
Prologue [Edited]

"Hmm where am I?"

When he woke up Haruto was in a weird place. Everything was white and when he looked down, his feet were stepping on a cloud.

Sugimura Haruto was a typical otaku high school boy, he loved things like anime, manga, or light novels. One day he went out on an errand for his sister to buy some sweets.

Everything was fine untill he bought the sweets and began his way home. But just his luck that near the station behind the alley that he often used for a shortcut, he encountered a weird guy trying to kidnap a kid. Of course he couldn't let such thing happened but he's not a fool either, he could see that the man is dangerous so he tried to call for help rather than confronting him alone.

But alas luck did not favor him, the kid noticed him and asked for help which alerted the kidnapper. Haruto tried to run but the kidnapper dashed after him like a madman while pulling a knife from his pocket and stabbed him right in his chest. Haruto's vision began to blurred and his chest felt hot.

"Nee-san....I'm sorry." Was what he said before he lost consciousness.

And the next thing he knew he's already in this strange place. "Shouldn't I have died? So this is the afterlife? What about those cliche like reincarnation or transmigration with cheats?" He wondered while thinking about things that every otakus knew very well.

"Hoho? So you want to be reincarnated? How very otaku-like you are hehe."


Out of nowhere a voice sounded out and the voice belonged to a young girl. With confusion Haruto searched for the source of the voice.

"Over here~"

Then a light flashed in front of him and a very beautiful girl about 17-18 years old appeared. She had a long blue hair tied in ponytail that reached her waist. Her complexion were pale and pristine and she had violet eyes. Her body was capable to put every model on earth ran away with tears in their eyes. If she said that she's a goddess than Haruto would definitely believe her.

"Yup, I'm a goddess you know~ and thank you for the praise! Hehehe~"

"What? You are!? And wait did you just read my mind?"

"Of course I am, I'm a goddess after all~"

"Fair enough." Haruto was convinced and nodded. Seeing that the goddess tilted her head.

"Aree~? You believed me? Just like that?"

"Well your appearance seems convincing and the way you just appeared is absurd, no human was capable to do that. Besides, I died didn't I? So you being a goddess makes sense to me."

"Is that so? Then you should know what's going to happen after this right?"

Haruto nodded while being excited, he didn't get disappointed after all.

"I will get reincarnated or transmigrated right?"

"Correct!! And just as you want I'll give you a wish that you want but the world will be decided by me okay? So you can't choose the world you'll live in. It's a world created by me and I'm quite proud of it."

"Really? Oh well i can just wish for abilities or powers then. Can you give me anime-like powers?

"Of course I can, and I'll tell you this before you go the so called anime, manga, or light novels that you so love is in fact exist in other worlds including the world I created you will go later."

"What!? But how? The authors should be the one that created them right? How can a fiction created from a someone's mind exists?" Haruto was completely shocked to hear that his favorite anime is real and exist somewhere in other world.

"Well you're not really wrong, the authors did created them but it is me that inspired them to create such works in their subconsciousness, they were all based on the other worlds that I have seen before, the development of the story might be different than reality but I guess that's not important. Oh and not everything is my doing okay? Some of them are pure fictions and did not exist at all. I only tempered on those which necessary."

"But why? Why did you do that?"

"Well.... just considered it as my hobby hehe!"

"Huh..." Somehow he felt suspicious perhaps there's more to it but she's hiding it from him. Though it was not his business and he's sure it'll be much more complicated than he thought.

"Don't worry about that as explaining it is very complicated and I'm too lazy for that. But wait we're getting sidetracked here, so what is your wish? Be minded that you can only have one wish! Don't be greedy!"

"Eh...? I guess it can't be helped... Then can you give me Son Goku's Legacy? I mean, I want to be a Saiyan and learned all his abilities. Oh I don't need his memories though, I'm afraid to turn dumb like him and I prefer to be myself."

The goddess pondered for a while then she smiled. "Sure, I can but there will be restrictions."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because Son Goku's power is very large not to mention his traits as a Saiyan that has unlimited potential. It wouldn't do any good too if you suddenly possessed such massive power, you'll only be disoriented and get harmed instead. Well, there's also beings like Gods of Destruction and Angels but I hate them because of their eccentric nature, what kind of gods just casually destroy any planet however they like? I just can't agree with them." The goddess sighed while she shook her head. From her it as if she was complaining of her old acquaintances.

"Oh don't misunderstand, that doesn't mean I'm afraid with them okay? I'm just spooked by their behaviors. Though it's goal is to bring balance for the world but I can't see such intention from them, just take a look at Beerus for example, he's trying to destroy earth just because someone ate his puddings. And the leader of them all Zeno is even more unreasonable, he's actually erased 6 universes just because he was pissed off. I don't understand why such a childish person is the leader of the world." The goddess continued while exhaling an even longer sigh.

'Hahaha indeed the gods there were unreasonable no wonder she's spooked. And wait, she said she's not afraid of them does that mean she's stronger?'

"So you're stronger than them? And who are you really? Are you the one who create all worlds?" Haruto voiced his thought to the goddess.

"Nope! I indeed create a few worlds but a lot of other worlds were formed naturally by themselves. And well not really, I'm not actually stronger than them I'm not a fighter you see and destruction or erasure are not my traits but they won't be able to eliminate me either. Not to mention that their world is currently isolated just like I said so it's not like I would have conflicts with them anyway."

There's a lot of thing Haruto was curious of from what she inferred and she also did not answer about who she really was, making it ambiguous but in the end he discard his thought and proceed to ask. "I see, then what's the restriction?"

The goddess was aware of what's going on inside his mind but she's glad that he could restrain his curiosity, it's not the time for him to know about such things yet.

"Hmm, I don't think you can have a Zenkai Boost, it wouldn't help you that much anyway because of the limitations it has once your power reached a certain point. In exchange, your power will grew tremendously everytime you fought against a powerful opponents and the stronger the opponent is the better you'll grow if you survived of course. Those experiences will be accumulated until you have a Growth, a similar thing to a level up in RPG games. That's when your power will grow.

The other restriction is for your transformations. You will start with only the first Super Saiyan level and your base power will be severely weakened compared to Goku at his peak. You won't even have a percent of his base power so you have to do your best to improve yourself. Don't worry though as it didn't mean you have to learn the transformations from the very beginning, they will only be sealed until you're strong enough to use them. Once you do, you'll be able to use them right away up until Super Saiyan Blue." (AN: I will adopt the Dragon Ball Super one since it's canon)

"What about Ultra Instinct?"

"Regarding Ultra Instinct you have to figured that out by yourself to achieve that since even Goku himself was unable to gain insight of that transformation's essence and he achieved that purely by coincidence."

"Hmm I see that's not much of a problem then."

Haruto nodded calmly, so far it was not a very big deal and as for the tail he didn't care about it since he also preferred not to turn into Oozaru, using a Super Saiyan is much more preferable.

The Goddess smiled gently noting his indifference on getting a restriction. She felt bad but she couldn't do anything about it that's why she's happy that he was not throwing a tantrum.

"By the way this Growth thing, I just have to defeat monsters until I experienced this Growth? Somehow or another I understand how it works but I don't think it's as simple as that, to put it simply just what is Growth?"

"Like I told you it's the same thing as leveling up. Every person in the new world there would underwent the same thing. Each individual have differences on how they Growth but for you, a Saiyan, naturally you will have the most powerful Growth, as long as you could stimulate your bloodline by fighting a strong opponent that is. Defeating enemies far weaker than you wouldn't do anything significant so make sure to keep this in your mind if you want to get stronger quickly." She said solemnly to show her seriousness.

"Is that so...." He was quite anxious on having to fight powerful opponents in order to get stronger quickly. He's afterall just a normal students before this so fighting and the likes is not his specialty.

"I know what you're worried of but by receiving Goku's legacy your mentality will also get altered to become a splendid fighter just like him. That's why you wouldn't feel afraid or nervous during fighting, in fact perhaps you will get excited instead? You will be his inheritor after all hehehe~"

".....Looks like it can't be helped. So what kind of world is it that I'll go to?" Haruto sighed deeply deciding to believe in her.

"Well, it's a typical Isekai world that you knew very well for example things like monsters, magic, elves, beastmen, or dwarves with medieval theme. But beware, there are very strong people and monsters there, even if you reach the prime of Son Goku's power, you won't be necessarily out of dangers."

"Huh!? Really? Does that mean I may encountered someone as strong as Gods of Destruction?"

"Hmm I don't know, I haven't seen that world for a long time so I'm not really sure whether there'll be someone as strong as them but yes, it's possible. In fact there may be someone even stronger than them. That's why makes sure not to let down your guard."

"Wait wait wait!! Then isn't that strange? If there's people like that, the world would be destroyed a long time ago!"

"Hmph don't underestimate MY world, unlike the feeble planets in other places, that world's core is extremely strong since I personally built that. So even if someone's a million times stronger than a God of Destruction they won't be able to destroy it! I also make sure the land would restore themselves quickly if they're being damaged that's why even if you destroyed the terrains, it'll be completely restored within a few days! Amazing right? Hohoho!" She laughed delightfully as if she was so proud of herself.

"Yeah, that's amazing...." Haruto was genuinely impressed and he's relieved because thanks to that he didn't need to worry about someone destroying the whole planet, that wouldn't be funny.

"Alright as a bonus since I'm in a good mood today I tell you something good before you go." The goddess crossed her arms with smug on her face.

"In that world there will be crystals that look like this." She showed her palm and suddenly a rainbow colored crystal as big as a softball with a diamond shape appeared in her hand.

Haruto was mesmerized by the sight of the crystal, it was very beautiful and he could tell from a single glance that was not an ordinary crystal. "I see it's beautiful but what's with it?"

The goddess smiled brightly as if waiting for that question.

"Well, I want you to bring them to my altar inside a church if you do that I will summon you a companion! And it'll be a girl from animes or mangas!"



Haruto swallowed hard his saliva, his eyes opened as wide as they could. Having 2D girl manifested and accompany you? That's exactly the dream of every otakus!!

There's no way that Haruto could stay calm hearing that. His family and friends didn't know because Haruto always seemed like a gentleman that's not infatuated with girls that much but outside their expectations Haruto was always a huge fan of 2D girls or what they called as "waifu"! Inside his head is now full of "Harem~ Harem~". Of course he didn't let his thought shown on his face. As a healthy man his reaction is very honest.

"Fufufu you seems very delighted hearing that huh~ then do your best finding them, they were scattered all over the world and they can't be seen by anyone but you so good luck with that! As a parting gift I will give you one free companion once you arrived to my altar after you've reborn there. Oh yeah! Did you have any request for your appearance?"

Haruto was very embarrassed because he couldn't hide anything from this goddess but he decided to not mind it. He then pondered said "Well I'd like to have Vegito's gi from the Prison Planet Saga. As for my look, just make it the same as before. I like my current self the way it is."

"Okay that's easy~! Then I'll send you there now, good luck Haruto-kun~!"

The goddess snapped her fingers and in an instant light engulfed Haruto's body and he started to disappear from the place.

Once he's completely gone the goddess' smile faded, her cheerful expression were replaced by a very fatigued expression. Her skin turned pale unlike her pristine color skin before it's more like a sick person while droplets of sweat appeared all over her body.

"I'm sorry Haruto-kun.... I'd like to not place such restrictions on you and gave you much more but it seems this is already the best I can do now.... I don't think your life will be in danger right away so I hope you can stay safe until the time comes...."

The goddess smiled bitterly then she hold her hands in front of her chest while looking hopeful toward the person that was no longer there. Her mind was filled by hope 'that person' told her of. Right now she's still not sure but they both didn't have any other choice but to leave their fate on him.

"We're counting on you Haruto-kun...."

Hello, this is my first novel and I will try to keep updating at least once a week.

Time to time I will update the previous chapter to edit some words and altered them by adding or removing to made it easier to read. This may be done many times until I feel satisfied.

Oh and I don't care about bad reviews, number of readers, or power stones. I wrote this purely as a hobby and personal satisfaction so feel free to drop it if you don't like it. But I will be happy if you enjoy this novel.

Shiroyama72creators' thoughts