
The Legendary Scarlet Knight

Do you like playing games? Quick load and quick saves are your thing? Like picking races? What happens if you can choose all races and you broke the system?

Ledolati · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs


After taking their battle stance, and their killing intent are so strong, that even the people outside the registration room got silent.

Of course, I didn't want any attention on me, so I lied and told them that the mistral sword is because of my magic item, which is the ring that I am wearing right now.

They lowered down their weapon and I lowered my weapon as well, after a moment of awkward silence, you can hear again the background noises from outside the registration room.

Acarius shouted with a loud laugh as well, "Sorry about that, magic items are very rare, but we are not gonna question where you got it, that would be rude of us, but I want you to keep your magic items hidden, since the rarity is high people would even kill just to get one."

I was thinking to myself that, thanks to my speech skill, they were easier to persuade.

I replied with a giggle, "Thanks for the information, I'll be sure to do so, before we go ahead, and measure my strength, I heard that you would have to pay to get registered, since I don't have any money right now, can I pay it after I get any reward from quest?"

Acarius replied with a fascinated expression while hitting my back, "You're a funny one! but yes, we can just deduct the reward to your payment. although it's just 5copper even a kid has more money than you if you can't pay it! Muhahahahah!"

After having a peace of mind that I can earn some money, I asked Acarius, if we could start with the test, and how would I be graded.

He replied with a serious expression. "Well if you can withstand my attack for 5mins you would be a D rank, but if you can put up a fight, and wound me you would be B rank or higher depending on the outcome, if you're ready I'm just gonna toss this 1silver coin, once it drop battle starts!"

I pulled out my mistral sword again, and shouted "Ready when you are!"

Acarius Immediately tossed the coin while standing straight, he didn't even drew out his sword, not to mention, although he is big, normally they would use a giant sword to take advantage of their strength , but he is just using a broadsword it's just that it's extremely long.

Once the coin hit the ground he suddenly vanished, and he was behind me already had his sword out, about to hit my left chest, since my agi is 66 I could match up this kind of speed, I angled my mistral sword to block it(it was a perfect block I thought to myself before his sword could even hit mine, I suddenly felt a strong force to my right chest the opposite to where he is aiming at, and I didn't feel anything hit my sword at all, the force was so strong that It made me slam to the side of the wall.

Acarius shouted, "Meline! heal him! he is F-rank"

It seems that's the name of the priestess.

although It sent me flying, it didn't do much of a damage tho, only 20hp was deducted from my HP,

there are only 2 thing that I can think of, either he extremely fast that he can change the direction of his attack, or he has an illusion skill that shows the opposite of what he is doing.

Before the priestess could even get near, I stood up and said, "That was a wake up call, but we're not yet done!"

Acarius Turned around with a creepy smile on his face, he then replied while walking slowly in my direction, "It has been a while since anyone could withstand my first attack!"

He then dashed in front of my face, and swung his sword vertically, aiming for my head, to test out my theory, I put up my mistral sword to block his attack from above, and open my left hand wide open to catch any attack from below.

I thought to my self, "I knew it! I caught his sword with my left hand and the vision that I'm seeing right now, is that he is still midway from hitting my sword, so he is indeed an illusionist"

I quickly used my Quick Save 1 so I can try my mistral sword if it's enough to hurt him since I only have 16 str.

I swung my mistral sword as a counter attack, but it didn't do anything to his full plate armor, I knew that it was not strong enough.

He then let go of his sword, and gripped his left hand to his right hand combining them together, a red light emitted from his hand and slammed me to the ground, I pretended that I was unconscious.

On Acarious mind, "being able to catch my sword, this boy is interesting"

He suddenly shouted again "Meline! Patch him up I used quite a bit of a force, He's a D rank!"

although I pretended to be unconscious, he actually gave me 200hp damage, and that's bare handed, he might be an equal to General Talius, or he might be even stronger than him if he's serious.

after a while of healing me up, compared to my fast healing this is turtle slow...

a group of people from the infirmary wearing a white clothing with a red cross symbol, entered the room to carry me to the infirmary.

since the bed was so soft, it was the first time that I'm gonna have a good rest with a proper bed, I decided to sleep.

after 6 hours of sleeping, I woke up and since I'm placed beside the window, I can see that it was already midnight, I sat on my bed and saw that Chiyo was beside my bed sleeping on the chair waiting for me to wake up. since she was sleeping I carried her to the bed, and left the room, I wondered around and I could see that there's still a lot of people, this place is probably open 24/7, I went back to the receptionist again, and ask about the status of my registration, the receptionist replied, that I am already registered, and she gave me an I.D made from silver, with my name on it and my rank and which guild I am registered, it shows that I am registered in guild:Erriford, "I see, that's a good name, straight outta RPG!"

Shen then mentioned that I have a debt of 5copper coins, I quickly replied, "Oh I'll pay it now"

and then I handed my only money 1 silver coin, (you guys might be wondering where I got this money from, when I got slammed on the ground, I took the silver coin he used to toss trololol)

She gave me a change of 95 copper coins.

I see so 100 copper coins = 1 silver coin,

since I have 95 copper coins might as well eat something so I can see measure the value of money.

I asked the receptionist if there are any place that she could recommend if my only money is 95 copper, she recommended the food hall at the 2nd flr of the guild, I could buy a full meal consisting a various of meat for only 45 copper and buy a bucket of booze for 15 copper, so you still have a change of 35 copper, but it's only cheap here because you're spending the money from Deneb in Deneb, but for other kingdoms money will change value as well.

Upon a closer inspection the copper coins have the star Logo, so meaning to say, this currency is from Deneb, I see quite hassle, well time to feast!

Name: Theotime Octave

Lvl: N/A

Race: N/A

Job: Merchant, etc.

Job lvl: N/A

HP: 900/900

MP: 1300/1300



Language Comprehension:Max

QS 1: lvl 1

QL 1: lvl 1

Haggling: Max

Speech: Max

Analyze: Max

Calm Mind: Max

Fast Healing: lvl 1

Concentrated MP: lvl 1

Cloaking : lvl 1

Muffle : lvl 1

item create : lvl 1

Mistral Sword : lvl 1

Remote Exploding Rune : lvl 20(MAX)

Remote Atomic Exploding Rune: 1

Remaining Skill Points: 30


Str: 1 (+15) = 16 Dex:1 (+20) = 21

Agi: 1 (+65) = 66 Int: 41 (+85) = 126

Vit: 51 (+35) = 86 Luk:99 (+30) = 129

Armor= 105( physical damage receive is reduced by 105)

Status points remaining: 35


System Message:

Stats Bonus

Agi 60:

your mvmnt and atk spd is 20% faster


Vit 80:

Increase Max HP by 800

Reduce Physical % magical damage received by 40%

Increased regeneration by 80%

Blocking is 80% more effective.

Increase status resistance by 40


Dex 20:

Spells that requires chanting are now 5% faster

Accuracy +5%


Int 120:

Increase Max MP my 1200

Increase Magic Damage by 120%

Increase MP regen by 120% during combat or outside of combat.

Decrease MP cost by 120%


Luck 120:

you are more luckier.

Increase Crit damage by 120%

Crit chance + 120%



novice 1 hand sword mastery: Increase 1 hand sword damage by 10% / Proficiency: 35/100%

novice assassination mastery: You are 10% harder to detect, and sneak attack will deal 3x the normal damage. / Proficiency: 50/100%

novice destruction mastery: Increase Destruction spell damage by 10% / Proficiency: 95/100%

novice restoration mastery: Effectivity of restoration spell are increased by 10% / Proficiency: 80/100%

Novice Creation mastery: your created items will have 10% better stats. Proficiency: 80/100%


Because of the battle with Acarius my proficiency for one hand mastery is now at 35%


Now Saving...


End of Chapter

Good to be back :)

Ledolaticreators' thoughts