
The legend of Roro Jonggrang

Meizarita · Lịch sử
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4 Chs

The legend of Roro Jonggrang 3

At midnight the temple was only one less. Seeing the incident, Roro Jonggrang was surprised and also surprised.Because so many temple buildings are almost complete Roro Jonggrang panicked, he immediately called the palace maid's head Aunt Emban quickly turned her brain. Then with Roro Jonggrang she woke up Prambanan village girls to pound rice while banging pestle on dimples so that a noisy sound -low.Meanwhile the village youths were ordered to burn wood and haystacks east of Prambanan As a result of the sound of mortars being beaten many times, even roosters crowed Hearing the voices, the spirit immediately stopped its work.It was thought that it was already morning, especially when they saw red like dawn rising in the east, they thought the sun was almost rising.Bandung Bandawasa left them now, the young man headed for the temple building which number was less than one to become a thousand.But when he got there it was really morning.The sun has shown its light.At the same time Roro Jonggrang appeared before Bandung Bandawasa."Never mind Raden ... His Majesty is clearly unable to fulfill my request, then ...!" "Enough! I knew something was wrong!" Cut Bandung Bandawasa"Raden is a knight, a knight must keep his promise. Now the day is really morning. The sun has revealed its light. And Raden is unable to fulfill the requirements of a thousand temple "! Bandung Bandawasa stands tall before Roro Jonggrang. His teeth are rattling against anger.