
The Legendary Hero of Atlantica World

The novel is a thrilling and mysterious tale that takes the reader on a journey through various settings and introduces a diverse cast of characters. As the story unfolds, secrets are uncovered, alliances are formed and broken, and the stakes continue to rise. The narrative is full of twists and turns that keep the reader engaged until the very end. Also created by Chatgpt

Arca_Bhayangkara · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Chapter 3

Orion approached the shaman after collecting the powder, he is still curious about the Sky Spirits and the cause of their malevolent behavior. "What happened to the Sky Spirits? Why have they turned so violent?" he asked, hoping to learn more about the forest and its inhabitants.

The shaman let out a heavy sigh, her face etched with concern. "They were once such angelic creatures, sprinkling Spirit Powder on slumbering travelers to heal their bodies and minds," She explained. "But something has caused them to change. Now, violence is the only way to keep them in check."

Orion was taken aback by the shaman's words. It was hard to imagine such peaceful creatures becoming so aggressive. "Is there anything we can do to help them?" he asked.

The shaman shook her head sadly. "I'm not sure. We need to understand what's causing this behavior before we can even begin to think about a solution."

The shaman then turned to the rewards for completing the mission to collect Spirit Powder. "Thank you for your help. The reward includes 150 experience points, 1,500 gold, and 10 Healing Potions," She said, holding out a small pouch.

Orion accepted the pouch and felt its weight. "Thank you. I'll make sure to put these to good use," he said, grateful for the shaman's generosity.

The shaman then offered Orion some advice. "Allow me to teach you something useful before I forget. In place of using a Healing Potion, if you sit for a while in one spot, your wounds will heal on their own," She said.

Orion was surprised by the shaman's suggestion. "Really? How does that work?" he asked, intrigued.

The shaman smiled. "Your health and magic will slowly recover. Why don't you try it out? If you sit for at least 30 seconds, you'll earn some experience points as well."

Orion was surprised when the shaman told him that sitting for a while in one spot could heal his wounds. "Really?" he asked, eyebrows raised. "I've never heard of that before."

The shaman nodded sagely. "It's an old trick that my ancestors used to do. By sitting and focusing your mind."

Orion was amazed. "That's incredible! I'll have to try it out now."

The shaman smiled. "You should. It's a useful skill to have, especially if you're on a long journey and don't have many healing potions with you."

Orion nodded, eager to try out this new trick. He found a nearby spot and sat down, focusing on his breathing as he waited for his wounds to heal.

After a few moments, he could feel his body start to rejuvenate. His cuts and bruises slowly disappeared, and he felt a surge of energy flow through him. "Wow, this really works!" he exclaimed, impressed.

The mission to sit is also rewarded with 120 experience points, 500 gold, and two Spirit Equipment Set Boxes.

The shaman chuckled. "I'm glad you find it useful. Now, let's talk about the Spirit Powder you brought me," She said, changing the subject.

"The color and texture are off," She said, frowning. "But I can't say what exactly is wrong with it." She admitted. "I've lived in the Forest of Spirits my whole life, so I've never studied magic or science. However, there is a doctor who lives near the forest who may be able to help us."

Orion frowned, unsure of what to expect. "What kind of doctor is he? Will he even know anything about Spirit Powder?"

The shaman smiled reassuringly. "He may not know about Spirit Powder specifically, but he's a skilled doctor. He may be able to identify any abnormalities or changes in the powder that we've overlooked."

Orion was intrigued. "Where can I find this doctor?" he asked.

"Exit the Forest of Spirits and go a little south. You'll see him. Please show him the Spirit Powder. Maybe he will find the answer to what's happened to the Forest of Spirits," the shaman said, pointing in the direction of the doctor's home.

Orion nodded slowly, still feeling uncertain. "Okay, I'll go find him. Do you have any advice for talking to him? Anything I should be careful about?"

The shaman thought for a moment before responding. "Just be respectful and honest. Explain our situation and ask for his help. He's a good man, I'm sure he'll do what he can to assist us."

Orion took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "Okay, I'll do my best. Thanks" Orion was grateful for the shaman's help and knowledge and set out on his next mission toward the doctor's house, eager to learn more about the strange behavior of the Sky Spirits from the doctor and how he could help restore the forest to its former glory.