
The liar and his Affair

Chapter 2

When her dad had arrived he knocked on the door saying " Lily it's me can you let me in are you okay" when she had opened the door all her dad saw after they both had sat down was her red puffy eyes and runny nose.

He couldn't help but ask what had happened, she hesitated at first but then slowly told her dad about what had happened.

While listening to his daughter telling him what had happened he couldn't help but get angrier and angrier he faced had rage written all over it.

In his head all he could think about was " I trusted him with my precious daughter and this is how he repays me" but then again he had the thoughts of " why did he do this"

He shouted " I 'm gonna kill that bastard" but was stopped by Lily when she had said that " dad I wanna go abroad for a while to get my thoughts straight" her dad couldn't refuse when he had seen the state that she was in.

"Okay but you're staying with you Mum in America" " anything is fine as long as i'm away from this place for a while" she had replied.

While talking with her dad about preparation for her flight to America her cheating boyfriend had called and her dad saw this and took her phone away saying " I think it will be best if you don't stay in contact with him for a while."

She couldn't help but agree with him, so she left her phone to her dad and started packing.

Her dad James Park had gotten someone to investigate what had happened and it turned out that he had started cheating on her 2 years ago but had only been found out yesterday.

This made him even furious but he kept it to himself and only showed his soft side toward Lily.

Lily was his one and only daughter that he could do anything for and it broke him to see her bawling her eyes out for some stupid a** hole that didn't deserve his daughter's love.

When they had arrived at the airport they had said their goodbyes and she got into the plane her father had booked for her VIP .

When She found her seat next to a handsome guy, Lily was very nervous even though she had taken the plane many times. She was still afraid of heights and would get motion sickness once in a while.

Lily was the daughter of the richest man in China while her mother was a really famous designer in America but she had kept her background a secret from her friends and boyfriend because she didn't want them to like her because she was rich.