
The Library of the Soul

In a universe where reality merges with fantasy, Kael's life transforms upon discovering an ancestral legacy within the pages of ancient tomes. Accompanied by an eclectic group of companions and an enigmatic young woman, he ventures into a labyrinth of supernatural secrets and dangers. Every page of this fantastic epic takes readers on an emotional journey filled with unexpected discoveries, dramatic twists, and a vast ocean of knowledge in a world brimming with enigmas, where magic and destiny intertwine in a captivating dance between the known and the supernatural.

TLOTSoul · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Symphony of Shadows

The bells rang out into the night, their sharp sound shattering Nissari's tranquil silence. Each toll hammered into the hearts of the inhabitants, evoking the terror of the invasion they had faced a decade ago. Memories of that fateful night surged back with fury, fueled by the pealing of the bells.

In the blink of an eye, the town descended into a frenzy of activity. House lights extinguished abruptly, doors and windows shut with a dull thud, and the bustling noise that filled the central square faded into a deadly silence. Children, who had been playing happily mere moments before, were hurriedly ushered by their parents toward the underground shelters, their laughter stifled by the fear reflected in the adults' eyes.

The mayor, a middle-aged man with sprinkles of gray in his hair and eyes burdened by the weight of the past, strode through the streets with swift, determined steps. Despite his firm posture and commanding voice, fear flickered deep within his eyes, a dread he had learned to conceal behind the mask of authority.

"To the shelters, quickly!" the mayor exclaimed, his voice quivering, barely perceptible beneath the urgency of his words. "Close the doors and do not come out until the sound of the bells ceases. Our defenses are not what they were a decade ago; keep your loved ones close and trust our walls. The beasts surround us once again tonight, but we will not allow them to steal our hope. We will not let them undo all that we have rebuilt!"

Within the crowd, fear and determination swelled like an unstoppable tide. Expressions oscillated between terror and bravery, between the urge to flee and the duty to defend what remained of their home. Parents' gazes met their children's, silently promising to protect them at any cost.

Amidst the chaos, a wise-eyed elder emerged. His voice trembled but exuded determination.

"Let us not forget our past resistance," he said, a tone resonating with the wisdom of lived years. "Ten years ago, we faced the beasts and survived. We are stronger now. Let not fear paralyze us. We must protect what is ours, and together, we will overcome this dark night."

The town guards, scarce and ill-equipped compared to the looming threat, nodded with determination. Rusty armor and dulled swords silently bore witness to the lack of resources and the precarious preparation the town had to confront a danger of such magnitude.

However, the mayor knew his priority was to keep the townsfolk safe, despite the limitations. After giving his instructions, he approached a group of guards and addressed them in hushed tones, a knot of concern tightening in his throat.

"Guys, I know we don't have the proper means to fight these beasts. Our priority is to ensure everyone is in the shelters. We can't stop the beasts from arriving, but we must do everything in our power to hold them off long enough for our loved ones to seek refuge. Protect the town walls with your lives if necessary, but do not let them breach. We are at a disadvantage, but our courage might be our greatest weapon tonight."

As the mayor spoke, a man approached him, anxiety evident in his eyes. "And what about the mansion and the mountain cabin, sir? Should we protect them?"

The mayor furrowed his brow, aware that these were tough decisions to make. "The young lady will be safe in the mansion. Her family wouldn't have sent her here without proper protection. But if we want to minimize casualties during this invasion, we'll need your help to protect the town. I'll go request their support immediately."

As for the mountain cabin, the mayor shook his head with regret. "What happens at the cabin is not the town's responsibility. We accepted its construction at the young lady's request, but we cannot risk the lives of our people for it. Associating ourselves with Kael would only bring misfortune and endanger us all. We will protect what is ours and who are ours; that's all we can do."

The wind blew cold and sharp atop the mountain, shaking the trees surrounding Elías' cabin. From that vantage point, the town of Nissari sprawled before him, a sea of flickering lights in the distance, each one representing a home, a family, a life. But tonight, those lights were snuffed out one by one, swallowed by the looming shadows.

A distant sound of alarm bells echoed in Elías' ears, an echo of terror that had seized his being. A shiver ran down his spine as images from the past crowded his mind. The metallic scent of blood, the desperate cries of anguish, the overwhelming sense of helplessness—all flooded him, turning his skin into a map of painful memories.

A panic attack surged within him, his breath becoming shallow and rapid, his heart pounding fiercely in his chest like a frantic drum. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to contain the rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"No, not again," he murmured through clenched teeth in a choked sigh. Yet, the past clung to him with an unyielding tenacity that didn't bend to simple desires of forgetfulness.

With a titanic effort, Elías battled against the panic threatening to paralyze him. He tried to fill his lungs with the crisp, clean mountain air that filtered through the nearby trees. Behind him, the cabin stood like a dark, silent refuge; now more than ever, he needed to confront what was coming.

His trembling steps crossed the cabin's threshold. In the dimness, the flickering light of a candle cast dancing shadows on the worn wooden walls. Kael's rhythmic, peaceful breathing filled the space with echoes of deep slumber.

With trembling yet determined hands, he lifted Kael into his arms. He felt the anguish of the past lurking within, but a fierce determination propelled him. He wouldn't allow the past to repeat itself; this time, he was determined to prevent the beasts from taking another loved one. He was ready to face the same terrors that had haunted him for years if it meant safeguarding his friend.

Steadfast, Elías emerged from the cabin, carrying Kael as he ventured into the dark night. The moon, barely a thin silver arc in the starry sky, cast a dim light on their path.

As Elías descended the steep mountainside, Kael clutched to his chest, a faint yet ominous noise filtered into his ears. A barely perceptible crackle, like branches snapping under heavy footsteps, caught his attention. He froze in place, his heart pounding so hard he could feel its pulsations hammering in his temples.

Darkness enveloped Elías like a blanket of terror, wrapping him in a chilling embrace. Despite the blackness, his keen gaze perceived moving shadows in the distance. Grotesque monstrosities, their bodies covered in slick scales and hungry eyes. Their skin exuded an oily substance, causing the moonlight to slide repulsively over them. They bore the form of dogs, yet their limbs were contorted, their claws sharp as blades. Their eyes gleamed with ferocious hunger, and their fangs dripped with a dark liquid, straight from the depths of hell.

Deep scars adorned their bodies, some still bleeding, while others were encrusted with pus and decaying flesh. Their howls reverberated in the air, full of hatred and a thirst for blood. They were not ordinary creatures; they were predators, beings straddling the thin line between the real and the supernatural.

Fear seized Elías, freezing him in place like a statue of dread carved in the gloom. He hid behind a tree, his ragged breaths echoing in the night's stillness, each inhalation a gulp of panic.

He silently observed as the beasts moved with agility, like shadows lurking in the darkness, sniffing the air for any trace of prey. Their eyes, like glowing embers in the night, scrutinized every corner of the forest, searching, waiting.

The crack of a branch under one of the beasts' weight echoed in the silence, a sound so sharp and rending it seemed to pierce Elías' eardrums. His heart beat wildly, like a drum marking the rhythm of the fear gripping him. Cold sweat beaded on his forehead as he struggled to contain a scream threatening to escape his throat.

In that moment, he realized he was accompanied by death itself in the form of voracious beasts. Every passing second stretched like an eternity as the shadow of the beasts loomed closer. His mind, a whirlwind of fear and desperation, frantically sought an escape, a strategy, anything that could give him an advantage against these infernal creatures.

He clenched his teeth, fighting the tremors shaking his body, as he prepared for the looming confrontation. The darkness became both his ally and his enemy, hiding him from the beasts but also plunging him into a world of unsettling shadows and unseen dangers.

At that moment, the forest let out a groan, as if the earth itself was mourning the tragedy about to unfold. The beasts moved closer, their heavy breaths filling the air with a stench of decay and death.