
The legend of ice Phoenix

Living has always been painful experience to Ryan, always trying his best to live peacefully but still Destiny won't just let him be, why must the universe have to remind me of who I am, why must my mere existence bring chaos, destruction, darkness and sorrow, why can't I leave my life in peace, I keep trying but why can't I, why must I be bloodthirsty, I am a demon but why must I be constantly reminded, I don't want to care anymore whether good or bad I own my destiny if it is bad then maybe I am ready to walk that path.. if I must bring chaos then so be it if I must bring destruction then so be it if I must cause death then so be it if anyone dare stand in my way I will eradicate such person, I will kill them all, I don't want to care anymore am tired but why must my heart beat for you Ren, whether you want to protect them or not if they try to destroy me I will destroy them Let us watch how Ryan will pave his own way, whether he will bring destruction or peace or whether his lover will be able to change his heart.. M y first novel hope you all love it and support me, I will make sure not to fail your expectations but well I will keep writing..

Boluwatife_Adesina · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

chapter 1 The beginning

A man stood tall with sword on his hand, blood was filled everywhere, he looked really handsome dressed in a red robe he stood like a God, his hair swayed around untied he looked like a godly yet demonic beauty like he was crafted by God himself, you could say the time was wasted on him for perfection, his skin white and pale and his rossy yet red ( you could say his beauty was been exaggerated)...

The man looked up in the sky, his face filled with sadness and helplessness" why, why was i the one, why did my existences bring sadness, choas and not Joy, am tired, it's time to get a good rest.. he signed, i hope the King of underworld accept me" ooh you helpless souls May you know peace, he pulled his sword and stabbed himself straight in the heart ooh goodbye world, am Finally gone... Ryan is finally going.. finally I can rest" he said as he closed his eyes and breathe his last..

&quote& where am i..., wait am I still alive but that can't be possible I killed myself, just what's happening here, I tried feeling my heartbeat but there was nothing well that tells it am not alive but where am i, this place looks like an abyss all I can see is darkness nothing else yet I feel comfortable with the darkness I can at least rest here without caring about anything else...

Time went by, not having any records of the time, Ryan was still floating in the abyss and sleeping without giving a care about anything else until he felt a disturbance; &quote& what's happening now, why is everywhere shaking ,like can't this universe just let me have a peaceful sleep, just a little bit more" he said swearing and tried to sleep some more but like someone knew he was actually going to sleep,another disturbance happened which caused Ryan to get more annoyed but before he could do anything he felt a warm sensation around him and before he knew it he found himself wrapped and pulled into something like a portal and a thought came to him which seemed to say " another trouble is looming once again.

Having being pulled out from the abyss Ryan found himself in another dark place; like seriously is this what we are doing now, being pulled from darkness to another darkness, is this how reincarnation works" I thought but it's too stressful to start thinking again,I think I will just sit this one out.. I thought as I tried to get some sleep but was stopped when I heard a voice coming from the other side...

"Diana wife we will soon get to meet our baby, our lovely child, I can't wait for it to be out whether it will be a girl or a boy I will be happy, if it's a girl then I hope she is as beautiful as you as we will name her snow but if it is a boy am sure he will take after my looks and we will name him Ryan, isn't that great Diana"..

Yes it is hubby, you sure are funny you know Jake well I can't wait to see our baby also, it's our dream" she said as she smiled and the man smiled with her.

What! What! What!!

Wait so if I heard correctly am inside a womb, is this like transmigration or what, of all the things I could have gotten as punishment why did it have to be this,I seriously don't want to relive my life, I just really want to be free and just rest peacefully finally but why is universe hardbent on making it so hard for me.. why, well there is nothing I can do, all I have to do is try to live in this world as peaceful as possible even though it will be hard" he said as he slept again, all Ryan did was to sleep, wake up again to listen to the two lover bird bickering at each other, sleep and sleep like there's no waking up ..

And just like that time passed by until it was finally time for Ryan to come out to see the lovely world...


Somewhere in a desolate village ..

Jack I think the baby is coming" she said as she shouted in pain; Diana don't worry I will go and get a midwife just try and hold on please" he said as he ran out in an hurry to get a midwife while his wife kept howling in pain. jack ran to get a midwife when he saw that he was slow he put some more qi on his leg as he ran more faster till he finally reached the midwife house, he knocked and knocked until the midwife finally came out looking somehow displeased that her sleep was interrupted..

So what's wrong why are you here Jack in front of my house at night; am sorry Anna but Diana is about to give birth, the baby is coming please we have to go, hmm do you really think you need to beg me before I follow you, can you stop this facade on yours in front of me" she said as smirked, Anna let's forget that, we really need to get going now; ok" she said as she went in to take her equipment before they both started heading to meet Diana, but on their way Anna tried to bring up a topic but she is stopped by the Stern look of jack who signalled to her that they had arrived, she went inside and saw the unconscious Diana on the floor, when jack saw this he panicked as he shouted to Anna " Do something quick"

Anna went to hold the unconscious Diana and laid her on the bed, she sent jack outside but he insisted on staying with them which she refused, after seeing he was gone, Anna turned to the frail Diana, she put her hands on her head to send her some Mana before trying to bring the baby out, seeing that Diana was awake she started the procedure on bringing the baby out.

Meanwhile Ryan who had seen all these couldn't help but want to sleep but he knew he just couldn't not until he is finally out, he tried pulling himself out before the midwife started, Anna felt that something was strange as the baby was coming out by itself without her using any force or her powers but she put it aside as she thought that Diana was the one pushing but still she tried to lead the baby out and finally with all the tried the baby was finally out.

Ryan was so happy that the first thing he thought of was to sleep not bothering to give anything or anyone any gaze. Anna who saw the babywas glad that he was out and it was a baby boy, she called Jack inside who ran in but was relieved nothing happened to Diana or the baby, but he was definitely more pleased to see the baby; Diana it's a baby boy" he said to the tired Diana who smiled as she tried to hold her child. So his name will be Ryan right;" yes his name will be Ryan but why is the baby not crying,they both said as they looked at Anna who told them nothing was wrong as she tried to pinch the baby cheek but as if he felt numb to the pain, Ryan just continued to sleep as he let out a yawn which assured the parent that he was fine; Also what's with his hair, his hair is white and his body white everything about his was beautiful that made the parent feel proud and happy instead of being thoughtful while Ryan continued sleeping and Anna kept smiling at them but what they didn't Know was that.. With the birth of their baby something big was soon going to happen which might alter the peace of the universe or which might bring peace to the universe....


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