
The mystery of doom

A man ran for his life up a flight of stairs, his mouth wide open, as he screamed his lungs out. He wore a silver business suit, with a grey tie and a white shirt that was custom made. It would have been a topnotch look except it was ruined, shredded and torn with blood stains on the chest from a deadly slash. Behind him, at a safe distance, a long haired woman of once renowned beauty followed him. Her jaw was slack and her tongue hung out like a dog. She had her arms outstretched and her throat emitted a savage inhumane growl to match the man's screams.

The man was middle-aged and the woman was undead. Her hands were stained with blood and the man's own red liquid wetted her lips. The chase between them had been going on for a while now and the man was on the verge of his limit. After two more flights of stairs, he barged through a door and into a hallway, with a wall of glass that looked out into a ruin of a city. The building they were in was very high up, considering they were on the same level as a skyscraper next to them.

" God, someone... please...help! " He tried to shout but after nearly three stories of stairs and screaming, his voice was a tarted mess.

" Grrra! " The door he had come from opened and the zombie woman came out with a hungry growl. Her dead eyes locked onto her prey and it was with a rush that she went after him.

The man carried on moving, his fear of death keeping his legs in motion. The good thing was that the woman had a bent leg like sprained ankle and she limped. The worst part was that the woman was a zombie and would never tire and so the chase would only end with his bowels in her jaws.

" Why!? " The man yelled hoarsely as his legs gave up and he fell onto the floor. In an instant the zombie was upon him and he cried, or attempted to, as his life was about to end.

But then from the horizon, a green glow rose up and like a tsunami it rushed past the city with the strength of a breeze but the power of a typhoon. The zombie was engulfed by the energy and like a matchstick next to the sun, she burst into green flames. Her throat released a horrid scream and it was the zombie's turn to cry out in terror and pain.

The man, not missing his opportunity, shoved the burning zombie off him and got to his feet. He was surprised by the fire and that somehow it was burning the zombie but it did not burn him. But who cares, he thought, at least now I can escape. He walked quickly, his feet were still exhausted, towards the stairs.

Unknown to him, the flames were burning the zombie but she was not turning to ash. Her skin began to pulse with green veins and her bloody fingers stretched to the length of knives. The bones in her body snapped and broke to strange angles, her spine literally cleaved in half by itself. It was an agony she felt to her core and her eyes were popped out, wide and open.

Then it was over.

The man had already reached the door and was on the first step, going downstairs, when he heard the screams just stop. He turned to the door and sighed heavily with relief. The monster was dead and gone, he thought. That meant he could leave and find some place safe from the others.

But the man didn't move.

There is a feeling, an instinct in the back corners of the human mind that only activates on certain occasions. Like when a wobbly baby chair is noticed by a mother or when a car stops before crossing a junction because another car is racing beyond the speed limit. They don't see the danger but their minds just know it's there by instinct. It's a mental warning of a possible threat or harm to come. This feeling is what the man felt and yet like a chicken facing headlights a centimeter away, he was frozen.

A long and organic appendage shot through the door like a sword and pierced the man's gut. It did not exit but lengthened and began to move inside his bowels, like an anaconda. The man cried in horror, agony and an emotion that yet to be labeled. His body spasmed and shook in the throughs of suffering. It felt like his insides were being stretched to tear to pieces and the thing was still moving. It passed his diaphragm, touched his heart and pushed out of his mouth through his throat. The man's screams carried on his mind, his voice box was gone, as he saw the organ for what it was; a tongue.

It was wet with saliva, stomach juices and blood. The thickness of it was at least a quarter a meter and he didn't dare think of it's length. Like a venous cobra it hovered by his eyes, as if staring at him but he knew it couldn't see. At least he hoped so.

Then it plunged into his left eye, like a rat digging through a wall of yummy cheese, entering his skull and crushing his brain. The man's body fell limp, but did fall down, instead it was lifted up by the tongue. The tongue exited his skull and covered his whole body, rapping around him like a cocoon. With a sudden jerk, the body was pulled back through the hole the tongue came from, ending up mangled and crushed like bashed ham.

" F...ood! "


Far away, somewhere in the Arctic sea, above the waters, a wave of green energy passed. It was like the ripple of a lake but it floated on air and it's light reached depths beyond imagining. Infact, the light reached the bottom of the bottom of the ocean where no living thing was supposed to survive.

It was fact that the deeper one went, the stronger the pressure the ocean inflicted. After all, water was not like air and had a density to it, meaning it had weight. When one reached the bottom of the ocean, it felt like a mountain was being put on their shoulders. Their bones would be crushed, their lungs pressed flat and they would die an instant agonizing death.

So the pressure at the very bottom of the Arctic sea was no laughing matter. Then of course , there was the cold. It's temperatures made it possible for only a few creatures, penguins and aquatic mammals, to be able to even get ten meters below the surface. A human would be frozen, from his veins to his bone marrow, and like a popsicle, his corpse would float on the water.

So nothing could survive at the very bottom.

However, as the green energy passed and it's light touched a certain crack, something happened. A crumbling of stone, a shifting of rocks and a giant pupil opened to the world. It was a large, colossal eyeball, the size of a children's park in New York. One only had to wonder about the size of the body to start shaking in fear.

" Master..."


In a secret location, far away from peeping eyes and peeping toms, was a prison cell. The walls were grey, the space of the floor was fifty meters in a perfect square and a pool of water, and inch deep, filled the room.

There was no light, it was not built for comfort, which explained the lack of a lavatory aswell. No bed or sheets, which was probably for the best with all that water.

As for the prisoner, it was a woman in a dirty, wet and grey dress that reached her knees. She had red hair like blood, it was long and touched the floor below the water, and her face was covered by it. The dress she wore clung to her sensual body and left very little to the imagination. What made it worse was that from the ceiling, instead of a lightbulb, black synthetic ropes came from a hole and held the woman up. Her hands were bond above her head and she was forced to forever be on her feet.

She didn't talk, didn't utter a word and after a long time, one might think she was dead. Except that something happened that made her talk after so many years.

The energy wave passed above the sky, right by her location and she felt it. Her head moved from side to side and then she raised her head, showing luminous green eyes like crystal jade entombed in emerald.

" L...esley...my...child."

Yeah, I know I missed yesterday and so today will be double chapter day. Also, first part was to make sure no one was starting to relax. it's a horror story for reason people.

Also, mystery after mystery.... You must have so many questions.

Hah, unfortunately book one is almost over and we'll be going into book two. But who knows, you might get some answer.


Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts