
The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Traveling to England in the 1980s, Jon Hart was ready to study and work hard. Not wanting a letter from Hogwarts, disrupting all his plans. What is the cruelest thing for a student who is ready to devote himself to scientific research and has carefully planned for more than ten years? That is to tell him that this world is not only unscientific, but magical! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I do not own this story nor the story of Harry Potter. I just want to transfer it here for convenience, so that it will be easier to read. I also change some grammar errors as well as spelling errors, If you do see something wrong, then please do comment it. If the author wants to take it down, then please do tell in the review section or the comments.

zcbmo29 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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147 Chs

Silver Bullet, Devil's Snare and Dog Food

The werewolf ran wild through the dark night.

Jon sprinted ahead, making his way to the other side of the Forbidden Forest.

It was a false bravado, as he couldn't help feeling fear, but he had no choice. He couldn't just stand by and watch Lupin devour Harry and Hermione. Besides, he had already prepared some methods to deal with werewolves.

Jon didn't venture too deep into the Forbidden Forest, knowing that it was filled with terrifying creatures.

The distance between him and the werewolf was not far. After all, the werewolf was much faster than him.

Jon raised his psm pistol and fired a silver bullet in the direction of the werewolf. Several bullets hit the werewolf's body, slightly impeding its progress.

Unfortunately, the silver bullets didn't cause the fatal damage as depicted in legends.

After firing the last bullet, Jon put the pistol back in his pocket. There was now about forty yards between him and Lupin.

At the same time, Jon took out a pouch of herbs from his backpack.

"These are all spells you taught me, professor," Jon said to himself.

He aimed his wand at the pouch of herbs.


The pouch of herbs shot forward like a cannonball, flying towards Lupin.

Simultaneously, Jon raised his wand.


Before it hit Lupin, the sturdy packaging seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force, falling to the ground in pieces.

The juice of the Berock summer grass in the pouch soaked into the soil, while the devil's snare spores hit the ground forcefully and began to grow rapidly in the darkness.

Lupin, in his werewolf form and unconscious, stepped into the "trap" of the Devil's Snare.

The Devil's Snare quickly entangled him, spreading rapidly.

The werewolf struggled desperately, attempting to break free from the grasps of the plants. However, the more it struggled, the tighter the Devil's Snare held on.

Jon sighed with relief as he watched Lupin securely trapped.

Dealing with a werewolf, a magical creature devoid of rationality, was quite straightforward.

Just as he was about to leave, Jon couldn't help but pause.

He turned back and glanced at the struggling werewolf.

The Devil's Snare continued to spread, turning the dark night of the Forbidden Forest into its ideal habitat. It wouldn't release its prey, entangling them until they were completely overwhelmed.

Jon noticed that some vines had reached Lupin's neck and started to twist it. The werewolf screamed in pain.

He couldn't leave. If he did, Lupin would undoubtedly be strangled to death by the Devil's Snare.

But releasing him wasn't an option either. Lupin would continue to attack, and ordinary spells would be ineffective against a wolf-like werewolf.

Just as Jon wrestled with the dilemma, something hit him from behind.


"Buckbeak?" Jon exclaimed in surprise.

Buckbeak, the hippogriff, had broken free from the chains that had restrained it earlier and flown to his location.

An idea sparked in Jon's mind. He tentatively patted Buckbeak's beak and asked, "Can I ride you?"

Buckbeak raised its head arrogantly, acquiescing to the request.

Jon quickly retrieved the large bag of dog food he had purchased a year ago from his backpack, opened it, and sprinkled the food on the ground around him.

Buckbeak flew over, sniffed at the food, and then flew away with a look of disgust.

Jon stroked Buckbeak's head with one hand and attempted to climb onto its back from the wing position. Buckbeak suddenly spread its wings, catching Jon off guard.

"Not too high!" Jon quickly reminded. "Just a little off the ground is enough!"

Buckbeak, still docile, flew to a moderate height.

Taking the opportunity, Jon raised his wand and aimed it at the group of Devil's Snare entangling the werewolf.


A burst of fiery red flames shot forth. Devil's Snare feared fire and bright light the most. With the appearance of the flame spell, the plants began to shrink.

Within a few seconds, Lupin broke free from the Devil's Snare.

"Roar!" It let out a fierce roar towards the hippogriff soaring in the sky.

Fortunately, Jon stopped Buckbeak just in time, preventing it from landing and engaging the werewolf in combat.

But soon, the werewolf's attention was drawn to the scattered bag of dog food on the ground. It rushed over and began to devour the food.

It seemed to have succeeded. Jon breathed another sigh of relief.

With Lupin satiated, he wouldn't venture towards the campus. The situation was resolved peacefully.

The hippogriff beneath Jon suddenly exerted its strength and flew towards the lake. Caught off guard, Jon almost fell off the creature's back.

Fortunately, he managed to grab onto Buckbeak's neck in time.

But honestly, riding a mount was much more comfortable than riding a broomstick. No need to worry about steering, no fear of falling off a narrow rod, and no erratic Bludgers to avoid...

A few minutes later, Jon returned to the Whomping Willow and landed.

Dumbledore soon appeared beside him.

"It seems you've already dealt with the werewolf," Dumbledore praised. "Well done!"

"Thank you, Professor. Did you capture Peter?" Jon quickly asked.

"I'm sorry, Jon, but I must be honest with you..." Dumbledore calmly replied. "In the end, I chose to let Peter Pettigrew go."

"Let him go?" Jon was taken aback. "Isn't he the true culprit?"

But Dumbledore didn't seem inclined to continue the discussion. He looked solemnly towards the lakeside and raised his wand--

Jon then noticed hundreds of Dementors, a dark mass, gliding towards the lake.

Lying by the lake were Sirius Black, now unconscious and in his human form, and Harry and Hermione, futilely holding their wands while unconscious.

"It seems I won't need to intervene," Dumbledore said, lowering his wand and sighing.

A Patronus had already appeared!

An adult stag, or to be more precise, a silver stag. From this distance, its pointed ears appeared slightly blurred.

Under the influence of the Patronus, hundreds of Dementors ran wild.

"Severus may have made the most difficult decision of his life," Dumbledore shook his head sympathetically. "He just saved the two people he despises the most."