
Magic Pots

Squinting slightly, Di Tou asked, "My guide mentioned I could look through the available options for exchange first and make my choice after. Is that not the case?"

Hearing this, the wispy eyed old man raised his brows once more and stared at Di Tou for a moment before lowering his head and saying, "That is indeed the case, follow me."

Following behind the old man, the pace felt immeasurably slow. And this was even after comparing to the hike up, in which Qing Xin had her eyes closed for half of it, and yet even then this felt slow. After walking for a while, the old man stepped inside of a straw hut, and ducking slightly so as not to bump his head, Di Tou followed after, only to be stunned when he saw the inside of the hut had changed. Although it still appeared plain, with mud and straw being the main building blocks, the insides had expanded several times, creating a rather large and spacious room.