

A dark and dim long corridor. In this place a figure of a young woman was passing by. Her steps were brisk and her chest puffed up proudly showing her grace and dignity.

Long wavy blonde hair was fluttering while her beautiful purple eyes were blinking with long eyelashes as ornaments. Her metallic armors were clanking from her brisk steps and an elegant sword was strapped on her side.

Finally exiting the long corridor she arrived at a bright hall covered by red carpets. She could see a pair of staircases to the left and right curved around leading to the next floor.

She took the right staircase and went up to the next floor. Proceeding yet to another corridor, at the end of it was a door guarded by a knight standing proudly crossing his arms.

The knight raised his head covered by metalic helmet and noticed the arrival of person in front of him.

She bowed and the knight nodded before he turned his body facing the door.

"Selianna von Grehilde had arrived! Requesting permission to enter the room!"

A dignified and clear voice sounded out from inside the door.



The knight opened the door led to a luxurious and massive room. On the ceiling was a brilliant chandelier, sparkling like stars.

Selianna entered the room and made her way along the path covered by the red carpet. At the end of the path was a gallant throne standing high above her. A figure of a man was sitting on the throne full of charisma. The man had short gray hair with cyan eyes. A beautiful crown was placed on his head.

"You're here." He said.

Bowing her head deeply, Selianna knelt down beneath the throne.

"Yes I have answered your summon. High Knight Selianna von Grehilde paid respect to His Majesty the Emperor, Zelrigth Belium Sirius Filtrania!."

"Hm. You may raise your head."


Selianna raised her head and faced the Emperor above her. Although she was a very dignified and charismatic woman but she definitely far inferior to the man sitting on the throne. This man may looked like in his thirties but his eyes shown his vast experiences of living. His looks definitely did not reflect his age.

The pressure emanating from his body made Selianna feeling tensed up. She knew this person could kill her with only one finger in an instant.

"Huhuhu, you don't have to be that tense, daughter of Grihelde. Your father and I had known each other for a long time so you have my permission to act more casually as his daughter."

"...No, I couldn't possibly..." Selianna showed a troubled face.

"Is that so? Well fine, let me just cut this short. I called you here to ask a few questions regarding the report we received a few days ago, about your recent mission."


"Selianna, is it true that you encounter monsters surrounded by dark red mist all over their bodies?"

"It's without a doubt. We've clashed against four black minotaurs and a malicious red mist were constantly leaking out from their bodies."

"...And after three of them were beaten, one of them suddenly transformed by the mist into a more vicious beast, was this also true?"

"Yes it was, sire. It's strength exploded dozens of times stronger than it was before. It's body structure was altered and I measured it's power went from lower High rank monster into peak High rank monster in an instant."


The Emperor's eyes flashed and he fell deep into contemplation.

"I see, I have received your answer. Now on to the main question. Who is the one that defeat the monster?"


"Fufu you seemed surprised."

"...Your majesty, may I inquire what you might possibly mean about that?"

"It's nothing too hard. I've known about your strength Selianna. Your talents were definitely a top class, I believed your future was very bright and much proud of you, this is my word as the Emperor."


"However. You're not there yet. Indeed you still have a lot more potential but your current power could not possibly match against the transformed minotaur. I personally did not fond of slandering my own subordinates but your companions were a lot incompetent compared to you so I know they're all a burden for you in that fight. Thus there's only one conclusion, there's must be another helper in that fight, strong enough to slain the enemy."

"Your Majesty, I.."

"I know what are you trying to say, whoever that person is does not have any intention to reveal their identities, correct?"


Selianna gritted her teeth. Zelrigth's speculations were hitting the marks. With her position she couldn't refuse his order and even if she did it would only endanger Haruto and his companions, along with her friends and subordinates.

"Fufufu for you to be so troubled about this person. I see, I see it looks like this person is a man isn't it?"


"Hahaha! Your face reddened. I guess I hit a bullseye. To make the famous cold knight blushing like this, how interesting..."

Selianna's mouth was stuttering like a fish. Her face was red like a tomato. She tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Well, I've heard enough. You don't need to tell his name but can you tell me whether this person was one of the knights or not?"


"!....Kukukuku... HAHAHAHAHA! Good, very good...! That's how it should be! He must be an adventurer, there's no mistake!"


She's bewildered by the Emperor sudden outburst.

"Ah, sorry about that. It just that I remembered a long past regarding a certain adventurer you see. Even now they always made my blood boils with excitement..!"

The Emperor grinned widely and clenched his fists. The pressure from him intensified, making the room shook. Selianna jolted and sweating hard, enduring the pressure. Whoever crossed his mind was definitely not an ordinary individual.

"Oops it's already this time. You may go Selianna, thank you for answering my call."

"*pant*...It's my honor... Your Majesty."

Zelrigth rose from his seat and made his way towards the back room. But he suddenly stopped.

"Oh I forgot. Congratulations on your promotion. Keep up the good work."


Selianna saluted and bowed her head. She was very worried just now but it looks like everything turned out to be alright...maybe?


Passing by the massive castle gate, Selianna's face still a little tensed from the audience with Zelrigth. She walked along the road making her way out of the castle wall's interior. But a figure appeared in front of her and her face frowned.

"Oh, if it isn't the newly promoted Grand Knight. It's been a long time isn't it?"

"...Granger-dono why are you here?"

A middle aged man with beige hair and orange eyes dressed with extravargant robe. He's one of the person Selianna wish to meet the least.

"Oh dear, can't I? I happened to have some business inside the castle. I was surprised to find you here, did His Majesty summon you?"

"Yes, he did..." She squinted her eyes and glared at him. She couldn't relax her guard around him.

"Don't be so hostile, it's not like I'm trying to do something you know?"

"I'm afraid by recalling my past experiences, such statement does not have any credibility."

"It seems your impression of me is quite low. Oh well, I guess it cannot be helped then. Since I'm afraid of angering you further then please excuse me."

The man passed by Selianna and entered made his way towards the castle.


Sure enough Selianna furrowed her brow and looked at the castle. She suspected that man was planning something and it's definitely not something good based on her intuition.