
The Legend Of : Alex Ironheart

In the enchanting setting of a winter night, Grandpa Ken mesmerizes a group of children with a tale of Alex, a young adventurer who departs from his hero party to seek strength beyond imagination. As Alex faces trials and discovers a unique power within, he goes on to build his own country, leaving behind a legacy of resilience and wisdom. In the bustling world of adventurers, Alex forms the Celestial Legion but eventually departs due to an internal struggle, leaving a heartfelt letter behind. As Alex ventures into a mysterious dungeon, he unravels ancient powers, encountering a haunting past that overwhelms him. The suspenseful tale is interrupted by Ben's cry, leaving the eager audience yearning for more as Grandpa Ken playfully postpones the narrative, promising tales yet untold. A/N: first time ever making a story

Sylas_Stormheart · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 : On a winter night

On a chilly winter night, beneath the star-studded sky, a circle of eager children, four boys and four girls, huddled around a crackling campfire. In their midst sat Grandpa Ken, a wise elder with a face etched with the tales of his many years, the silver of his hair glistening like moonlight.

As the frosty air bit at their noses, a young boy, wrapped in layers of warmth, spoke up, "Grandpa Ken, please tell us a story."

Grandpa Ken looked at the youthful faces before him and chuckled, "You want to hear a story?"

In unison, the children nodded, their eyes wide with anticipation.

"Hmm, how about a tale of a boy who defied the ordinary, a story where he didn't just defeat the demon king but embarked on a journey that changed the very fabric of the world?" Grandpa Ken suggested.

One of the children, a spirited soul, piped up, "We've heard plenty of those stories. We want something different!"

A thoughtful smile crept across Grandpa Ken's face. "Then, my dear ones, let me share with you a saga where our main character, Alex , makes a choice that sets him on an extraordinary path. Picture this: he leaves behind his hero party, not out of weakness but to seek strength beyond imagination."

The children leaned in, captivated.

Grandpa Ken continued, "Venturing into the unknown, Alex faces trials that test not only his physical prowess but the depths of his character. Alone, he discovers a power within him that surpasses anything he could have imagined."

Eyes widened, the children hung on every word.

"Empowered by newfound strength, Alex doesn't just stop at defeating foes. No, my dear ones, he goes on to build his own country, a land forged from his resilience and wisdom. A realm where the echoes of his journey resonate in every stone and tree."

Excitement gleamed in the children's eyes as Grandpa Ken began to weave a adventure, where the hero's departure marked not an end but the beginning of a legacy, and where the cold winter night was warmed by the fire of an extraordinary tale.


In the bustling world of adventurers, where battles and quests defined one's worth, Alex, a 16-year-old with a unique skill, embarked on a journey that transcended the ordinary. His ability allowed him to absorb mana from nature which was unique in itself but he also had a very high mana storage.

Teaming up with his steadfast friend Alden, they formed the Celestial Legion, a party of six formidable individuals

As years passed, the Celestial Legion flourished, each member growing exponentially stronger. However, a peculiar dilemma loomed over Alex. While his companions became powerhouses in their respective roles, Alex's strength seemed confined to enhancing others, leaving him feeling inadequate within the party.

In the quiet of a fateful day, Alex disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a letter that spoke of his internal struggle:

*"Dear Legion,*

*As the winds of time carry us forward, I find myself reflecting on our shared journey. The bonds we forged, the victories we celebrated—each a testament to our collective strength.*

*Yet, I cannot shake the feeling that my presence, once an asset, has become a hindrance. My abilities, though potent, no longer align with the formidable prowess each of you has attained. It weighs heavily on my heart to admit, but I fear I am holding our party back.*

*In search of a path where I can grow to match the brilliance each of you radiates, I have decided to step into the shadows. My departure is not a farewell but a pursuit of self-discovery.*

*May the Celestial Legion continue to shine brightly. I have the utmost faith in each of you and the extraordinary feats you will achieve.*

*With sincere gratitude,*


And so, the once inseparable Celestial Legion faced an unexpected turn in their adventure, with Alex disappearing into the unknown, leaving behind a legacy of selflessness and a party forever changed by his absence.


As Alex roamed deeper into the mysterious forest, the enigmatic monsters lurking within the intrigue of his journey. Upon discovering a sealed cave, he couldn't resist the adventurer's instinct and unraveled its secrets, revealing stairs leading to an unknown abyss below.

Within the dungeon's depths, the creatures grew stronger, challenging Alex's skills, which rested at a competent B rank. The skills ranks, ranging from S to F, added complexity to his encounters. Abilities were categorized into five classes—beginner, intermediate, advanced, superior, and legendary—revealing the intricate layers of magical prowess. We will go into details some other time

As Alex was venturing the dungeon he saw a room which contained the ancient powers with some unknown language sealing it. As we all know it's a human beings nature to do what it's not supposed to do

As Alex cautiously unsealed the room's doors, a dim light gradually revealed the space within. Stepping into the room, an inexplicable tension hung in the air. The atmosphere thickened with each echoing footstep.

In the room's center, he discovered a box resting on a hand-like stone structure, shrouded in the veils of dust and spider webs. With deliberate care, Alex began to clear away the layers, unveiling a golden crest adorned with the regal silhouette of a dragon.

As his fingers brushed against the ancient emblem, a floodgate of voices erupted in his mind, ethereal echoes of a bygone era. "IT'S FOR THE PEOPLE OF OUR COUNTRY!" "WE WILL EITHER LOSE OR DIE!" "If only I was a bit more stronger!" "It's all my fault."

The voice, a haunting symphony, belonged to a female—commanding at first, then laced with anger, and finally, a haunting sorrow and grief. Her words echoing through Alex's mind, carrying the weight of untold stories and the echoes of a chaotic history.

Suddenly, Alex found himself engulfed in haunting flashbacks, a cascade of memories depicting the horrors of wars, raging fires consuming homes, the relentless destruction of once vibrant jungles, and the heart-wrenching demise of countless lives—men, women, children, no one spared from the cruel grip of fate. The scenes unfolded with merciless clarity, leaving an indelible imprint on Alex's consciousness.

Overwhelmed by the weight of the tragedy he faltered, unable to bear the collective weight of sorrow and loss. As the relentless reel of memories played on, an oppressive darkness enveloped him. Slowly Alex slipped into unconsciousness.


As the suspenseful tale unfolded, a sudden interruption came in the form of a familiar voice—Ben's longing cry for Grandpa Ken.

The eager audience demanded swift revelations about Alex's fate, but Grandpa Ken, in a teasing manner, postponed the narrative until another day, citing the encroaching dinner hour.The curious pleas for more details persisted among the children, prompting Grandpa Ken's playful threat that their mothers will imprint slippers on their young faces if they didn't reach their homes at time.

Amidst the banter, the night sky adorned with twinkling stars witnessed the exchange, as Grandpa Ken, lost in thoughts, sighed heavily before reluctantly departing for home, leaving with the children with a promise of tales yet untold.