
Three Years After

Fuming, Wang Ming Chen was about to say something snide when she suddenly had a thought…. Wang Ming Chen narrowed her eyes before putting on a strange smile. Turning around, she got four cups, three large, and one… no bigger than a thimble used to stop oneself from pricking their finger when doing embroidery!

Filling up the cups, she naturally passed the large cups to Wang Jing Hua, Di Tou, and herself, and then put a tiny drop in the thimble and gave it to Wang Ming Chen.

Narrowing her eyes into crescents, she said with a sweet tone, "Dear sister, if you find drinking your fill distasteful, I won't force you!"

Seeing this thimble, Wang Ming Liang was stunned. Ah!? "Little Chen, when I opened my jar of familial wine…"

Cutting Wang Ming Liang off, Wang Ming Chen continued smiling as she said, "You mean when you opened it without telling me when we agreed we'd decide together when we were still girls, that time?"
