

"This boy again?"

A mature intellectual woman with business-like outfit was bewildered while looking at a certain young man's profile. She had short bobstyle red hair and emerald eyes.

Her body was tall with two wondrous watermelons on her chest while her waist and buttocks was so slender and perfect in shape that no man would pass by without looking at her incredibly seductive body even once.

"Yes. The Emperor himself asked the request personally."

A person in front her, another extremely beautiful young woman but her body was not as nearly as alluring as the mature woman with clerk clothing answered. This girl was Rayne the popular receptionist on the guild.

The mature intellectual woman squinted her eyes on the profile and asked further.

"I heard that this boy slayed a mysterious monster suddenly appeared on the Inner District. Did The Emperor tell anything more regarding this particular monster?"

"They just told us that it was a summoned monster caused by an artifact used by the dead corrupt noble in order to rebel. It strength should be around intermediate General rank monster but considering the flame ability it possessed it reached lower Lord rank."

"A green rank slaying monster with maximum power at lower Lord rank huh? Indeed that was very unusual and considering he lent a hand protecting the Inner District it was indeed worthy of getting a rank up. But still...."

"Something about this seems fishy."

The mature woman gave her opinion before Rayne completed her doubtful sentence. She nodded and continued.

"Tho whole knights did not try to fight against that monster, during the time the city was in uproar they only worked on calming the citizens but no one entered the Inner District, very suspicious right? They all left it to a single adventurer boy, just what is the meaning of this?"


Rayne remembered the figure of the boy mentioned she's quite familiar of. During the time that boy entered the guild back in Calad she was really surprised because his appearance and figure did not fit inside that city.

He was handsome and tidy with a high quality like clothing and along with the charisma and confidence he radiated all over his body, she was sure he was a highborn man.

But that make her bewilderment grew further because that city was truly a remote place and his knowledge regarding the world was abnormally shallow considering how he looked.

When he asked to keep a secret regarding his last name and erased that on his registered profile she began to see him as some kind of UMA or the like.

She almost never known a nobility trying to keep a secret regarding their family because there's no benefit in doing that.

The only exception was a certain princess of their country who once ran away from home in the distant past and became an adventurer with different identity.

Right, when he introduce himself with a last name...what was it again? If she remembered it right it was... Sugimura? Is there a Sugimura household in this country? She never heard of it but if there is then perhaps it was not a simple nobility house and if that's turn out to be the case the whole farce of the knights did not make a move begin to make sense.

She was hesitating to tell her thought to the mature woman in front of her. That time she already promised not to mention his last name to anyone and she accepted. There's no way she could break her promise now....

They only known each other for about a month but she already fond of him because he never ogled her body or face with eyes full of greed and lust like the other men. For that boy's case it was appreciation for her beauty and he never made a lewd face when he stared at her.

He was a friendly and kind boy that he often brought her gifts like snacks or fruits with friendly smile on his face during his visit while also driving away the bunch of pests pestering her adamantly. He was also a dense boy who never noticed how popular he was with the girls around him.

The town's young women would often flock inside the guild just to see his face day by day that made her feel headache.

But still she like meeting him time to time and now was happy with her usually irritating job.

That's why when she knew from how strong he was and bound to leave the town sooner or later, she became dejected and lonely. She wanted to spend more times with him.

But to her surprise and delight, the capital actually appointed her to work on the main branch in Filtrania, apparently the guild master there recognize her capabilities and recommended her.

Thinking that with this she would be able to meet with him again even if in the case he's not going the capital immediately, she accepted the offer.

That's exactly why she didn't want to betray him and broke their promise only to bring troubles for him. But the mature woman had also been taking a good care for her so she felt indebted to her too. Just what should she do?

"Hmm? What's wrong Rayne? Is there something on your mind?" The mature woman noticed Rayne's troubled face.

"N-No, I'm just thinking what the royalty might have been thinking but I can't draw a conjecture...." Rayne answered awkwardly. In the end she chose to protect the secret of the boy. She didn't know whether she made a correct choice or not but her mouth move by itself.

"....Is that so. Well thinking about it it's not our business of laying our hands on this kind of subject, we only needed to respond to the fact provided."

The mature woman narrowed her eyes a bit seeing the odd behavior of the receptionist in front of her but in the end she dismissed the thought. It's because she believed in Rayne's judgement, if she did not intent to speak her thought, she must have a reason for it.

She put down her hand holding the profile documents of the black haired young boy and sighed deeply before she opened her mouth again.

"Very well, the request of his rank up is approved. Sent the notice to his residence and inform him to come the guild for the detailed information regarding the 'new perks' of reaching the high ranking adventurer level."

She gave a stamped document and handed it over to Rayne.

Rayne accepted the letter and bowed her head.

"I understand, Guild Master."

She turned her body and left the room after the mature woman gestured for her to leave. During this time both of them had the same thought but with different feelings.

One of them was concern and also happiness for the boy's growth while the other was curiousty and doubt.

But one thing for sure was that the boy had finally qualified to enter the place where the strongest of the strongest in this world came and challenged themselves.

Could he survive inside the place there or not will depend on his ability and companions.