesley couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh in amused exasperation .


Mel hadn't slept .

All through the night, he merely sat in the bedroom , looking at the vacant walls. Slumber like an unfaithful mistress deserted him to a silent and lonely night. He had pulled out the girls eyeball from his skull and crushed it into a pulp. Now with only one eye , he looked around at the room he spent his time when he wasn't killing or stalking .

Something was wrong. He could feel it . Although he could replace the heads, if he hunted enough humans , he'd never feel ... right .

Why was that?

After stalking , hunting and killing so many humans why would he feel wrong now ? Did he really feel it was wrong ? Or was he thinking about the girl ? Mel didn't know .

He stood up and went out into the kitchen to look onto the horizon . From the kitchen , he could see the wall of the citadel . Walls as high as three stacks of the great wall of China and a security so fierce most zombies avoid the area .

Atleast Mel did.

That morning he walked downstairs looking at the ground , not even glancing up at the other zombies . His face held what could only be termed as an expression of confusion . Because that's what he was right then ; confused .

But Why ?

Now that we are done with the ten opening chapters ,this book is going to get serious . The first chapters in the two arcs were meant to be soft and I believe they were .

Now , from this moment forth , there will be no holding back on the gory , bloody , horrific , unnatural ,inhuman and far from boring story that is to unfold .

I warn all those will flip the page ; You have been warned ( ╹▽╹ )

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts