
The Last Attack

"Super Saiyan 3.... Haruto-kun's third level transformation." Kaori murmured. She already seen this form once just last night when they're training.

"Somehow he looks a bit scary isn't it?" Fia smiled wryly.

"You're right, he's scary, in more ways than one..." Kaori smiled with complicated face.

Haruto was still standing in midair, gazing at his opponent face to face. Both of them were emitting equally brilliant aura that seemed very imposing while letting out subtle pressure on the surroundings.

"....I never thought you would have another level in your transformation ability. Just what are you?" Lotus asked.

"Let's just say I'm kinda similar to you. We're both considered as unique in this world." He answered.

"....Is that so. I guess we have enough talking, should we end this fight?" There's a bit of disturbance on her eyes for a moment but she shook her head and put on her battle stance.

"Sure, I don't have much time either." Haruto nodded and did the same thing as her.


They both disappeared from sight in a flash. The next moment they appeared, there's already several ripples radiating on the air. Those were the shock of their clashes, where they exchanged a flurry of blows with fearsome speed.

Lotus extended her rapier into more than ten meters by coiling her semi-divine Ki and frost energy around the blade. It was freezing everything it passed with a pink colored ice. Just from a few of her swings, the entire arena was turned into a pink icy world.

Went the frost blade about to reach Haruto's body, he caught it with his bare hands. He then proceeded to spin the blade along with the wielder.


Swelling his muscles, he fired her body against the ground below powerfully. Lotus manipulated the ice beneath her to catch her body and stopped her momentum.

*Crack* *Crack*

The frozen field made a crackling sound as she stuck out her hands. Before long, countless pink crystal spheres made of ice were fully condensed. Just by waving her hand slightly, all the crystal spheres were fired towards Haruto's direction.


Haruto raised his eyebrows slightly. He glanced around him to find he was completely surrounded by Lotus' attack. One of the ice ball was deflected by his hand, followed by another.


He continuously repelled all of the spheres using his palms. And then, after he finally parried the last sphere, a gigantic version of them was dropped from the sky like a comet.


By making a pushing gesture, Haruto stopped the comet-like ice attack. He delivered a straight fist, destroying the structure into pieces. Not wanting to be played by his opponent on her field, he decided to make a move from his side, stepping in the air and went behind Lotus' back.


Swinging his right leg backwards, he delivered a solid back side kick. It knocked her away a few meters before another hit landed from above. Two energy blasts were launched right after she recovered her posture, it was blocked by a large crystal-like ice hand.


A great explosion occured and the ice hand was crushed effortlessly. But it still reduced the damage sustained by the female elf and allowed her to move away from the spot with only a few injuries.

"Lotus Dance Seventh Style, Frost Titan!"

Pink cold energy waves swirled violently around the vicinity. It created a colossal humanoid faceless creature with thirty meters tall. Its thick and huge crystal arm was launched in a shocking momentum, carrying extraordinary force behind the punch.

It was easily evaded by Haruto as he kept on darting around the air. Although the giant golem was very powerful, it was a lot slower than him, so it wasn't a hard thing for him to land a hit while he was dodging every attacks aimed at him.

He went to the top most part of its body, the head part. By rotating his body, he gathered power and strength to his right leg.


He hit its left cheek with a spinning kick, destroying the entire head and neck, before firing energy wave on the rest of its body.

'Fighting like this wouldn't do any good, I must finish it soon...'

Haruto felt a sense of crisis, he was currently being drained of his energy reserve in a terrible speed. Super Saiyan 3 transformation was consuming too much stamina and energy, it was the most inefficient part regarding the mighty form.

Each time he made a move and attacked, his energy was draining faster and faster. He may already reached the threshold for using the form but it was only barely and he's not capable of maintaining it more than five minutes while fighting.

After that he would return back to his base form and became very exhausted. He could recover by resting for an hour but it's not possible for him to fight anymore if such case happened.

Thankfully, it didn't seem he's the only one thinking so as Lotus was already charging tremendous energy to use a decisive attack for settling the match once and for all. She was creating the ice golem as a distraction so she could complete her preparation.

It wasn't only Haruto that was running out of time, her Apotheosis was also very consuming. It was after all a divinity unleashed innate ability, a transformation to allow the user to stepped into the realm of gods even if the current her was not able to use it properly. Even so, Haruto's current strength was above her own, this fact greatly surprised her.

This constant surprise and sense of defeat was making her to feel the desire to win against her opponent. Usually, it was out of the desire to become stronger and yet this time it was merely a pure thought for prevailing on the man who kept causing her surprise and shock. This was the first time she wanted to win very much.

Her pinkish aura was fluctuating greatly, it created a small tornado from the intensity of the energy she's using. Her face was very stern and contorted, she's channeling all of her remaining strength for this last attack.

It dyed the world in pink ice, freezing everything inside the arena except for the spectator who was protected by the barrier.

"Hee... It seems little cutey is extremely serious this time, she really went all out and out her everything on the line. Interesting...." Lumina narrowed her eyes and smirked in amusement.

"She should be tired just like Haruto-kun for using Apotheosis for quite some time, and yet she still able to squish this much strength...." Kaori widened her eyes.

"Hey look, something's changing!" Asami pointed on the front.

They moved their gazes back on the arena, noticing the scenery ahead of them was starting to change.

The colosseum-like space had become a large flower plains. No, they were not real plants, all of them were made from ice and pink in color. The sky was dark, filled by countless flickering stars.

"She created a domain using her power, it was a specially made field capable of bringing numerous benefits depending on the user. I suspect this domain was the territory of the Star Elf." Selianna explained.

"I do felt that she seems more powerful than before...." Rikka murmured.

"Haruto-kun was also building up his power, just like his opponent, he also planned to end the match on the next attack." Kaori said, looking at the figure of Haruto below.

He was kind of surprised when the scenery changed but it didn't matter much on him right now as he needed to focus.

Lotus' ocean of energy waves was gathering on the tip of her rapier, it caused the blade to shine brightly in the midst of the starry night sky like a sun. She raised her blade up high while gazing down on her opponent below.

"This is my remaining strength, everything that I have now was contained in this blade of mine. I want to see if you can receive my attack or not. If you can, I will acknowledge you as the winner...." She said.

"...." Haruto was silent.

He was glued on his place, bending his waist a bit low while keeping his right arm on the side. He just stared back on the opponent with fearless eyes. This was a signal for Lotus that he did not afraid of her attack and would respond in similar manner.

The female elf's lip curved up slightly, forming a faint smile.

"....Lotus Dance Ninth Style, Void Blast..!!"

She slashed downwards and released an extremely enormous cold energy sphere. Its diameter was more than a hundred meters, a glowing pinkish sphere incomparable to the comet-like attack from before.

This powerful attack still did nor faze Haruto, he was calmly facing the approaching sphere without moving a single bit. After the sphere reach a certain distance, it was only then he made his move.

He kicked the ground and leaped upwards, going towards the horribly large pink sphere like he was going to ram his body against the sphere.

On the side, his right fist was filled with overwhelming golden energy, coiling on the arm. His body was getting near and he stuck out his right fist right against the structure.



The straight fist launched by Haruto was transformed into the head of a golden eastern dragon. His entire Ki was changing shape into the form of golden-colored Shenron, dozens of fold bigger than his body.

The head of Shenron collided against the gigantic pink sphere, causing an earth-shattering explosion and shockwave. The severeness of the turmoil made the people couldn't see what was happening on the collision. They're cowering behind the cracking barrier, unable to see the arena stage covered with blinding light.

Haruto's Dragon Fist had successfully broken through the Void Blast attack came from Lotus, the dragon coiled around the sphere using its long body, eliminated it without traces and continued forth to the sky, piercing through the outer space and the asteroids nearby.

After everything cleared out, both of them was standing on the wrecked stage, already returned back on their normal state.

Haruto fell on his knees, he was breathing haggardly with a very pale face. He wasted all of his energy on his last attack, so it was no wonder. If not for his willpower on trying to endure, he would have passed out on the ground.

*Tap* *Tap*

There's a sound of tapping feet approaching him so he raised his head after putting much effort.

Lotus walked right in front of him and stood there without showing particular emotions.

".....You said that you want to know my name?" She asked.

"....Yeah.....I did." Haruto answered weakly.

".....I don't know what makes you so obstinate with the name of a useless person like me but a promise is a promise." She sighed.


"....My name... is Nathasha. I admit my defeat this time, adventurer Haruto....."


As soon as she said that, the previously stoic elven girl suddenly fell to Haruto's shoulder and went unconscious.

Gonna need around two days for the next chap...

Shiroyama72creators' thoughts