
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs


This story contains violent content in most of the chapters. Please be guided in that the readers may or may not be having a traumatic reaction after reading this story.

This is a fictional series that is only made-up impressions from the Author's perspective. Most characters and places were fictional and mythical.