
Strolling and Reminiscing

A pair of boy and girl walked around side by side in the street. People were all gazing at the pair since they gathered too much attention. One of them was a handsome golden haired boy with green eyes while the other was a very beautiful and charming young woman with long black hair that reach her waist.

The boy wore a dark blue and orange gi like a martial artist. His body was well built and tall so many women were looking at him feverishly. The girl beside him wore a white and blue with tinged of gold priest robe and hat.

The girl was Kaori, already returned to her human form. When Haruto exited the church he immediately went to a desolate place and after making sure there's no one in the surrounding he materialized Kaori. He couldn't afford to materialize her in a secluded room because he was currently staying at Selianna's villa and she was currently in there so he didn't have a choice and materialized her outside despite there's a little risk.

He was surprised when her valkyrie armor and swords disappeared, replaced by a lovely priest like robe and hat. The outfit she originally wore before she became an apostle in the series during her job as a priest. Even though she shouldn't be as appealing as her apostle form but men still eyed her due to her beautiful face.

As expected of the number one most charming girl in her school. Haruto thought.

He didn't realize that his own self was just as or more appealing than even Kaori. He was still disguising in his Super Saiyan form. Just his usual face and body figure already charmed a lot of passerby women but now in his current appearance it was even more so. He just look much more attractive when he transformed after all. Right now the men were glaring intensely with murderous intent at him for taking their girlfriends attention or because of jealousy for walking with Kaori. Their gazed all said "Die Riajuu!"

Thankfully being the experienced one back on earth he already used on such gazes. Asami was an extremely beautiful woman herself and he's her brother so naturally a lot of guys cursed him for countless times already for living in the same roof as her. They all bit their fingers while letting out tears of blood. Naturally he couldn't care less about that.

Right now they were on the way to meet up with Fia and Elsie. Apparently they were already finished on finding new equipments for Fia and currently waiting inside a cafe together for him.

"W-We gathered quite a lot of attentions is it?" Kaori said shyly.

"Leave them be, those guys had nothing better to do anyway." Haruto replied putting his hands on the back of his head.

"Hahaha...You seemed strangely used being in this quite of situation huh Haruto-kun..."

"I guess so. I was tired of getting rid of unending bunch of pests around my sister in the past and they eyed both you and me for the same reason now. Old stuff."

"I guess that's not all the reason though..." She couldn't say that he also at fault for gathered attentions from girlfriend-chan and boyfriend-sama hate it.

Haruto did not hear her murmured and looked around his surroundings. He spotted a lot of couples on a date with hand tangling with each other.


Kaori was confused because Haruto suddenly became out of it and looked at what he was glancing at.

"Wahh a couple huh~ They looked so lovey dovey aren't they."

"Yeah..." Haruto answered while being absentminded.

"What's wrong Haruto-kun? Is there something about them?"

"Huh? Ah no, it's just kinda reminded me of my past."

"Your past? Could it be you had a girlfriend before?"

"What!? No no no! I did not!" He denied frantically, blushing.

"Hee then what is it?"

"...Well it reminded me of a girl I know before."

"A girl is it? Your crush~?" She smirked.

"Guh, well you're not wrong..." He groaned because she hit a bullseye.

"Hehehe tell me tell me~"

Haruto scratched his cheek awkwardly and slowly said.

"...To put it simply she's a cute girl."

"Cute? What do you mean?" Kaori tilted her head.

"She's a girl who felt lonely but never realized it herself. In her loneliness she resorted to read books instead and refrained from communicating with other people. She said she was reading because she was killing time and for the sake of studying."

He remembered the figure of the girl he knew during his elementary school. At first he only gazing at her because he never noticed her before. And because of that he notice the girl was always reading books and sitting alone he guessed she must be a very unsociable person. If the girl in question knew about his thought then she would definitely chide him for being rude.

He slowly noticed her sneaking glances, looking at the other classmates hanging out with each other. He realized this girl was actually wanted a friend and play together with them too. He thought she was very adorable like that and decided to lend her a hand and befriended her.

'You should just be honest and said you're lonely if you did' He thought.

He was always treated coldly by her at first but overtime he finally succeed and became closer to her. Because he was popular in his class so naturally the other classmates were interested on their interactions. Thanks to that she finally made some friends for herself. Ever since then her usual aloof expression turned brighter day by day and before he knew it they already laughed together.

"When I entered middle school she told me that she wanted to be a doctor. I asked why and do you know what she said?" Haruto turned his head to Kaori and smiled humorously.

'Because It's a job to heal people instead of killing them'

"She said that?" Kaori widened her eyes.

"Yeah, strange right? She made it sounds like she was sick of killing someone. A 13 years old girl said such thing." Haruto shook his head helplessly.

"You think she did? Killing people I mean..." Kaori asked delicately.

"...Nah, I don't think so. That girl was very gentle and my previous world was not that kind of place."

"Then why do you think she said that?"

"I don't know too, I never asked her...or perhaps I was just afraid of asking her and got an unpleasant answer... I didn't think she did that kind of thing but I can't help but sense a mysterious feeling from her. I didn't know whether it's just my imagination or not..." He raised his head towards the sky.

"I see... Then what happen between you and her?"

"....I confessed."

"Waahh~" Kaori's eyes glimmered.

"But we didn't go out. I...did not receive a proper answer from her..."

"Eh, why!?"

"Hahaha well she's just that kind of pure maiden after all. At that time I did not pay attention to this fact though..." Haruto's face became gloomy.

"I just felt sad and ran away when she said she didn't know what she feel about me. And then I was afraid and embarrassed to meet her again. In the end we never talked with each other again and separated in high school...." His face turned regretful.

"....Did you miss her Haruto-kun?"

Haruto's eyes widened from Kaori's question and he smiled sadly.

"Yes.. I did. Not only her but my sister too. I can't but being worried about them."

"I see, it'll be good if you met them again isn't it?"

"Hahaha yeah but that's impossible."


For some reason a small doubt rose in his heart. In the first place what kind of world he was in? It was exactly the center of the multiverse. Otherworlders went through this world from their previous life. Maybe a person from another world coming to this world directly is....

"God, what am I thinking?"

Shaking off his thought he scolded himself for making random assumptions. He shouldn't made a false hope just because of his desire.

Kaori glanced at him with concern since he suddenly fell deep in thought and shook it off immediately.

Smiling at her telling it was nothing, Haruto along with Kaori continued their way.