
Second Field Study (3)

Ram walked with anger and moved quickly to the place where pink salt is available while others followed him from behind.

He was not in a mood to waste any time and he decided to follow his big brother Bhargav's way and that is to do things individually rather than wait for others to settle their disputes.

He gave a glimpse backward and saw the change in faces of Jusis and Machias. They were feeling ashamed for their behavior.

Though Bhargav advised Ram to keep the storyline same, he interfered by losing himself in anger. He made his way to Auroch's Canyon path 3 and saw the pink salt on the canyon wall.

The others came behind him and Ram extracted the pink salt from the wall. Ram gave the pink salt to Emma and started making way towards the Auroch's fort.

"What's wrong with him? He seems to be worried about something." said Emma to Rean.

"He has good intuition. Maybe he is trying to avoid anything dangerous that might happen." said Rean.

"Maybe, but he was irritated since the start of the trip." said Fie.

"Well..." Rean's voice trailed away.

They started walking behind Ram again. One of the reasons Ram is behaving like this is because if they leave the Auroch's fort quickly, then Machias will not be imprisoned tomorrow.

They all arrived at the front of the fort and stopped. Ram saw massive fort and was surprised even though he saw it in game. He felt the real view was much better than in the game.

The others talked for sometimes and Ram heard their words but kept quiet.

"Let's go." said Ram.

The entire group went to the guards standing at the entrance of the fort.

"Who goes there?" asked the soldier standing to the left.

"Wait. Aren't those Uniforms....?" said the soldier to the right.

Rean took the charge and introduced themselves as Thors Military Academy, Class VII.

"We have completed a monster extermination task on your behalf and have come to give our report." said Machias.

"Oh, so you're the ones." said the left soldier.

"We've been expecting you." said the right soldier.

"Um.. We were able to defeat the monster in question." said Emma.

"Do you require a written report or is verbal confirmation okay?"

"Oh no. That's fine." said the left soldier.

"No. It is better to be thorough with our proceedings." said Ram.

Ram took out a paper from his pocket and wrote the report by putting it on the ground. The others could not understand why he was doing this even though the provincial soldiers said it was not needed.

He wrote two reports quickly and asked for the signature from one of the soldiers. The soldier had to reluctantly sign the report.

Jusis came forward and the soldiers were surprised. He enquired about the contents of the train that just passed by.

The soldiers replied that tanks were being brought into the fort and the fort is being made hard.

Ram kept quiet during the conversation.

They moved to a certain distance when Machias questioned Jusis.

"If we were in border with Crossbell or Republic, maybe I could understand..."

"...but why does the provincial army here need state of the art tanks?!"

He kept on questioning Jusis.

Ram opened his mouth and said "We three brothers have already mentioned the reason during the first practical exercise."

Ram started walking away. Those words entirely summed up the reason for this much fortification.

Jusis also added while walking by asking "How many tanks and aircrafts Imperial army has?"

"Ram wait up. I need to ask you something." said Fie.

Ram stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

"Why did you insist on submitting the report when they did not wanted it?" asked Fie.

Others heard the question and also waited for the answer.

Ram sighed and said "I did not wish to take any chances with regards to Provincial Army. My intuition told me that it is better to submit the report and get the signature on your own copy."

"I do not question your intuition but this is too much and going overboard." said Machias.

Ram shrugged and started walking away. Machias did not know that Ram was trying to protect him because if Ram has a record about the task completion he can use it against the provincial army because they have signed the paper in his hand.

When they reached the middle of the Auroch's Canyon, the alarms started going on in the Auroch's fort.

Ram knew that Millium snuck into the fort silently.

The others looked back and saw Lammy carrying Millium in the air. Ram also looked back to avoid others suspicion on him.

It passed over the Canyon and went away.

"What was that?"

"Are the birds like this common here?" asked Machias.

"Imbecile. That was no bird." said Jusis.

"Yeah, someone was riding it." said Fie.

"I think it was a child." said Rean.

Everyone turned towards Rean.

"What?" shouted Machias.

"Are you certain?" asked Jusis.

"Going by the build, yeah. I didn't get a good look at the face, so I can't be 100% sure.. but I think so." said Rean.

"Unbelievable..." said Emma.

"Maybe, but you guys have fought that type of object two times." said Ram before turning away.

He indirectly hinted them about the identity of the flying object.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Jusis.

"Figure it out yourself." said Ram and started walking again.

The others sighed in defeat while the tanks came and stopped them.

The soldiers explained that there was an intruder in the fort to Jusis.

The Class VII told them that the silver thing flew away to southwest.

They bade farewell and entered the tanks to find the Silver Combat shell.

The entire Class VII started making their way again.

They reached Bareahard again after sometime because others had to fight monsters.

"Just about Sundown..." said Rean.

"I guess our field study activities are done for the day." said Emma.

"Thank goodness. I am exhausted." said Machias.

Jusis looked up from left to right.

He said that the object did not come near the thoroughfare.

The others agreed. Ram had a bad feeling lingering inside him.

They made their way to Hotel Esmeralda when a limousine came and stood in front of him. A horn came from the car.

"Father..." said Jusis.

Ram knew that Helmut Albarea was the one who came there.

Ram clenched his fist because Helmut Albarea is his second most hated character.

"...I'm terribly sorry for not coming to greet you, father.

Although I'm here but for a short time, I, Jusis, have returned to---"

"Enough" said Helmut.

"As I informed Rufus, you may do as you wish while you are here.

However you will do nothing to bring shame upon Albarea household name or myself." said Helmut.

"Stupid scumbag" whispered Ram but others heard those words. Though Jusis and Helmut could not hear it.

He kept on spouting non sense when Jusis was being polite to him.

Ram's demeanor changed and a crooked smile appeared.

He concentrated his pressure onto Helmut Albarea.

Helmut Albarea felt immense pressure and held his head while screaming. Rean felt the same power when he felt in the jewelry shop and looked at Ram who was smiling.

"Stop it, Ram" said Rean putting his hand on Ram's shoulders.

Ram took back the pressure and Helmut became normal but became frightened.

When he looked at others and looked at Ram. Ram had a threatening demeanor towards him. He felt immense fear due to that and asked the driver to go away immediately.

"Why did you do that, Ram?" asked Rean.

"Because he is a bastard and dirty scumbag." said Ram and went into the hotel.

Since the boys are sleeping in a room, they all decided to ask him questions.

Taking some rest, they all went to the restaurant afterwards.

They all talked while Ram kept quiet. Jusis explained that restaurant owner was his Uncle.

They also felt there is a big improvement than the last time.

Jusis explained that it was not good enough.

Blublanc came with the words and said "Ah, the travails of youth! How noble and beautiful they are."

"Baron Bleublanc, I believe?" said Rean.

"Haha. It's such an honor that you would remember a mere baron." said Bleublanc.

"I see you've completed a hard day's work already. How splendid!" said Bleublanc.

"...Yes, nearly" said Machias.

"What about you?" asked Fie when he gave a bullshit reply.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay." said Jusis.

Ram closed his eyes and folded his hands while listening.

"I will.

Though it truly is a pity that the clear air of verdant city should be tinged, if but faintly, with scent of steel..." said Bleublanc.

He kept talking about Albarea and about fireworks.

"I wish you well on your remaining day here. May you reveal to me the beauty I seek by its end!"

"Gotcha. How did you know we have only one day here?" asked Ram suddenly with a sadistic smile.

Bleublanc was stunned as the youngster caught his slip of tongue immediately.

"Well.. I do have my.. connections. Farewell." said Bleublanc.

He understood now that Ram was the one who terrified him in the jewelry shop so he went away.

"So, that is why you scared him in the jewelry shop?" asked Rean.

"Yep, He is not a noble at all. He is trying to act but there were too many holes." said Ram.

Machias looked at him with disbelief.

The others too were surprised by the quick reaction from Ram.

They continued talking further before going to write their reports and sleep.

At night...

Jusis opened his eyes

"Can't get to sleep?" said Rean. There are four beds instead of three.

"I could ask you the same." said Jusis.

"We know that you are awake Ram." said both Jusis and Rean.

Ram opened his eyes and looked at them while sleeping.

"Ask away." said Ram looking at the ceiling.

"Why were you acting strangely all day? You never behaved like that." asked Rean.

"You may think that I may be acting brash, but I am being careful to not have slip ups on our part. We are in noble's territory and they would do all types of scheming to hurt anyone.

I was making sure that we do not fall into a trap dug by those nobles." said Ram.

'You are talking like, Machias." said Jusis.

"I neither hate the nobles nor love them, but if they try to scheme against me I am going to kick them hard where it hurts." said Ram.

"Let's end it here." said Ram and went back to sleep.

"He is being evasive." said Rean.

"Let him be." said Jusis.

Jusis asked questions about the Schwarzer family and he opened up by saying he has a commoner mother.

They talked and laughed. Machias heard the entire conversation among them.