
The Legend of Futian

In a time when the Divine Prefectures of the East Sea were in great disarray, Emperor Ye Qing and Donghuang the Great appeared to save the day. Under their rule, the prefectures united and all nations as well as their kings have been controlled. However, the legend of these two great heroes becomes altered when Emperor Ye Qing's name is wiped from the history books after his sudden death. All statues and images of him were destroyed and his name a taboo. Only the legend of Donghuang the Great shall live on. Fifteen years later, a young man by the name of Ye Futian begins his journey in search for his true identity. The legend of Futian was going to be one for the history books.

Jing Wuhen · Huyền huyễn
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2969 Chs

Certain Death

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was a gigantic beast. Its body was dazzling, covered in brilliant feathers of all colors. These feathers fanned out, seemingly containing countless multicolored jewels. They also seemed like mirrors, refracting dazzling divine light.

On his head, he wore a crown adorned with gemstones. He was filled with an unparalleled majestic aura.

This was a Peacock Demon God. Aside from unparalleled majesty, he was also beautiful beyond comparison. Right then, the jewels on his feathers seemed to radiate endless colorful light. It broke the seals and the locks, shooting light out into the vast space. Countless beams of divine light shot out into this part of the secret zone, causing the space to collapse and crumble.

Ye Futian's heart was beating violently. This proud Peacock King had his eyes closed. There was not a speck of life force on him. This was a Peacock Demon God who had long perished. Otherwise, who could keep him trapped here?