
The Legendary Phoenix

Kousei's world shattered when King Alexandria confronted him with a truth he could hardly fathom. For years, he had lived in Japan, his past shrouded in mystery. The revelation that he was the long-lost High Elf Prince, the child of King Alexandria and Princess Arya of Drottninggu, left him stunned but as days and years passed, the fate of being Prince of Averon Kingdom awaited him.

Aina_Castillo · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Prologue: The Young Prince

Beneath the moonlit sky of Lake Arvendum, Queen Arya, a High Elf from the Kingdom of Drötninggü and Queen of Arvenon Kingdom hugged her infant son with tears flowing down her eyes while she's standing near the majestic lake. "Son, forgive me if I have to send you far away. I can't let you be hurt and chased by a dark wizard like Ignatius as long as you are young."

It still hurt her to have discovered that her son was in danger because of a dark wizard named Ignatius who wanted to end her son's life. All she knew was that, Ignatius fears that the infant elf will be his doom as the boy has a phoenix birthmark. A prophecy spoken by Elf Seers thousand of years ago had foretold that an elf born by a white elf and a wood elf would give birth to an elf who will have the powers of a phoenix, marking him with a phoenix birthmark. It was so old that many had forgotten about it until an elf named Clytemnestra spoke about that prophecy again making many humans and elves alarmed.

Even so, she knew that King Alexandria, her husband and father of Kousei will protect their son and the Kingdom of Arvenon will protect the young prince but she wanted his son to have a happy childhood instead. She knew that if Kousei will have his childhood in the palace, Kousei will have an unhappy childhood as he will immediately be immersed in politics.

"My son, forgive me. I have to send you far away from Letthiopia."

Queen Arya knew that all she could do that time to protect her son was to send him in a realm without magic. Slowly, she placed his son on the white stone in front of the lake and soon, she uttered an ancient Elf language. The lake shimmered brightly beneath the moonlit sky as she brought all her powers while she's holding a shining gem. A few minutes later, a crack in space opened above the lake.

Tears flowed down her eyes as she knew she'll miss her son but she knew she had to. Most of all, the realm was just a world of humans and magic does not exist in the realm she's about to send her son in.

The infant elf, Kousei, cried on her arms and even as an infant, he was already showing his potential to be a strong and formidable elf. She hesitated at first to bring him inside the portal but at the time she remembered the prophecy spoken by their High Elf ancestors that a young elf born between a queen of Drötninggü and king of Mirkwood will bring doom to a Dark Wizard possessing a dark ring, she knew that sending Kousei in the mortal world without magic was the only way.

She wrapped her son with gold silk, and with another elf spell, she sealed Kousei's elf features and made his son look human. "We'll see each other again one day, my son. For now, you'll have to live away from us. Stay safe, my infant son."

Lady Revina, Queen Arya's confidant and loyal, human servant took a curtsy to her before she took Kousei on her arms. Her blue eyes were also teary and slowly, she felt the seriousness weight of her mission. "Do you really have to do this, your highness? Shouldn't you raise the child instead?"

"Prince Kousei cannot be in the Letthiopia, Lady Revina. This world is currently in heavy turmoil," Arya answered her. "Ignatius's influence all over our realm is growing and he will target my son due to an old prophecy. Watch over her, do you understand?"

Lady Revina tightened her hold on the young prince. "Do not worry, my lady. I will protect your son. He will be watched over."

"King Alexandria told me that he will do his best to at least make sure that Mirkwood is safe against Ignatius," Arya told her. "Make sure he's happy while he's on Earth. My husband will come back for him, soon."

"He can only stay on Earth for fifteen years, Your Highness," Lady Revina reminded the queen. "Soon, he will return here. This isn't a total goodbye." Lady Revina, while holding Kousei wrapped in silk entered the portal.