

I vowed to protect all beings. That means I am now responsible for everyone's safety. I vowed to never betray the light elder with the dark lights. That means I will not turn my weapon against my creators--no matter what the situation is. I vowed so many things. And even after two years of being a Gaurdian, I'm still learning from my mistakes.

Most people my age worry about work or relationships. I, on the other hand, worry about the whole world. Yes. I do mean the whole world.Everyone from all gifts, flesh, and sizes calls me when darkness invades their lives. I never knew the world as I know it today. I never saw the darkness for what it was. Until I was crowned.

Being a Gaurdian takes a lot. With my crowning I earned 'gifts'--the gift of light. Through it, I can destroy demons. The gift of purity gives me an ability to sense good from evil. The gift of sight lets me see clearly even in the darkest hours.The gift of all five elements makes me have full control over earth, fire, wind, water, and spirit. The gift of spirit grants me the ability to heal those that needs healing.

But before I can do those things, there are two frustrating voices in my head. One whom I just can't get on the same level with. And the other always telling me to heal people.

Since my crowning, I had yet to meet my 'light' or soulmate. It's not that I'm looking for it. But apparently, I can't just go on dates like any other normal human. I promised to never fall in love with someone that isn't 'the one'. Some people say that this kind of love is non existent.

I do go out when my mission requests. But other than that, I'm cooped up in my home like a widow with thirty cats. Minus the cats.

So here I am, staring at the traffic ahead, rows and rows of different shapes and sizes. The honking, yelling, music, and engines revving--all at once--blared through my open window. The dark blue black clouds in the sky warned me that a storm would fall upon us in less than an hour. I never liked heavy thunderstorms. All the more being on the road when it poured down like small rivers.

I like it in--between--not sunny nor rainy. Just cloudy.

Damn, you're afraid of heavy rain? My inner voice mocked. You know you can just think it gone and it could dissapear right?"

"Yeah totally!" I retorted, sarcastically. "And spook humans as they're thinking it's freaky weather."

Well...humans can be fooled easily with just a little compulsion, she replied proudly.

I rolled my eyes.

I don't know how you got the job for the inner voice department. But. You. Suck. I cut off the voice in my head before she could go on about the subject. Even though she would push through the block in less than five minutes. Just a couple of minutes with her was all I need.

My own life was like a cloudy day. No sun or heat to warm me up. It's just the wind kept on blowing me in all kind of directions. I could smell the wet earthly smell from the clouds above. The trees with green leaves and...blood.

A couple of feet away from where I stood with my Challenger less than hour ago, an accident occured. The smell of blood was so strong that my feet immediately stepped out of my car. The accident was covered with paramedics after. And police officers and some people came. All of them wanted to take photos of the bloody scene.

A tired sigh left my lips as I scanned through the crowd, frustrated and annoyed that people would actually go so far to upload this on their social media. My dark red hair kept falling over my face as the wind blew from my left, causing me to swipe it away from my eyes.

Two bloody figures were laying on the ground as I pushed past all the curious gazes. Both looked dead at the pool of blood surrounding them.

"Can you sense them?"I asked my innerself,letting her come forward just an inch to search for the waves that a small spark of life would give off.

Faint, she whispered back. It needs a lot of power for the both to be saved.

"Should we try?" My lips turned into a frown as my fingertips started to tremble. She nodded mentally. I knelt down beside the first bloody victim.

"Hey!" Someone called from the distance."You're not allowed to be here!"

I looked up and stared at the man. He was tired and angry. His grey hair fell over his big round glasses. Orange and blue covered his body. He was one of the paramedics.

My left eye started to twitch as my powers pushed a little forward. His mouth opened to say something until he caught my glow in my hand.

"You...you," he gasped.

"Please get these people back!" My voice grew deeper. "If you let anyone film this, I will kick your ass personally."

He swallowed then nodded. He quickly moved to the murmuring crowd over my shoulder. "Back in your vehicles now!" he instructed, calling for help from the traffic police. After two minutes, I was alone with two bodies, six paramedics, two police officers, and one doctor. All of them watching me in anticipation while my hands hovered over all the broken skin.

I rolled my eyes, hearing a gasp of being amazed when the first open cut healed right infront of their eyes. I even heard someone fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The first victim had several deep cuts over the ribs and thighs. They were so deep the nerves popped out like pieces of fat.

I finished the last deep cut and hovered over his chest. My hands tingled as I lighted forward. Each person has life waves indicating they haven't passed through the light yet. Their soul would still hover in this life--not ready to leave.

Call it unfinished business.

To a doctor, this male would be dead. No heartbeat. No pulse. And no sign of life. But it's different for me, I waited and reached out to this man's soul, calling him to return. My hands was a trembling mess as I pushed deeper, restarting his heart so his soul could get pulled back. My head started to throb when his chest moved. His eyes shot open then. He looked at me breathing heavily.

"Thank you," he croaked.

"You're welcome," I replied softly, falling back so the paramedics could load him back in an ambulance. The doctor kept mumbling incoherent words. Clearly, his presence was shrink from being important to not important. But I ignored him and turned to the next body.

A woman in her mid thirties with broken bones from her neck to her knees. Her back was a splinter mess while a blue purple bruise covered her whole chest area--airbag. It's one of the things protecting a person from major injuries. But when it popped out with a bone crushing speed, it would leave a bruise. And sometimes, it could break bones.

You should hurry with this one. She's about to be lost! My innerself rushed out leading for my chest to pick up speed.

I could heal quicker. But I would be the one on the floor unconscious after.

"I can't do this quicker!" I said, panic was setting in from the bottom of my stomach.

If she's lost, you're in deep shit!

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up from something behind me, I couldn't put my energy on that now. I focused all of my light directly on her chest. Then a warm wave rushed over me as my power surged through my palms. Small drops of sweat started to form on my forehead as my vision swirled. And the last thing I could see was her green eyes staring back at me. Her lips moved until my body collapsed into the cold road.

Jax POV.

A smell that drove my beast over the edge, made me jump out of my car. I ran around like a lunatic. I knew I had to find her--my mate,my only chance of happiness. Lavender and something sweet invaded my nostrils. My beast scratched to come out. I pushed back hard while my eyes darted around the gruesome scene that was a bloody mess.

Paramedics were carrying someone towards the ambulance while two people helped a man in his late fifties to stand. The smell grew stronger and my beast pushed harder. My skin started to dissapear as a patch of hair took its place. Until I saw the one who took me over the moon.

Her red hair was covering most of her face, eyes were bright white silver. She looked down at the woman with a fearful gaze. Her lips was beautiful red as she bit down on her bottom lip. Her hands were shaking, slightly stable when a light flowed freely from her palms.

My eyes caught sight of her mark. A cross on the soft flesh between her thumb and index finger.The mark that many feared but also adored--the last female Gaurdian.

She who so many talked about as a myth was kneeling just a couple of feet away from me, my mate. The one I would walk through hell. I always believed that I will find someone that is lycan. But I was wrong.

My beast whined in the back of my head as her body collapsed. My feet sprang into action as her head crashed against the rough surface of the sidewalk. My hands reached out to get her into my arms and out of harms way.

A man who I recognized as one of the paramedics immediately rushed over to help me. His hands reached out to pull her head up as dark crimson blood covered the tar.

"She must've knocked her head pretty bad,"'he breathed out as call for assistance. My beast growled in the back of my mind when the paramedics moved the lost strands from her face.

Turning her onto side, the one paramedic looked at the back in confusion. "What..."he stared at me. "No wounds." he exhaled as the second paramedic looked over and confirmed that there's no wound.

"No shit, does she look human to you?" I asked, anger was bubbling from all the touching that was currently going on. My beast grew restless as they lifted her off the ground. "Give her to me!" I barked loudly without caring what they would think.

Both paramedics looked at me blankly. And then back at the woman in their arms. "Are you her husband?" one of them asked. And my blood boiled.

"No her mate!" I growled, letting my beast come forward and my fangs extent. "So give her to me!"

A bulky police officer came over with his hand ready on his gun. I was certain it contained a high dosage of silver. He asked nonchalantly, "What seems to be the problem?"

"He claims to be her mate, Sir. And he wants to take her..." the paramedics trails off, looking conflicted as he looked at my mate.

"She belongs to me!" I exclaimed, "I have every right to take her!"

The police officer who stood with his arms crossed gave me a incredulous look,'raising his eyebrow as he looked at my mate. Growl escaped my lips. "The way I see it..."he looked up at me. "She's unconscious and not able to clear you as her 'mate' so you better get back to your car."

My beast scratched and my blood bummed by this. "Or what?" I gave him a glare before I flashed my fangs.

He didn't even flinch. He looked bored and I wanted to rip his face off. "You don't want to find out son. So be wise or deal with the consequences."

I eyed him and noticed the crowd that was forming around us. My beast wanted our mate but I couldn't take her without a fight. And the witnesses were screwing up my chances without damaging my reputation. "Fine," I finally said after a couple of minutes, raising my hands in a surrendering motion before taking steps backwards.

I looked at her for the last time. My heart ached and my beast whined before I made it back to my car. I started the engine and drove off to the nearest forest where I could shift and rip into the first beast that cross paths with me.