
Super Saiyan, End of Battle

Selianna, Lena, Jake, and all the knights there were dumbfounded of what's just happening in front of them.

Golden aura was flaring intensely around the youth. His previously raven hair and eyebrows were now raised up and bright golden, leaving out two bangs sticking out of his forehead, fluttering from the waves of the aura. His soft eyes were now sharp and pure green without pupils, giving out a fierce impression on his look.

(AN: Imagine Super Vegito but with shorter hair)

But even if his eyes turned sharp and stern compared from before, Selianna could still sense a trace of gentleness and tranquility deep on his eyes.

For unknown time she was mesmerized on the sight before her and could not averted her eyes from the figure of the youth in front of her.


Even the minotaur too sensed the change on it's opponent. It was obviously intimidated by his transformation and the pressure he gave out. Right now it was stuck on its feet, vastly different than the ferocious acts from before, it became wary and cautious.

Haruto grinned seeing that.

"What's wrong? Not gonna come?"


Even though it shouldn't had any intelligence but it's instinct was definitely ringing alarm bells, telling it to run away as fast as possible.


In the end it grew mad from the pressure and turned more ferocious and reckless than ever. It roared furiously and charged ahead with amazing momentum.

Haruto did not move, he calmly wait for his opponent to come to him.

'What is he doing? Is he crazy!? Why doesn't he try to dodge!?'

Selianna was awaken from her stupor when she noticed the hateful boy did not make any gesture of evading the attack.


It swung its arm with all it got towards the enemy. The fist was looking very terrifying and seemed much bigger than before from the intensity. It did not need a second look to realize that the power from this punch was definitely tremendous.



The Saiyan effortlessly caught that punch with only one hand. The minotaur's arm was obviously trembling but the boy's hand was completely still. The knights were dumbfounded on the spectacle.

The monster growled madly, letting out more force on its arm but the hand that caught its fist did not budge a little.


When it noticed a wind hole appeared on it's abdomen. It was pierced through by the other free arm of it's enemy, splattering black and dark red meat and blood.


It groaned painfully when its brain finally processed what just happened on its body.


Haruto pulled out his hand from it's abdomen, splashing more blood and flesh. He took a look at his bloody hand.

'So strong...' Selianna thought.

"Hee, so you're actually had flesh and blood too. Given your nature I was sure that you're some kind of artificial being but that does not seem to be the case huh."

He said that coldly. If it was his normal condition then he wouldn't say such thing so easily. His current emotion was being excited from the Super Saiyan transformation. It raised his tension and fierce nature, suitable for the legendary warrior.

This was caused by his lack of mastery for the Super Saiyan transformation. Since this was his first time using it he couldn't relax and controlled the power and emotions completely, reducing the form to the first stage, compared to the mastered form or fourth stage of the Super Saiyan that Goku already achieved.

'Not good, I'm getting my emotion out of control but it's hard to contain the excitement on my heart, if I was carelessly calming my emotion I may dispelled the transformation, this is hard...'

While he was trying to calm himself down the minotaur was once again enveloped by the red mist on its abdomen, regenerating it.

After awhile he finally calmed down a little and dispersed his golden aura. He looked at his opponent, having completely restored once again.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, before opening them again and disappeared from the place.

The minotaur once again did not notice anything and it was already sent flying upwards.

Haruto leaped out and chased after the flying monster he just kicked on the chin. He went above its body and smack it downwards, sending it crashing strongly on the ground.

Landing on the ground, his hands glowed with yellow energy and he put both hands forwards, firing countless energy blasts on the minotaur.


Dust and smoked scattered everywhere from the onslaught of his attacks. He then stopped firing and observed the situation.

The smoke cleared out, revealing the pitiful appearance of the minotaur. Half of its head was gone, there's numerous holes on it'ls body and its arms and legs were shattered.

But soon the red mist lashed out and enveloped its wound trying to regenerate it once again.

"So it's still regenerating huh then what about if I cut him into pieces?"

He conjured a spirit sword and proceed to swung it numerous time on it's body, trailing various lines and arcs before blood splurted out and it's body were scattered into pieces.

Before long it began to regenerate once again and it's body was whole again.

"Tch how persistent, let's see what to do...."

He turned his back on it and began murmuring by holding his hand on his chin.

The minotaur dashed towards his back trying to attack him from behind.


But it was sent flying by a backfist from the side of his head without even turning his body on it.

The exchange repeated more and the minotaur were kept blown away by his retaliation while he still deep in thought.


The knights were dumbfounded on the incredulous sight.

"...Isn't he completely toying with his enemy?" Jake remarked.

"...He is." Lena nodded.

Selianna just flabbergasted and did not say anything. To think he's focus on his thought without paying attention on his opponent!

If Haruto knew her thought he would surely retort that he's fully paying attention just fine.

It's definitely not because he's trying to get a revenge on the minotaur for injuring him before! Definitely!

'Should I create a Spirit Bomb or charge a Super Kamehameha to completely erase it's body? Nah... I cannot gather energies inside a dungeon and I need to dispel my transformation for it. I prefer not to use such large attacks if possible though, since the knights were still nearby... Doesn't it have a core or something? A core....Hm?'

Light bulb lit up on his brain while he kicked the minotaur away without looking at all once again.

'Right, just now after I cut it into pieces, it's body was regenerated from it's chest. Or more precisely on the small rune in the middle of it's chest...Perhaps that's where his core was located?'

He decided to aim for the rune on it's chest and finally raised his head and turned towards the minotaur he just kicked.


It was no longer madly charging at him, right now it was standing in place with its mouth wide opened.

Energies were gathering inside it's mouth, forming a sphere of energy before it launched them towards Haruto in a form of dark red beam.


The beam went past the figure of Haruto and struck the side walls, completely collapsing the entire row.

The knights were shocked seeing him swallowed out by the energy beam.

The light and smoke cleared out and there he was crossing his arms with steam flowing out from them.

"...That surprised me, I never knew monsters were capable to utilize energy attacks too. To think you were hiding such move."

He looked amazed and yet other than his arms being hot, there's no visible injuries on his body. The minotaur was trembling and its eyes had sense of terror now seeing the spectacle.

"Oh well I guess that's mean it was your trump card right? In that case now it's my turn."

He jumped above its body and land a knee strike on its face. He continued his combo with a mixture of right and left kicks before ending them with a strong downwards kick on its back.

He grabbed the head of the lying minotaur with his hand and raised its body.

With his left arm he conjured a sphere of energy glowing brightly, aiming it on the small rune in the middle of its chest.

"Owari da (It's over)." He said coldly.

He pushed his hand forward and struck the energy blast strongly. It was hit and sent flying across the air.

He turned his body and crossed his arms. His eyes were closed and he stood calmly, mimicking a certain traumatized pride trooper.


Like a firework the flying minotaur exploded on its chest. Its body was completely destroyed and from the inside of the rune was a small dark red diamond shape crystal crushed into pieces. That crystal had the same color as the mist from before.

With that the minotaur did not regenerate any longer and finally died.