
Chapter 23

Yukio was currently inside his room while he was sitting on the wooden floor with his eyes closed a classic posture of concentrated meditation

It had been three days since that attack they had suffered from INFERNO, during that time the Fujiwara parents had put their efforts to improve security

They had hired a large number of workers to restore the house to its former glory, and they even decided to place more Yakuzas and security cameras in the surroundings to safeguard their own lives.

But leaving that aside just now Yukio without opening his eyes raised his hand and placed his own palm on the wooden floor

"... Huuu ..."

A sigh full of exhaustion came from his own throat while on the ground when he raised his hand now you could notice a Mark

This Mark was a circle with a dark flame-like symbol inside

"You mark is undoubtedly strange but I still don't think it differs from its usefulness ... Try to try it now"

Tobirama who had been sitting in a nearby chair all this time giving advice to his 'Master' spoke slowly looking at the Mark created by Yukio on the floor

Yukio nodded and got up before throwing himself out the window, his action was really confusing

But before Yukio's body could touch the cold ground it became blurry disappearing instantly


Yukio reappeared inside the room although his body flew out impacting against the wall and placed a bitter smile on his lips

"Really? ... Although I could do it, I think that my control is not very adequate as far as I see it"

Among his words full of bitterness, Tobirama nodded with a sparkle in his eyes that soon dimmed

"No, I would say that to be your first attempt it has been much beyond my expectations, you really look like a sponge which absorbs knowledge and then demonstrates it for yourself"

Clearly, Tobirama's words showed some hidden astonishment, he was very interested in how Yukio could master the knowledge about Chakra and Jutsu at such an abnormal level

Even so, Yukio nodded, he had been practicing Hiraishin with Tobirama during these three days

Although mainly there were failures, those failures soon became an experience that along with his unique ability [Advanced Domain] slowly became successful that until now has taken him to where he is now

"Well ... I think this is enough, the rest I can learn for myself ... What about Phantom?"

Yukio took a seat on the bed while stretching and then spoke to Tobirama

"That man is quite interesting, I have left these three days without food and yet he does not crumble ... I was planning to get information in a more 'formal' way"

While the word 'formal' was quite obvious, Yukio nodded because he really needed to know things about INFERNO

Although he was not really willing to pay attention to 'slags', it was necessary to maintain the safety of his family

Admitting it he had become fond of his parents ...

"Just do it, come to me when you have the information in your hands ... As for your other task, what about her?"

"The second task ... That woman named Mittelt I have not asked to find her location, I have even looked around but ..."

"No need to continue, she may have to be hiding somewhere else ..."

"Are you talking about that place you told me? Underworld?"


Yukio had already told Tobirama about the 'Underworld' and 'Heaven', although Tobirama was too interested

It was because the 'Underworld' was possibly in a separate space to this world, it was like a different dimension that only those with the correct coordinates could enter

"Should I look for her in the Underworld?" Tobirama asked as he rose from the chair where he had been sitting so far

But that surprised Yukio a little

"Do you have any way to get in? ..."

"I think ... Although I have not gone by myself, I previously had an encounter with a Devil and managed to place my [Mark] on him"

At those words Yukio felt like laughing, seriously the Hiraishin was a skill too OP

Without a doubt it was a worthy skill, even he came to think that this skill was suitable for infiltrations and silent murders

After a few more words, Tobirama left to get information from Phantom

As for Yukio, he plunged into his thoughts as he looked at the ceiling and raised his hand as if he wanted to touch something

"Shouldn't I prepare now? ... It's just a matter of time for them to come to me"

He knew it, no matter how much he hid or how much he hid his identity it was impossible to go unnoticed all this time

"That's why I need allies ... At least, someone, I can use"

While he thought about that he extended his hand and a virtual window appeared before his eyes

Without even showing interest in anything else, he went to the 'Store'

His goal was clearly to find some way to buy a 'Soul Contract' or 'Slavery Necklace'

"But ... This is not too expensive?"

Yes, exactly the word 'Expensive' was short, in the store where there were many types of objects and skills

Everything related to 'Slavery' was placed along with an astronomical price

"Spiritual Contract 80,000 OP ... Mental Contract 60,000 OP ... This is a scam ... System?"


[Even if you look at it as a 'scam', you should understand that prices in the store only link and rise correspondingly to the hatred that the Gods feel towards these objects]

"Hate? ... Are you saying that prices rise for their 'Hate'? ... Besides that has to do with that?"

[It's as the User has said, 'Hate' raises prices ... That's because the Gods were against 'Slavery', they consider it a dark and abominable path among other things]

Uh ... It was a new knowledge for Yukio who plunged into his thoughts but then an idea came to his head

"If the gods hate Slavery so much and consider it somewhat obscure ... Then why didn't Suna tell me anything? ... After all my ability [Fictitious Summoning] puts my summons under a contract"

It was true, his unique ability placed all his invocations under a very strict contract with different rules

# 1 - They can't hurt or cause anything that could hurt Yukio

# 2 - If Yukio uses the [Command] they must fulfill any order dictated by him without even being able to resist

# 3 - They have 50% loyalty to him, which can even rise or fall even then they can never hurt him

While they were very horrible rules, Yukio's fingers were practically low puppets

Even so, he had never used the [Command] ...

While he was thinking about it, the system answered his long-awaited question.


[Regarding that question I don't have permission to answer it ...]

"I see ... In that case, I won't ask anymore"

Although he was curious, he knew that the System would not answer him, so he would not waste his time on it.

Now his problem was how to obtain a 'Soul Contract' or 'Spiritual Contract' in order to empower Hinata

He wasn't going to trust her easily ... It was very stupid to trust someone without first having something to protect himself from betrayal

Immersed in his thoughts soon the system spoke again as if he could come to understand his wishes


[The User is notified that the 'Seals' placed by the Goddess Suna in you has been broken ... Do you wish to receive the complete information of your first unique ability?]

"Ah? ..." Yukio felt instantly confused

His first unique ability was about [Fictitious Invocation] ... Now he is told that he had a 'Seal' placed by Suna ... What things were being hidden from him?

"Explain yourself..."

[The Goddess Suna previously placed a 'Seal' so that the other half of information on [Fictitious Invocation] was not in her hands, although due to her previous act this 'Seal' was broken ...]

"Previous act?" Even more confused Yukio felt strange

But soon his confusion was erased to show some surprise

[You have murdered common human beings ... As the bearer of the System you have been listed as 'Evil' and 'Dark', the Goddess Suna is someone who loves humans and chooses to keep the peace of the world ... You who actually you are considered as the Apostle of Suna you destroyed the ideals of the Goddess, therefore, you managed to break the 'Seal' placed inside you]

Ugh ... No matter where he looked at it, it was as if he was now entering into conflicts against Suna

But ... so what?

Even if he went into conflict it didn't matter ... They had made a fair and clean deal, as long as he took care of the 'Temporary Alteration' Suna will return him to his old world.

Even if Suna didn't do it ... Did that matter? Although it would take longer he didn't think he would ever get any skill that would make him travel between Dimensions

By the way, even turning himself into a Deity was not impossible ...

"Can I become a Deity? ..."

Although he knew it at least he needed to confirm it ...

And as if everything was already planned, the System launched its words as if it were a blessing destined to be received.

[Becoming a Deity is not impossible ... Even the lowest being in the world can become one ... Only effort and dedication will lead you to your ideals and goals ...]

A smile formed on Yukio's lips before lying on his bed

"So what are you waiting for? Transfer all the knowledge about my unique ability to me ... It's time to discover everything"

Deity ... That didn't matter what he wanted to solve this 'Temporary Alteration' and be sent to his old world ... And if that didn't work out then he would do it himself

As he thought about it, his eyesight began to dim as a warm voice sounded in his mind.

[Executing Orders: Transfer 'Knowledge of the Soul' 'Manipulation of the Soul' 'Spiritual Control' ...]

It was as if the blessings were actually raining ...

Except in a place where only those who had the Divinity within themselves could enter, you could see the faint figure of a beautiful woman with golden hair that seemed to fade as she sighed with regret

"He has fallen..."

His unique and fragile words echoed in his surroundings before a part of the 'place' went dark

It was as if Yin and Yang had been present in this environment full of Black and White

Was this the right thing?

It was the thought of that golden-haired woman before mysteriously disappearing in the white landscape

With the retire of the golden-haired woman soon the place, soon fell silent where darkness and light were shared between them ...

It was the rebirth of Yin and Yang