
The Same Exact Path

After a moment Qing Xin said, "Well, it's a bit strange, but you'll be using the Stone of Knowledge to pick out something suitable."

"Stone of Knowledge..?" Hearing the familiar yet somewhat strange term, Di Tou thought for a moment before he remembered. The Selfless Pavilion's most popular trial was the question trial, but they also had a trial regarding the exchange of knowledge. Seeing as most cultivators wouldn't be willing to trade in their cultivation techniques, the majority of the knowledge that was transacted in this exchange wasn't related to cultivation.

Without a clear line such as "Qi Condensing," "Resonance Stage," or any other stage of cultivation, the value of information was hard to determine. Apparently, to facilitate this exchange and make it fair, the Selfless Pavilion had a treasure called the Stone of Knowledge that could help rank and rate information in an 'impartial' way.