
The Legend Of Daru

"Sad" might be the right word for Daru, a child who has the ambition to create peace in the midst of world chaos. Losing everything since childhood, living without parents, even someone he called family abandoned him - leaving him alone, who he considered a loser. In the midst of his downfall, when hope was slowly fading, an old man reached out to him, someone he considered a teacher, and it was there that Daru met Natasya and Adirama, his friends who always accompanied him in his joys and sorrows. Without realizing it, he was a terrible creature. which is said in legend to inhabit his body. Making him bear huge consequences, and this is where the story of a human child who creates peace begins with his best friend, Daru, who will navigate the cruel world of martial arts. "With the sword in my hand, I swear that I will bring about peace in the archipelago."

GarudaSpace · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


In the year of the Dragon, on the 1st of Suro.

The sound of a baby crying was heard, a loud groan was greeted by the warm smiles of two people nearby. The man and woman's emotions collided, happy for the birth of their long-awaited little son.

The husband kissed his wife's forehead, they occasionally laughed when the baby's tiny hands moved, as if he wanted to reach something up there.

For a moment the room became warm when the man realized that he had become a father, as well as the woman who gave birth to the little baby had now been called a mother.

Dhara Salma Cahyaningrum, a mother who now holds her child with great affection. Meanwhile, Baskara Prawira, who was beside him, laughed while stroking the little one's cheek. The husband and wife were from the Dragon clan, not part of the three big clans, but quite well off.

A clan that can master several elements and has heirloom weapons with creatures sealed within them. The Dragon Clan is not the main one, it is not surprising that their name is well known and respected by many people.

The two smiled at each other, enjoying the moment they loved their new child. Prawira hugged his wife's body, kissed her forehead many times, said it for the umpteenth time until Salma could only shake her head slowly.

The woman still smiled warmly, "Do you want to hold him?" Salma asked, Prawira could still see the rest of her pale face clearly visible. The man nodded.

"Of course. Come here to me," answered Prawira as he took the baby from the mother's arms, he held his first child with great affection.

"He is very small. His fingers keep moving upwards, as if he wants to reach for something high. In the future, he will be the one who leads this clan." Prawira smiled meaningfully as he looked at his only son hopefully.

In the midst of the happiness of their small family, several Dragon clan guards ran hastily into Prawira's room without being asked. The third guard immediately lay in front of the Prawira, panting and sweating, as if danger was coming.

"Sorry for our impudence which disturbed you, sir. However, there is something very important that we want to convey," said one of them.

Prawira frowned, sensing something was not good. "It's okay. Tell me, what's wrong?" Prawira asked in a firm tone.

"Bahuwirya, he came to cause chaos. He wants to meet Master immediately. Otherwise, he threatened to massacre our entire clan," answered one of the people nearby with an increasingly pale face.

Prawira's eyes widened when he heard the name Bahuwirya. Any clan already knew who the God of Destruction was. His actions were heard across all corners, thousands of lives were lost and destroyed. Not a few clans whose names remained in Bahuwirya's hands, slaughtered all their members in the palm of his hand.

The atmosphere became increasingly tense, Prawira massaged his temples when his head started to feel dizzy. "Immediately prepare reliable troops, take me to meet him as soon as possible," said Prawira with emotions that he was still trying to suppress in his heart.

The wife looked at her husband worried, Prawira approached and kissed Salma's forehead again. "Don't worry, I'll handle it immediately," Prawira whispered softly, although he could only smile wryly.

"Husband, what are you going to do about it? We were confronted by Bahuwirya, what will happen to us?" Panic began to poison Salma's mind. Prawira shook his head slowly to calm his wife.

"I will use the heirloom keris to deal with him."

"What?! No, I don't agree. You know what creatures are inside that seal, and if it escapes, it will end badly. We have to learn from the past!"

Prawira suspected that Salma would try to detain him. "Nothing will happen, my wife. This is the only way to deal with that bastard. Calm down, take care of yourself and our children here. I will go forward for the sake of our clan," said Prawira while stroking his wife's cheek. , trying to convince the woman in front of him.

Prawira didn't wait for his wife's answer, "Okay, I'll go—" Prawira's arm was pulled, making the man raise his eyebrows at his wife.

"We haven't give a name to our son yet."

Prawira slapped his forehead, he laughed. "Oh yeah. How could I forget an important moment like this?" Prawira joked, he smiled and looked back at the child who had now moved back into his wife's arms.

"Daru, his name is Daru. In the future, this child will bring peace and prosperity to everyone."

Prawira kissed his son's forehead for the first time.