
The Ball

It turns out that Jayce and I both got an invitation to the ball, and we can bring a plus one with us.

Jayce's plus one was his girlfriend, Maria, while mine was his sister, Ava.

Jayce was reluctant to bring Ava with us as her young age and status as his sister could be exploited by others at the ball.

Although, that reluctance melted down the moment she gave him 'that' eye.

Yes, 'that'.

He brought her on one condition, she must stay with either him or Maria at all times.

I feel excluded.

Anyways, when I rummaged through my briefcase, I realized that I had no formal suit to wear.

The ball was at 7 PM, and it was 6 PM right now.

I had no time to get a new suit fitted for me.

I brought this matter up to Jayce, and he decided to just let me use one of his old vests.

Now that I think about it, it's quite sad that he had to get a vest to attend formal events at the young age of 15.

Well, he's not much older now, but still, it's kind of pitiful.

His suit fit me as if it was tailor made, and it was quite appealing to the eye as well.

It was a blue vest with simple decorations - a few buttons here and there, and a white shirt came with it. Together, they were quite pleasing to the eye.

When I finished changing into the vest, I came outside to see Jayce, Maria, and Ava were all waiting in their own formal wears.

Jayce wore a dark double vested suit, while Maria and Ava wore yellow and blue dressed respectively.

"Were you guys waiting long?"

Maria opened her mouth to say something, but Jayce cut her off, "Yeah. You clearly have no experience putting on vests, perhaps you need some help next time?"

"Of course not. This is my first ball because after all, I'm not like you, the genius who everyone desires."

Jayce and I exchanged friendly verbal jabs at each other, and then we headed off to the car waiting for us.

We talked a lot while in the car, most of it was Jayce teaching me and Ava formal etiquettes and how to not seem rude ending a conversation.

When we arrived at the location of the ball, a mansion, a guard at the front door asked us for our invitations.

We were let in after Jayce and I showed our invitations, and my eyes were exposed to a whole new world.

The interior of the mansion was drowned in decorations, and there were many tables where food was on display to grab. There were many people talking to each other, and I overheard some conversations/gossips.

"Did you hear about Ulfrod? Apparently, he discredited his younger brother in the invention of the PuzzleMaster. Now that it's exposed, I doubt that he will keep his seat as the heir to the ShineBright company!"

The hell is a PuzzleMaster? The hell is a ShineBright?

My thoughts dispersed as I returned to reality from the announcement from our host.

"Ah! The stars of today's show, Jayce Giopara and Shaun Iginer has entered! Everyone, please give a round of applause!"

'How the hell did I become the star of a ball?' almost splurted out from my lips, but I managed to contain myself and kept my silence.

I glanced at Jayce's face, noticing that it was an entirely different one from what he shows me.

He had a charming smile on and an understanding air started spreading from him, almost as if you could tell him about any troubles that you have. He also had an air of confidence, not afraid to go head-first into a challenge, and with all his charms and aura, he was really the #1 star of this show, making everyone wanting to approach him.

I decided to imitate him and put up the best airs I could, and immediately, the trio who were standing next to me, noticed.

"Wow, you actually seem charming. If I was a girl, I'd maybe fall for you. Wipe that smile off your face, though. It just doesn't fit you."

I didn't have to try hard to guess who that came from.

"Alright. Maria, please stay with Ava and protect her from all those vultures. Shaun, come with me. I'll introduce you the world of politics."

Jayce dragged me with him in an elegant way, and whispered into my ears as he noticed someone approaching.

"Lesson 1, always make promises, even if you don't intend to follow through with them."

He pulled me up and started a conversation with the man approaching us.

"Good evening, sir Penleope. How may I help you?"

"Good evening sir Jayce, Shaun. I approach you on this fine day to make you a business proposal."

"We are interested. Please elaborate."

"I made a new invention called..."

I tuned out the rest of his words as Jayce did with smiles and nods, making promises that I don't intend to keep.

As Penleope went away, Jayce looked at me and said, "You're a natural at this."

"Unsurprising. I'm good at everything."

"Are you sure about that?" A new voice came into our conversation.

Jayce and I turned around to face a thin teenager who had unkempt, brown hair and yellow eyes. He was quite tall, taller than I am and standing up to Jayce's chin.

"Your name is?"


Oh. that's very cool.