

"Fia-chan, can you give me a bottle of Ether?"

Asami asked Fia who's still fighting nearby enemy. The surroundings were still chaotic with countless monsters assaulting them endlessly.

"Ether? I think ....we still have ...three bottles, are you ....running out of mana ...already Asami-nee...!?" Fia was bewildered as she defended herself from a big shadow bull.

"Not really, but I need a lot of mana right now, Kaori doesn't seem to have the time for sharing her mana after all."

She cast a wind blade spell to stagger the bull in front of Fia. She used this chance to deal a fatal blow using her white claw, black blood gushed like fountain as the monster turned into dust.

"Okay sure, here!"

She wasn't sure of what Asami was trying to do but she passed on an Ether from the storage ring Haruto gave her. Asami caught the bottle filled with glowing blue colored liquid.

Without hesitating she opened the lid and drank the content hastily. As she drank the Ether, a surge of magic power restoring her mana could be felt right away. After she finished drinking she threw the empty bottle aside and began concentrating.

Haruto who was busy eliminating the stronger General monsters noticed Asami's peculiar behavior so he couldn't help but curious albeit it didn't let him let down his guard on the enemies around him.

He sensed the fluctuation of Asami's energy vastly larger than when she was casting spells. Her body was glowing brightly as she opened her eyes and spread her arms.

*Crack* *Crack*

Spheres of mana were swirling around Asami's body as they formed an electromagnetic field surrounding the group. The monsters were startled and retreated back from the sudden spectacles.

"This is..."

Kaori widened her eyes in surprised while she saw Asami holding her staff in front of her, gathering the electricity on the surroundings to the tip of her staff. The other members also looked at her with shocked expression because they could feel a large power Asami was condensing right now.

"Nee-san is doing a summoning?"

Only now Haruto realized his sister's objective. As if on cue, the staff filled with powerful lightning energy suddenly shot out a ray of lightning to the void.

The ray of lightning pierced through the space itself and created a large magic circle radiating a constant thunderbolts. The lightning ray was connected to the middle of the circle as if trying to pull out something inside.

"Please lend us your power, IXION!!"

Asami yelled as she swung her staff forward, immediately pulling out the ray of lightning emitted from her staff like a whip.

*Crack* *Crack*

A large golden horn emerged from the magic circle before revealing the head of a stallion radiating tremendous electricity everywhere. Strangely this lightning did not hurt Haruto's group at all despite the monsters were avoiding the harmful electricity.


The lightning beast fully emerged from the magic circle to reveal his majestic appearance to the world. He neighed fiercely as if announcing his arrival.

It was a massive unicorn stallion about 6 meters tall with a long, golden horn and dark blue skin and gray mane and tail. He has gold bracers on his front legs made from unknown materials.

He galloped from the air to reach Asami's side, crushing and blown away the monsters on its way like it was nothing. Standing side to side with her, he rubbed his head against Asami's hand like a pet did every time they met their favorite master.

"Un, I don't really remember but it's been a long time isn't it? Sorry for making you wait all this time..."

She stroke Ixion's head gently and tenderly while letting out tears on her eyes. Even now her memories of previous life is very blurry but she could feel the powerful bond between them like a long time comrades.


Ixion let out a weak cry as if he was showing his sadness and happiness at the same time for meeting his master after a long, long time.

"This horse is amazing, the power he radiated does not lose against a lower Demon Lord...."

Selianna was very impressed as she felt the tremendous pressure comparable to the sea serpent assaulting them on the sea two weeks ago.

"He is Nee-san's third Eidolon, Ixion. His power should be a grade higher than Ifrit."

Haruto looked solemn although his heart was very excited because he was also very familiar with Ixion. In fact, this lightning unicorn seemed far more powerful compared to the one inside the game, similar to when he saw Ifrit for the first time. Perhaps a perceptive between game and reality was really incomparable.

He wondered how strong Asami's most powerful Eidolon would be. Perhaps it wouldn't lose to a Demon Emperor or perhaps even stronger. But naturally the current her still yet to possess the capability of doing so.

That and thinking the Eidolons would also grow even stronger alongside Asami made him feel his Nee-san is a cheat too. Although frustrating, he couldn't help but think it was no wonder Bryan was thinking how beneficial it was if she contributed her power for the country. Still, he wanted Asami to use her own power according to her wish without being controlled by anyone.

'Right, I always admire this figure of her ever since I was aware of my surroundings...'

His Nee-san that always excels in everything even back in Japan, he was reminded of that figure of Asami as he looked at her heroic appearance with emotional eyes. For him, his sister is always been his idol and the person he looked up to, he's very proud of being her family, he treated this relation as his biggest pride among his friends.

Well, he just didn't know that very own super sister of him was also sharing the exact same feelings against him. It's not until later time would he learn about this and how shocked he was at that time.


The monsters were feeling intimidated as they felt a similar kin with power rivaling a Demon Lord. As a monster themselves, they naturally felt an impulse to kneel before their lord, the knowledge of he was their enemy was what prevented them from doing so.

Asami glared coldly against her enemies.

"Ixion, I'm still not very familiar with summoning so I leave it you on how you handle them. Just make sure to not leave a single survivor." She gave her orders with emotionless face. There's no mercy for everything harming her companions.


As if he was saying "Your wish is my command.", Ixion cry loudly, putting on a very hostile atmosphere to the entire monsters. He could feel his master's anger and that fueled his power and motivation.

"Let's help her too Kaori, I don't think Ixion alone could deal with this number of enemies." Haruto grinned widely as he cracked his knuckles.

"Right, we don't have to worry about anything right now and I'm getting pissed off too. Why don't we go on a rampage right now? Heh heh~"

Kaori put on a dark gentle smile that looks very terrifying. Both of them were very frustrated from their enemies endless harassments so this is the perfect time for revenge.

All the shadow monsters jolted from the sudden horrifying pressure emitted by their enemies as they took a few steps back. Their current condition was as if they were saying "Ha..hahaha, w-we're just joking, mercy please~?" while sweating profusely.

Their answer is obvious....


*Waaahhh~* Haruto and Kaori rushed furiously as they slaughtered every monsters like the reincarnation of asura. With Ixion here, they could leave the guarding on him while they were unleashing their frustrations on the monsters.

The nearby monsters around the weaker group was dealt by Ixion's lightning bolts. He charged forward with electrical force around his body, destroying everything on its path. From his huge and long horn, he also summoned countless thunders, easily killing dozens of monsters in an instant. Despite that, all the lightnings automatically avoid hitting Asami and the other girls, even the explosions caused just passed through without hurting them as if they were a gust of wind. This is the advantage of Asami's Eidolon because their attacks would never harm their master and fellow comrades.

Numerous series of explosions could be seen everywhere as if the place turned into a genuine war field. The dark atmosphere of Tartarus became so bright because of the intense battle. The air and void were rippling while the entire hall was trembling heavily like an earthquake.

A little past half an hour later, the majority of the monsters were swept clean, if it was counted then perhaps the total number of the monsters could reach a little more than five thousand. Asami had reached her limit on summoning Ixion after the first ten minutes but it was no longer a problem. And then a couple more minutes later all the monsters had been completely annihilated.

As they chased the retreating monsters before, they also at the same time explored the 22nd floor, that's why once their job was finished, the teleport device was already found.

Without doubt their exploration this time is the most tiring, they went back to the inn room with a zombie like face before sleeping like a log.

The most beneficial thing was the party received tremendous growth and their power grew dramatically. Haruto, Fia, and Selianna also entered a pre-Growth state immediately after exiting Tartarus. They collapsed to the ground like a lifeless doll and passed out right away.


Tartarus Exploration Progress : Arqa 22F