
The Legend Of Yogan

I was engulfed in darkness, I sought light. I was weak, and I sought power. Though I was nothing, I wanted to be something. I sought power, power worthy enough of being the power of that called 'The Savior', 'The Protector' and 'The Great'. The power of the Holy Lion. Now that I have what I once sought. I seem to have lost something important and valuable, Something that made me Unique, Something that identified me as a human, which was my emotions... This is the story of me, the story of a Legend, The Story of FumetsuRaion, Read to Discover, how I got reincarnated into SeinaruRaion... The Legend Of Yogan...

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Fumetsu A Child Born With Talent & Passion

Long Time Ago. There Used To Live A Samurai Named Fumetsu... Fumetsu Used To Live In A Village Called Yōgangakure (Village Hidden In Lava) As Fumetsu Grew And Was Eligible To Go An Academy And Learn Basics That A Samurai Must Know, Fumetsu Got Into Academy At A Very Young Age And One Day Whilst Academy Classes Were Finished, Fumetsu Was Heading Towards His Home As Usual And Then He Was Stopped By One Of His Teachers And For The Reason, They Stopped Him Was That An Higher Up Of The Village Commanded That... Fumetsu Stopped And Was Told That "You Will Be Here With Us For An Hour Or Two, So Till Then Shall We Train?" Arashi Replied Yes And Did A Very Harsh Training He Was Sooner Recognised By His Teachers For His Amazing And Out-Standing Skills... After An Hour He Left The Academy And When He Was Heading Towards His Home He Heard Some Rumor Saying "Is It True That Kaitai Sama Died" And Fumetsu Was Devastated After Hearing This Statement That He Rushes To His House In Such Speed That No One Could Ever Imagine, His Eyes Were Tearing Up And When He Reaches Home. He Finds No One But Some Blood Stains On The Walls And The Floors, With A Note Covered In Blood Kept On The Floor.

That Note Was Nothing But A Note Written By His Dad When He Was Injured. It Was Written Just Before His Dad Passed Away... Fumetsu Then Reads It... That Note Contains Several Daily Life Things That Fumetsu Must Follow And Aswell Fumetsu Full Name. The Name Written Was Fumetsu Raion... And In Last Fumetsu Realises That His Worst Nightmare Was The Cruel Reality"... Fumetsu Is Truly Depressed As He Has No One With Him And Due To Him Being Always Strict And Following People Used To Be A Step Away From Him. But Then Fumetsu Always Missed His Parents In Every Moment Of His Life, And Due To That Fumetsu Leaves His Village And Starts Living In A Small Hotel In A City And Near That Hotel Was A Samurai Training Ground. One Day As Fumetsu Was Training In That Ground. He Meets A Person Who Is A Bit Old Then Fumetsu Himself. The Person's Name Was Keito And Keito Sees And Tells Him That The Way He Is Training Is Good But He Needs To Improve A Small Thing And Improving It Would Make A lot Of Change In His Battling Skills And That Was Emotions. Keito Said Fumetsu To Not Let Emotion's Come In Battle, As Emotions In Battle Would Make You Quite Useless Several Times... And Fumetsu Then Tries To Do His Best To Removing Emotions Come In All-Time... As Keito Was Leaving Fumetsu He Sees Fumetsu Tear Up And Is Now Curious To Know Why Fumetsu Teared Up...

And Then Later He Keeps An Eye On Fumetsu Every Time Fumetsu Is Training And When He Finally Sees A Good Time To Duel Fumetsu He Jumps In And Asks For A Duel, During Duel He Asks Fumetsu Why Was He Tearing Up That Day. Fumetsu Replies That "It's Better If I Don't Talk About It" And So Keito Doesn't Bother To Ask Fumetsu About It... Fumetsu Then Strikes And Asks A Question Aswell Which Was "What Is Your Name?" And Which Family Do You Belong?. Keito Replies "I'm Keito But I Can't Tell You My Family Name But Can I Know Yours" Fumetsu Replies "<in japanese>Orewa Raion Fumetsu (I'm Fumetsu Raion)" And Then After A Battle Between Them They Both Bump Their Fists As A Sign That They Both Agree That The Battle Was Friendly. Now Several Years Have Passed Since That Incidents And Now Fumetsu Is 15 And Now After Training For Several Years With Keito. They Both Develop A Great Friendship And Now Both Return To Their Village And Now It Is Revealed That Keito Was With Fumetsu Due To A Task That Was To Guard Fumetsu...

Fumetsu Doesn't Know But His Late Father KaitaiRaion Was Such A Powerful Figure That He Had Once Battled With A Demonic Fox, A Demonic Fox That Has 9 Tails And Is Bright In Color. The Fox Was Said To Be Undefeatable But Kaitai Was So Powerful That He Battled That Fox And The Battle Lasted For Several Weeks And Kaitai Survived Those Weeks Without Food And In Last That Fox Was Finally About To Lose As Kaitai Had Cut His 4 Legs And Now He Was About To Do His Final Strike And After That Battle Kaitai Ate That Fox To Replenish The Energy He Lost Again This Fox... Kaitai Had Saved Yōgangakure From Several Attacks He Even Once Faced Off An Army Just To Save His Village That Army Had A Rough Count Of 50,000 Samurai's And Yōgangakure Only Sent Kaitai Against That Army And Even Became Victorious... Kaitai Used To Say "Even The Sharpest Sword Is Useless If You Don't Have The Passion, The Energy And The Will To Cut The Object"...

Now Fumetsu Is Headed Towards His Home And Is Now On His Way To His Home He Sees 5 Strong People And Thinks That These 5 People Are Dangerous For Him. But Those 5 People Call Out Fumetsu Saying "Hey Come Here, You Look Familiar. By Any Chance Are You That Tiny Fumetsu?" And Fumetsu Is Confused And Replies "Yes I'm Fumetsu. And Who Might You All Be?" They All Reply "We Are The Deadly 5". Hearing Them He Asks Can I Know Your Names Though?. And Their Names Were. KingRaion , KamiRaion , ShadeRaion , TenmaRaion And ToshiroRaion... Now Fumetsu Is Confused As Those 5 Are Also Raion And Then He Says Umm I'm FumetsuRaion Nice To Meet You All...

And They Reply It's Our Pleasure... Now Kami Stands And Asks " Can You Battle Me?, Have You Awakened Your Slash Ability Yet??"... And Fumetsu Replies "What Slash Ability?" Then King Says There Are 4 Pairs Of Slash "Demonic Angel Slash" And "Hell Bottom Slash" Are One Pair And "Heaven Beauty Slash" And "Angel Cry Slash" Is The Other Pair And The Last 2 Are Passed Down In The Main Branch Of Raion And They Are Not Allowed To Teach It To Others. But As You Are A Part Of the Main Family Just Like All Of Us Here, We Will Teach You The Other 2 Pairs When The Time Arrives... Now Then Let Our Battle Alone Begin Kami San Says Fumetsu... But Suddenly They Hear Loud Sounds And To Their Surprise There Was A Group Of People, Those People Were None Other Than The People Of "Arashigakure (Village Hidden In The Storm)" The Village That Once Sent 50,000 People And Got Defeated By One Person... Arashigakure Now Knowing That Kaitai Is Dead They Think Of Attacking Yōgangakure But Suddenly Kami And Tenma Rush To Destroy The Big Mountain Rock Falling On The Village And Toshiro And Shiroii Rush Straight To Battle. And Shade Is Rescuing The Villagers... And It All Is Done In A Very Short Time... Fumetsu Realises That "The Deadly 5" Are Actually Deadly,The Way They React To Enemy Attack, The Way They Handle It Is Actually Fabulous. And Then Fumetsu Asks Kami To Teach Him And After Pleading A lot. Kami Says "If You Have Passion Then I Don't See Why I Can't Train You :D" And Then They Train For a Total of 6 Months. now FumetsuRaion Becomes A Fully Fledged Samurai... And Now He Realises That He Lived And Trained With Keito Kinzoku For 5 Years And 6 Months With Kami... Now Fumetsu Is Called Into Village Head's Office And There He Meets Keito Kinzoku Standing And Now The Village Leader Kuroii Says "Dear Fumetsu Do You Know Why Have I Summoned You?" Fumetsu Replies "No I Don't Know Why My Highness"... Kuroii Then Says "Well You See My Advisor Keito Has Suggested Me That I Should Fill Up "The Deadly Mortals," Group By Adding You In... Fumetsu Asks "My Highness Sorry To Question You But Isn't That A Group Of 5?" Kuroii Replies It Used To Be A Group Of 6 But Due To Kaitai's Death The Group Is Now Missing One Member And Yumin Here Suggests Me That You As The Son And The Successor Of Kaitai Must Be Given That Spot. However, If You Are To Disappoint Me Keito Would Face-Off The Consequences... Fumetsu Is Shocked And Says "My Highness I Must Not Disappoint You And Will Serve In The Spot Of My Father And Would Do My Best So That Keito San Here And You All Are Safe".. Keito Is Amazed By His Answer And Says "I Know You Won't Disappoint Me, As Of Now The Other 5 Are On A Mission And You Are To Go To Them . Here, Follow These Coordinates And You Would Safely Reach Them"...