
The Libertas Dive

A new original made by me, easyread! This story is exclusive to my Patreon, and if you wish to read ahead, you know what to do. https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remember to remove the dashes. I've learned a tremendous deal about writing since The Ancients World. My other works are at a much higher level. This is my latest venture, A new story in the fantasy VRMMORPG genre. It's going to be updated on a semi-regular basis on Webnovel and every day on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. I can only hope that people enjoy this story more than The Ancients World. It's benefitting from all the mistakes I've made about my writing. ~~~Synopsis~~~ Set in the year 2297, a 20-year-old named Lyatt Scott has reincarnated to the day that launches Libertas to the gaming world. Having the knowledge of the future regarding the game and being a recognized Loremaster before his murder. Lyatt Scott sets out with everything to change his future. The future beyond Lyatts reincarnation is subject to change, but he'll try his hardest not to mess with the timeline cause if he does. Finding out who murdered him will be difficult, more than he wants it to be.

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Greediest Goblin Ver I

~~~(POV: Lyatt Scott)~~~

~~~(Date: February 9th, 2297)~~~

~~~(Time: 4:51 PM)~~~

The clearing of the paths has gone wonderfully, and I've only got one path left to clear. Ver, the Greediest Goblin is my final target, and once he's dead, it'll mark the first clear of Greedy Goblins. I've got 60 gold so far and 95 EXP towards my player level. Dread Wave has gained 110 EXP and is level 2. Dark Vines and Black Spear each got 30 EXP. Black Shield and Dark Cacoon got 25 EXP each.

My player level has risen to 9, and I'm one level away from being level 10. I doubt that I'm going to be the first, but I'll be one of the first. I'm using my skills as diversely as possible, and it helps there are a lot of enemies. The goblins in this dungeon aren't that strong, but they're annoying in high numbers.

My mana is fully regenerated now, and that means it's time to get this last part finished. I start walking down the path leading towards Ver, and I won't have to fight anything on the way there. During the actual boss fight is a different story. He'll be getting help from goblins during the boss fight. I know I'm strong enough to kill him in one shot.

He usually has a level between 10 and 15, but any of my attacks will one-shot him even with that. The overwhelming power of the Darkness is becoming apparent. Staying above the mana demand is what's my real priority when it comes to my class. Once enemies start reaching levels 20 to 25, they'll have skills and armor that lower the damage dealt to them.

It's not going to be this easy for long, so I might as well enjoy it while I can. "I smeeelll yooouu..." A low-toned sentence bounces off the hallway walls as I continue down the path towards the boss. "You reek of gold..." True to their nature, goblins can smell gold on you even from a distance. I've heard many stories about how horrible creatures like goblins can be.

The green variant only does disgusting things. This smaller yellow variant is only interested in gold. The hall is coming to an end. I can see the massive metal doors leading into the boss room ahead. This is exciting, and I'll be in an actual challenge again. I stop at the door, and I push it open with one hand. A distinct metallic smell comes through my nose.

One that I'm not fond of. I look towards the obvious throne, and I see Ver. I use scan on him, and he's level 12. He has 660 health, which means he's got some powerful gear on, and I can't one-shot him. The system must've adjusted the difficulty of the dungeon to make it challenging for me. This doesn't fit the information I remember about Ver.

He stands from his throne, and his level and title light up above his head. Green name and level twelve. Green means he's an Uncommon grade boss that fits the information. "Your gold... Give it to me..." At the sound of his voice, dozens of goblins run out of doors around the room. I use Dread Wave, and Darkness leaps out from the black aura around my body and devours the coming goblins. Dread Wave gains 10 EXP and I get 15 towards my player level.

Ver sees this and takes it as an opportunity to reevaluate me as a threat. Now the throne room he's made is empty. That took care of the goblin reinforcements, but I'm betting the system has other things in store for me. "You... What are you..." He uses scan on me, and I don't have my title as Darkness Incarnate hidden. I watch his face morph.

[Greediest Goblin Ver is suffering Severe Intimidation!]

[His defenses have risen, but his attack power has been lowered!]

He draws his two longswords and leaps at me. He's being consumed by fear. I jump out of the way and barely dodge the attack. I charge up a Dark Burst on my left index finger and blast the Jet Black laser right at him. It's a direct hit, but he only takes 150 damage. The system wasn't kidding. His defenses really have risen.

He jumps back himself and creates distance between us. "You're not going to survive this, Ver." I watch him flinch as I say that. He won't remember me when I run this dungeon again, but this is fun.

Unknown to Lyatt Scott, there is a horrifying image being projected around him, an aura he can't see. A permanent Darkness, endlessness that can't be overcome, influenced by his desire for battle and power. He's at the center of it all. Above his head floats a Jet Black title saying Lyatt Scott, Darkness Incarnate (Mythical). A title... No... A being... That would terrify anything and a Darkness which nothing can escape.


A/N: Whenever I mention Lyatt Scott's player information, come to the bottom of the page below the wavy lines above. I don't want to interrupt the flow of the story by having the player information actually up there. So it's going to be down here. Come to this area when I change something or add EXP.

Stats will be updated and changed according to the development of the story.

[Lyatt Scott]

[Lvl.9][65/100% EXP]

[Class: Darkness Incarnate (Mythical)]


[Mana:2400/2400][+5 Mana regen every second]



[Chest:Black Shirt(Common)]

[Legs:Black Pants(Common)]

[Feet:Black Shoes(Common)]

[Ring:Grant's Ring][+500 Total mana]

[Active Skills]

[Dread Wave] [Lvl 1/10] [35/100% EXP]

[Cost:300 Mana Per Cast]

Release a Wave of Darkness that hits enemies for 450 Damage.

[Dark Vines] [Lvl 2/10] [85/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Second]

Summon Jet Black Vines under your opponents covered in thorns and wrap the target/targets and deal 350 damage per second until the target/targets are dead or have broken free.

[Dark Burst] [Lvl 0/10] [50/100% EXP]

[Cost:600 Mana Per Cast]

Shoot a Jet Black ray of Darkness from either index finger and deal 400 damage to target/targets hit.

[Devour] [Lvl 0/10] [0/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Second]

Use the Darkness to drain the Health of your opponent and add it to your own. Drain 10 health Per Second.

[Black Spear] [2/10] [50/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Cast]

Create a spear out of pure Darkness to throw. 450 damage per hit.

[Black Sheild] [Lvl 0/10] [55/100% EXP]

[Cost:500 Mana Per Cast]

[Duration: 15 seconds or until 1000 damage is absorbed]

Summon a shield in front of you that negates 1000 Physical damage and Magical Damage.

[Dark Cacoon] [Lvl 0/10] [75/100% EXP]

[Cost:1000 Mana Per Cast]

[Duration:10 seconds or until 2000 damage is absorbed]

Wrap yourself in a cocoon of Darkness to block 2000 Physical and Magical damage from all directions.

[Scan][Lvl N/A][EXP N/A]

[Cost:0 Mana]

A skill that allows you to see the basic information on the target you're scanning.

[Passive Buffs]

[Darkness Incarnate]

As Darkness Incarnate, you have the most potential for power in Libertas. Plus 100 mana every player level up. Start with a 1000 base mana.

[First Mythical Class Wielder]

You're the first Mythical Class wielder in Libertas. 10% EXP gains for Player and Skill levels.

[Nor Good, Nor Evil]

The Darkness is considered neutral but is of the greatest power. All organizations of Good, Neutral, and Evil will not disrespect you openly.

[Mental Immunity]

Your mind is impenetrable to mental attacks and readings. All people who try to gaze into your mind will have to fight the Darkness to keep their sanity.

[Dark Vision]

You can see perfectly in total and complete darkness.

[Lore Tab]

Lyatt Scott is the only person in all of Libertas to have a Mythical Grade Class. The Darkness Incarnate is a class of extreme power and potential, the strongest there is. As an Incarnate, Lyatt Scott is essentially the Darkness given form. He isn't evil, but he's not good either. The Darkness is the Darkness. It just is.

Lyatt Scott is the first player to clear an Uncommon Grade dungeon solo.

[More Lore will be added upon more accomplishments]

[Discovered Locations Tab]

[Horris Village]-Horris is a Farming Province in the Termal Empire located in the county of Barbos.

[Termal Empire]-The Termal Empire is one of the mighty 5 empires in Libertas.

[Barbos County]-A small county owned by a Baron named Fiscal Voel and his family.

[Nettleton]-An abandoned town in the Termal Empire 45 miles from Horris Village.

[Grant's Dungeon]-An important dungeon located near Nettleton and has a very important drop for all classes.

[Duchy of Ferzal]-One of three main Duchies in all the Termal Empire.

[Kedwein]-A city on the easternmost border of the Termal Empire. It's in the Duchy of Ferzel

[Greedy Goblins Dungeon]-A dungeon that's perfect for getting gold when you need it.

[Met NPC's]

[James Bloat]-An odd old man that resides in Horris. You met him and solved one of his riddles to get a quest. You have since completed that quest.

[Sarah Relor]- A Goblin Expert and important NPC in getting access to the quest for the first attack on the Greedy Goblins Dungeon.

[Klein]-The lover of Sarah Relor that you rescued from certain death.

[Inventory Tab]

Traveler Compass-An Item with limited Fast Travel Abilities

Key to Greedy Goblins Dungeon-This key unlocks the secret dungeon located in an old fort near Kedwein

Legends and History of William J. Kurk-A book that tells the tale of the infamous Exorcist William J. Kurk

[Discovered Recipes]

[James Bloat's Bread Recipe]