
Chapter 22

Gathered in the residence of the Kirisaki Clan was currently the Great Patriarchs of the Prestige Clans of Japan

Whether they were Yakuzas or Politicians, one of their representatives was currently here to know what kind of actions would be taken now but contrary to the thoughts of all Fujiwara they revealed an unusual decision

"We do not wish to pursue this problem, INFERNO sent us a message saying that this situation turned out to be a 'mistake'"

At his words many frowned, the Patriarch of the Clan Seto raised his hand

"I understand the situation more or less, but don't you think letting them go so easily is very cowardly of us?"

While this man's words were true, if they allowed themselves to be attacked in this way and did not return the attack then they would be taken as cowards

But Mr. Fujiwara smiled and shrugged

"Do you think so? At least I think some of them here know that we are not cowards"

At that moment Mr. Kirisaki and Ichijō laughed slightly and Ken had some papers in his hands

"Certainly I assure myself that the Fujiwara Clan is not a coward ... Twenty dead people belonging to the INFERNO organization do not even know if Phantom is alive since he has not even returned to his headquarters ... Tell me Mr. Fujiwara Do you have to Phantom in his hands? "

At Ken's words, everyone was surprised ...

To kill Twenty people from HELL?

Even Phantom's whereabouts were not known, which was obviously a rather surprising discovery.

Mr. Fujiwara showed a mysterious smile

"About that, I will leave it to your imagination, Mr. Ken, I hope it doesn't bother you"

"Oh for nothing, but I must remind you that my Sun-Ken Rock is completely willing to help you if you ask for it."

Mr. Fujiwara nodded and was quite grateful although he actually looked furtively at his son who was sitting next to Mrs. Fujiwara quietly looking at everything

"Excuse me" At that moment a voice rang out and everyone turned to Mrs. Kirisaki "Although BOTH has decided to accept the 'fault' of this incident, wouldn't they be thinking that they would really leave this situation like this or yes? After all the Clan Fujiwara murdered twenty of his dead ... And possibly a Phantom "

Everyone was silent but Mr. Fujiwara laughed a little

"Certainly you always so smart and bright, but ... Your words are something wrong"

"Oh really? Could you enlighten me then?" Mrs. Kirisaki had a playful expression on her face she was a pretty cunning woman

Mr. Fujiwara knew that this woman was trying to get his secrets from him and decided not to keep him out of respect for his friend Mr. Kirisaki

"Because even before they try to mess with me again, I will send them a gift ..."


Yukio observed the interaction between all the 'Mafiosi', he was sitting right next to his mother while she was using her own phone

It was weird to see her use her phone, so he looked at Mrs. Kirisaki who was also using her phone, it didn't take long to discover that both women seemed to be talking on messages

That made him want to laugh, even so, he decided to ignore that and it was at that moment that he noticed a look

"You need something?"

"A-ah no ... Do you want to join us?"

A little girl about seven years old with a shy expression approached

She had long, straight blond hair that hitherto reached her back but her tips faded in pink, it was emphasized that she held her hair in a ponytail with a red ribbon

She also wore a beautiful white summer dress that combined her beautiful blonde hair with her pretty blue eyes

Yukio looked at her carefully before he saw the other children who had so far been ignoring the conversation and doing their own things.

Probably this little girl invited him because he noticed that he had not really joined the group and was still sitting next to his mother

Yukio thought about rejecting her because she really did not want to get up but Ms. Fujiwara looked at the girl before smiling

"You should go and have fun with them"


"Go and play, I'll talk a moment with a friend ..." She smiled and stood up as she headed for toward Mrs. Kirisaki

Yukio sighed bitterly and reluctantly went to the assembled children

Mrs. Fujiwara sat next to Mrs. Kirisaki and looked at her with a rather odd smile

"You have only three opportunities, my son already has someone his heart and if your little daughter does not make a breakthrough until he really reaches the age then I can do nothing"

"Hahaha, he already has someone special in his heart? Umm, really is a very mature child, isn't it? Even so, my little Chitoge won't lose to anyone" Mrs. Kirisaki said with an expression full of trust

But Ms. Fujiwara rolled her eyes

"As you like"

Both women began to talk about their routine things

But Yukio who was clearly spreading his senses to listen to the 'Mobsters'

He has obviously ended up listening to the small conversation of both women which made him stay stunned

When the hell do I have someone my heart?

Even if I don't have it, you have no right to throw this girl over me!

To hell ...

Yukio rubbed his forehead with some exasperation but decided not to pay attention because maybe making some more friends would not be so bad either


Meme Towa had been spending her day's tranquility while running her little candy store

While she received many compliments for her decoration from her neighbors, although in a way she was also very excited about this place

"It's one hundred and fifty yen ... Be careful when you go home"

Meme spoke quite kindly to a boy who smiled carrying the bag full of candy in his hands as he left with his older brother

This scene was quite routine for her who attended most of her day to her clients.

"Eh? ... Again she ate my candy!" Meme couldn't help but exasperate when she knocked under her desk just to realize that her favorite sweets which were 'hidden' disappeared

Only her daughter would be able to steal her precious sweets


At that moment she watched the stairs leading to the second floor

It was because she heard a sound coming from above, her heart tensed she was very cowardly

He even got worse remembering the previous event but immediately a smile appeared on his lips

"Is the..."

With those thoughts, she quickly headed up and opened the door of her room but found no one

He thought he was being paranoid, but just as he was about to leave he saw something new in his room, just behind his door was a huge soft stuffed shaped like a sweet

"Dango ...?"

She couldn't help laughing because she knew this would surely only come from 'Yukio', and her suspicions were confirmed when she took the letter that was next

"Thank you for that sweet but don't treat me like a child ..."

She couldn't help laughing a little, she kept that letter on her bedside table and placed the huge stuffed Dango on her bed tonight she would sleep having a new bed partner

I plan to send the MC to the world of Naruto, it's only a thing of five or ten chapters, his mission would be to get forces that want to join him, what do you think? If not I will simply continue as we were until now

For those who still do not understand the plot, everything revolves around this 'Temporary Alteration', many will have realized that something like this cannot be caused by itself and someone is playing behind the threads!

For those who wish to contribute their knowledge, they are very welcome, they can advise on what skills and even which characters would be good to invoke!

Should I include romance in this work?

Solatecreators' thoughts