
The Legendary Monster Layer!

Ari has always wanted to be an adventurer. Seeing new places, making friends, amassing loot, gold, and fame—what wasn’t there to love? Except instead of slaying monsters, it seems Ari will be laying them. [Monster Layer] ... whichever deity handed out classes, they had a sick sense of humor. Why did Ari have to be given the weirdest class in existence? The only upside is that her first skill lets her turn any monster into a cute girl, some of who pack a surprising amount of 'bonus equipment' between their legs. Odd as her circumstances are, she’s determined to forge forward. Sure, her path to fame, riches, and power might not come about in the same way as most people's, but if there’s one thing Ari’s ever been, it’s determined. She’ll be a famous adventurer one day, and it doesn’t matter how hot and sticky things get. And make no mistake, they’ll be getting hot and sticky. So, so sticky. === Notes: - Girl’s Love only, with lots of futa. - If the synopsis didn’t clue you in, expect plenty of lewd chapters. Plot will progress, but 18+ scenes might clog things up. It’s a feature, not a bug! - Romantic interests will be getting freaky with monster girls, dungeon traps, etc. A sexually open main cast. That’s not everyone’s cup of tea … so beware :)

blakebalatron · Kỳ huyễn
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117 Chs

54 - One More To Go

[Substance of Melding]: Consume to gain improved sensitivity, stimulation efficacy, and link physical sensations.

Ari considered her newest bounty. Claire's monster milk was a bit less directly useful than Silvana's, because while 'stimulation efficacy'—a phrase Ari assumed to mean would allow her to 'damage her opponents' better—was a great effect, the problem was, paired with 'improved sensitivity', its usefulness was limited. Sure, if Ari drank this monster milk, she'd 'do more damage', but she'd take more, too.

Which had some sort of benefit, for sure, but not wholly positive.

And the last part … link physical sensations. That was definitely interesting. Ari was intrigued, and would be experimenting with it thoroughly. But also, it didn't seem useful in a combat sense. Or, with creative use, it might be, but … again, like before, not strictly positive.

And the substance wouldn't be useful in combat for another reason. Getting her opponent to drink Claire's semen wouldn't be as easy with her own Menagerie, who she had just needed to ask nicely. She'd have to be clever about it if she wanted to force an opponent to swallow some. Have some in her mouth, and share a kiss, maybe. That would limit the effect to a small quantity, though, and therefore the effect.

Either way, she was fascinated in the essence if simply for personal use. It might not be effective for combat for several reasons, but even just for fun, Ari was satisfied with her fifth level skill, and the two essences she'd drawn out so far.

She wondered what Renna's effect would be.

Silvana and Claire were coming to their senses. They'd done a good job keeping control of themselves. Silvana and Ari had managed to get almost all of Claire's load into the waterskin.

She'd need to work out a better storage system. She assumed her fifth level skill would keep their cum supernaturally fresh, somehow—because, ew, if not—but lugging around a waterskin of cum still wasn't the best solution. Potion containers? Large ones, though, not the skinny vials most came in. Flasks. And labels, so she didn't get confused which was which.

The world's weirdest potion collection.

"What's it do?" Silvana asked. She had withdrawn and pinched off her condom, holding it to the side. It was comical, like the first time, just how absurdly full the plastic was. Almost to the brim … and plenty had spilled out. Silvana's own monster milk was insanely effective. It had to amplify the drinker's output by five, ten times what was normal. And her Menagerie already pumped out way more baby batter than typical.

Ari explained the effect to Silvana and Claire. They listened, intrigued, even through their exhaustion. They'd seriously gone at it. As Ari had expected. She'd have to be blind not to see the burgeoning crush the two had for each other. Ari hoped this … event … had knocked down some of those barriers.

By the way Claire had her head leaned into Silvana's shoulder, and a hand wrapped around her waist … Ari thought it had. Silvana's blush at Claire's easily offered intimacy was way too adorable, too. Especially considering she'd just been slamming herself into Claire. What was some skin contact compared to that?

"Seems useful," Silvana said, though hesitantly, probably because she'd identified the same problems as Ari had—the lack of practical applications. It wasn't a difficult conclusion to come to.

"I wonder what linking physical sensations means," Claire said. "Or … how completely."

"Would one climax trigger the other, even without contact?" Ari said. "I was wondering that too. We've got a lot of experimenting to do. Though, not now … you two are tired. And I still have Renna's to work out." Ari nodded at the condom Silvana had filled up. "That's what that's for, actually."

Renna. Ari was looking forward to extracting Renna's load. And she'd be a lot more hands on with that one than she'd been with Claire and Silvana. Though Ari was happy she'd provided this moment of intimacy between them, and maybe broken down a few barriers, Ari was seriously unfulfilled. She'd watched her two Menagerie members be thoroughly milked in a variety of ways, and Ari had left the encounter with … one orgasm, at the very start with Silvana. So unfair.

She needed to get off, bad. Keeping herself from pouncing one of the two tired-looking insect girls was no easy task. But they needed a break, and also, she might as well make efficient use of her time; she could discover what Renna's monster milk was while satisfying herself.

Briefly, she wondered whether Lori had one. With all the strange items she'd received, and with this new skill, Ari thought it exceedingly possible she would find a way to grow a cock on herself, or her Menagerie members who didn't have one.

If she did find a way, then would they have a monster milk effect? If she had to guess, she'd say yes. For that alone, Ari wanted to get a cock on Lori as soon as possible.

And only partially because extracting pleasure from Lori, her stiff and haughty first companion, in a new way would be so, so fun. Seriously. Lori with a cock. Ari was melting inside just thinking about it. The way her hips would squirm …

Ari corralled her thoughts back.

"Okay," Ari said. "Can you two head back and grab Renna for me?" She screwed tight the waterskin and set it with her stuff, then took Silvana's condom. She hoped Renna didn't have any hang-ups about drinking the material. She didn't think she would. "And let Lori know what's going on, why she's not included. I don't want her to feel left out." Ari would have to give her some extra attention to make up for things.

Silvana and Claire nodded, then headed back to base. They trekked off into the forest together.

Claire slipped her hand into Silvana's, and Silvana blushed at the other girl, before smiling and leaning into her, too.

Ari grinned. Yep … it definitely worked.