
Two Swords and A Staff

Supreme Transcendent

It was something that did not exist, at least not on the ground where people lived. Those beings only exist inside Tartarus the Tower of Demise as the guardian of the 5th block and predicted to be inside the unknown 6th block itself.

Those beings possessed power even beyond the godly being Transcendents. It was fortunate for humanity that they never left the tower and roamed the world otherwise perhaps there wouldn't be people living there right now.

For Haruto he compared Transcendents as those with power of the gods like Goku, Vegeta, Jiren, and even all the gods of destructions belonged to this category. But Supreme Transcendents were those with power beyond the gods, meaning the Angels like Whis and the others, including the Grand Priest.

Still, even if he learnt all of this it's not really his business for confronting such beings yet. That's why he only considered them as a means to prevent his own self from getting ahead of himself. To always think there's higher sky among sky and also as a motivation.

And so after reaching this thought he went back home along with Selianna and Rikka to discuss about the Tartarus.

Tartarus may be an unpredictable danger but even so the benefits they could gain from exploring them were definitely worth it, especially if all of them wanted to get a lot stronger.

Haruto might be an exception since even if he did not force himself on exploring that nightmarish place, he still have the traits as a Saiyan to get stronger quickly with limitless potential. But what about the others? They're not a Saiyan like him and they needed to challenge themselves and break their own potential in order to reach the same height as him.

Especially those like Rikka, Kaori, or Selianna that could not tolerate not standing side by side with him. They definitely used this chance to improve themselves.

It's just that Rikka did not know that they could not have [Growth] just like Selianna and Fia because she's not originally the residents of this world while for Kaori and Elsie it was because they're a summon from Eisha.

That's why Haruto told Rikka about her difference to the others. She was kind of disappointed but did not give up and would become stronger to fight with Haruto.

The young boy could only sigh seeing his companions stubbornness but he also secretly happy and proud of them.

Just as he was mulling over the solution for this a call from the very dependable goddess rang out on his head.

{Ya, Haruto-kun! I heard of the situation from Kaori~}

{Eisha? What do you mean heard from Kaori? And how did you contact me through telepathy?}

'Hm? wait...'

He looked at his surroundings on the living room and noticed someone's missing.

"Where's Kaori?" He asked the others.

"Ah she went out some time ago, saying there's an errand to do." Elsie answered him.

{Hehe, don't worry, I'm the one who ask Kaori to come to my place. And also about how I contact you I use Kaori and Elsie's connection with you to indirectly make a communication between me and you.}

In other words, the one actually making a telepathy communication was actually the currently out Kaori, she allowed Eisha to speak with Haruto through her, or so she said.

{I get it but what do you mean by hearing the situation? What Kaori said to you?}

{It's about 'the tower'. Honestly, I never thought you'd already learn it's existence. Looks like you encountered a lot of troubles eh, Haruto-kun}

{You know about Tartarus?} Haruto widened his eyes.

{Of course I know, there's no way I don't know about that tower..... because that tower is where 'my enemy' resides.}

{....Is it related to your problem?} Haruto asked with tone of concern and surprise.

{Yes...it is. Hey, Haruto-kun can I ask you something?}

{...What is it?}

He noticed a strange emotion from Eisha's voice and asked softly.

{Do you really want to help me? Do you want to climb the tower and defeat 'my enemy'?}


What's with this question? Is she being serious? Asking this kind of thing this late?

{Don't screw with me...} Haruto spoke with tinge of anger.


{...Eisha, I may not be a perfect man. I often make mistakes and blunders that I wish I could fix by turning back time. I hurt many people, including my own family and friends because of those mistakes. I'm not a gentleman, hero, or anything like that. But at the very least I always tried my best to take care and respect the people I fond of....}

Haruto was feeling melancholic when he recalled his past mistakes, leading to the recent situation of Rikka and Asami.


Eisha was silent, listening to his speech quietly.

{You too are one of them Eisha. You're one of the people I fond of. That's why I won't go back on my words and promise. If there's something I can do and have to do for you then I will definitely do it. Even if that means conquering the seemingly impossible tower.}

{Haruto-kun....} Eisha's voice turned emotional.

{Thanks Eisha, because of you I already gained the motivation and resolve that I need to go inside the tower} Because she said her 'enemy' was there then things like risk or danger no longer matter, it already became Haruto's life mission now.

{*sigh* You really are..... I guess it can't be helped is it?}

Eisha could only de~ply sigh from his stubbornness. Haruto really did not have the right to criticize his companion.

{Actually I already knew things would turn out like this but looks like this too was fate....} Eisha's tone became bitter.


{Very well then, you win Haruto-kun. I already made preparations for you and your companions to challenge 'the tower'.}


{Yup, by now Kaori should already on her way back. I already handed her the things you and your companions will need. She also had received the explanations from me so feel free to ask her later okay~?}

{You, are you sure about this?}

{It's alright, I know you already preparing for 'the next one' anyway. Think of this as advance payment~}

{How do you know that!? Well but now that i think about it you must heard that from Kaori huh....}

{Yup, that's it. Well then I'm already very tired so I'm gonna rest now, good luck Haruto-kun.}

Eisha ended the conversation there with a very fatigued voice. Really, why is she always pushing herself? Haruto thought.

But maybe that's just how she believe in him so he'll definitely not let that faith be in vain.


"This is...."

Kaori already returned back and handed him over three items.

The first one is a long sword with a slender form. Every part of the sword from the guard to the pommel seem like they are made out of dazzling gold while the blade itself is dyed in a bright golden yellow distinctly more intense than the sword's scabbard. A cross-shape flower design decorates the sword's guard.

The second one is a long crimson katana with the same crimson color as the sheath. On it's handle was written a mantra-like scripture. The design of the katana was quite simple but it was a very attractive blade regardless.

The third one was a golden staff with blue handle. The design for the staff resembled two red and golden wings with a halo while on the middle there were grooves filled by green gem-like stones.

Haruto was extremely familiar with this weapons. But even so Kaori still opened her mouth to tell the name of the three items.

"The red katana's name is <Murasame> the One-Cut Killer cursed blade. For the second one, it was the combination of a sword name <Fragrant Olive Sword> and <Senbonzakura> and the last was a staff named <Nirvana>"

"....This is what Eisha gave you...?"

"Yup, and also she said that this weapon had another function to allow the person to absorb the essence of the monsters defeated in Tartarus to make the user and the weapon grew stronger respectively. It's only worked for Tartarus' monsters though, other places won't do it."


"As for me, she already design my swords to absorb the essence of the monsters there since the beginning so I don't need any change. The same was also true for Fia-chan's"

"She's really been prepared huh..."

So it was true, she already prepared things for their journey through the Tartarus.

Rikka who was beside him looked upon the red katana with a mysterious glint on her eyes. Without knowing she reached out her hands and grabbed the blade while her eyes turned red.

"Rikka?" Haruto was bewildered seeing the condition of his girlfriend.

"This sword.... I know this sword... I feel so familiar with it... It was... yes...It was inside my dreams.... I wield this katana in my dreams countless times..."

Rikka spoke absentmindedly while stroking the katana with her finger with a moved face as if she's been reunited with her long separated partner.

Then suddenly the sword shone bright red and in an instant the sword disappeared from her hand.

"What!?" Haruto was so shock seeing the sword disappeared.

"Don't worry Haruto-kun, the katana just went inside Rikka-chan's soul. It was now connected to her. Right, Rikka-chan?" Kaori assured Haruto and winked at Rikka.

"Un... I think I can feel it's existence within me.."

She reached out her hand and then the same light brightened up and the crimson katana reappeared on her hand.

"Yup, looks like there's no problem. Now it's only the second sword left. Okaa-san said to give it to Selianna-san."

"Eh? Me...?" Selianna pointed to herself with eyes opened wide.

"Yes! She said this sword suited a knight like you, she also said to take care of Haruto-kun with this sword."

"....I understand."

If this could let her fight as her lord's companion too then she didn't have any reason to refuse. She held the long golden sword and lifted it up.

"It's.... heavy. Even though it looks slender but it's strangely heavy...I wonder why?"

"Are you alright?" Haruto was worried she could not use the sword if it was too heavy but Selianna just smiled instead.

"No, it is indeed heavy but the weight was just perfect for me. It feels even better than my current sword. You said this is a combination between two swords? What's it's name then?"

Haruto touched his chin and pondered. He knew both of the swords but if they're combined which one should he chose and what will the name be?

After thinking it over carefully based on the characteristic of the sword he decided to use that name instead.

"Let's keep it as Senbonzakura. If that sword is the real deal then that name is extremely important and must not be changed."

"Understood milord, then from now on this sword, Senbonzakura shall be my new partner."

Selianna nodded and in that instant the sword shines golden and disappeared just like the Murasame, into Selianna's soul.

"Well then, as for the staff..."

Haruto already knew for whom the staff was given for but the person, Asami was still sleeping so he couldn't give to her now.

"No, I think you can give it to her, you know?" Kaori suddenly said.


"She woke up, just now."