
Imperial Princess and [Transcendents]

"Imperial princess!"

They all shouted at the same time hearing what Selianna just said. That meant the person in front of them was the daughter of the Emperor, a true royalty.

"Selianna, you said she is a Deva Knight?"

"Yes, she is. And just so you know, even among them she is the most powerful."

Haruto paid attention to the later part of what Selianna said more. A Deva Knight.

It was known there's only seven of them in this country. They're what so called as the fail safe of the Empire. What that meant was when the Empire's in danger those seven people were the strongest and final units to solve the situation. They would never work other than during those times where their existences were absolutely needed and even the Emperor complied to their wish and would never ordered them to on other situations.

A single one of them hold power far beyond what normal human could ever reach. They all already went past [Growth] by going through hundreds or thousands of them and became a [Transcendent] existence. They aged no more and with a single hand could wiped out millions of ordinary people.

The rank below them the Holy Knight could not even hold a candle compared to them. That's just how strict the condition for becoming a Deva Knight was. The only case the Deva Knight ever dispatched was when a Mythical rank monster appeared and attacked the empire a long time ago. But a Mythical rank monster was even more ridiculous than Deva Knights since it would take all seven of them just to fight one and defeat it together.

The other countries too had their own [Transcendents]. Despite so no one had ever gone a full on war because the [Transcendents] were there to prepare in case another Mythical monster appeared. If the world stupidly fought and lost even a single one of them it would bring a great danger to their own country and no one would take such risk.

And now one of those [Transcendents] who mentioned to hold the almighty godly power was standing in front of him. She was the one above all seven Deva Knights in human country. It's not wrong to call her as 'The Strongest Human'.

"Are? Why's everyone suddenly have a stupid look on their faces? Hehehe~"

Luminette the princess tilted her head and giggled amusedly.

"But for a princess being our country's guardian.... I thought such case only happened in stories...." Fia murmured with eyes full of amazement.

"Yeah, and to think she's the most powerful human alive..." Kaori agreed with her. She still in her apostle form and hold both her swords. Even if she didn't intend to attack anymore she must not let her guard down. The others currently did not pay attention to her transformation since they were all too focused on Luminette.

"Guardian? Oh yeah now that you mentioned it, I was. It's been a very long long time since I fought for the country after all~" Luminette didn't mind her attitude, in fact she nodded from her reaction or she would be disappointed.

"Umm, may I ask-" Haruto tried to ask something but before she finished Luminette already appeared right in front of his face.

"Haru-tan, you know it's rude to ask a maiden of their age ri~ght?" She said while smiling that did not reach her eyes. Haruto let out cold sweat and nodded but soon he retorted loudly.


"Ara? Yeah, your name's Haruto right? So I called you Haru-tan, is there something wrong with it?" She tilted her head innocently.

"Well I don't have much problem with that but....Your Highness?"

"Ah moouu~ That way of calling is too stiff! Just call me Lumi-pon or Lumi-tan!"

"...Then Lumina." He shrugged.

"That's not cute at all! But I guess it's fine...So, what is it?"

Luminette or now called Lumina by Haruto pouted from the way he called her but somehow she looked a little happy. The others looked at Haruto with amazement especially Selianna since he dare to call her so brazenly despite knowing her prowess just now. Countless people were asked to do the same by her, calling her casually but no one dare to. Once they saw her even from afar they would all made a perfect dogeza out of fear.

That's why for Haruto who called her such without much hesitation brought her satisfaction and her interests in him grew even more.

Indeed she was extremely dangerous for being capable of killing him in an instant but there's no reason to act like a loser in front of her. After all, sooner or later he would catch up to her and surpassed her. The Saiyan blood flowing inside his body was currently boiling in excitement, feeling impatient for the day he beat who called as 'The Strongest Human'. For the first time Haruto understood how Goku and Vegeta often felt when a seemingly unsurpassable wall stood in front of them.

"I was wondering why someone like you came to Selianna's house? Is there something with her?" He asked.

"Oh? You mean Lia-pon? Of course it's because we're best friends! It's natural for best friends to give congrats when she's just promoted, right Lia-pon~?"

"I told you we cannot be best friends Hime-sama...." Selianna sighed tiredly.

"Why? We played together since you're a child so naturally we're best friends!"

"Yes, I'm still a child back then but you're already a full grown up lady! For who knows how many years at that!" She made a grand retort, already dismissing her way of tone. The others made incredulous face seeing their interactions.

"Muu~ Lia-pon is always so cold." She pouted.

"*sigh* Let's forget about that, are you not going back to the castle Your Highness?" Selianna said giving up.

"No way~ That place made me feel stuffy. I wanted to go to 'that place' It's a lot more fun there!"

"Just why am I even bother asking...." Selianna facepalmed.

"Selianna, what does she mean by 'that place'?"

"Mu? Oh yeah you didn't know about that. You're still green rank after all, after you became blue rank you should know so spare me from explaining it now." She shrugged her shoulders, it seemed like her spirit was down because of Lumia.

"Fine then, but does that mean it have something to do with being adventurer? Does that mean Lumina is an adventurer?"

"Ah right I forgot about that, yes she is a Secret rank adventurer."

"Huh? Secret rank? What's that?"

He looked at the others too but they were also confused and shook their heads.

"Secret rank adventurer is a rank above the platinum. Just like the title said it was a hidden rank and how to reach that rank was not revealed to public. Even I don't know how Hime-sama attained such rank."

"So other than being a princess and knight she's also an adventurer huh. I can't even be more surprise by now." Haruto nodded solemnly seemingly giving up too.

"Hm wait...adventurer?" Selianna seemed to recall something and feel deep in thought.

'Ah, sorry about that. It just that I remembered a long past regarding a certain adventurer you see. Even now they always made my blood boils with excitement..!'

Right it was the Emperor, Zelrigth's words. At that time she couldn't understand what he meant but could it be....

"H-Hime-sama may I ask if something ever happen between you and His Majesty? For example like fighting him?"

"Ara? Otou-san? Well yeah I fought with him many times in the past and beaten him black and blue everytime. For some reason he always looked so happy when I beat the shit out of him."


Now it all finally made sense. The reason for the Emperor to have his blood boils in excitement everytime he remembered 'that person' was....his own daughter.

That's why he was interested on adventurers. There was a legend that said the princess once ran away from the castle when she's still a child and became adventurer. She returned many years later already became a [Transcendent] and surpassed her own father. His Majesty must thought the source of her strength was her journey when she became adventurer and became fond of them since then.

But his excitement when he was beaten up by his own daughter was a different matter all together. It was merely his own hobby or fetish.

In other words the Emperor is an extreme masochist. He loved being beaten by his own daughter and that made him so excited.

Unbelievable....Selianna almost lost her faith in her own country when she reached the conclusion in her head.

"Well, that's how it is so see you later everyo-"


Lumina waved her hand and tried to went out of the house but the door suddenly slammed open.

"Not so fast you fucking bitch!"

"W-What!? Ojisan (Uncle)!? Why are you here!?"

Lumina was extremely shocked seeing an intellectual old man suddenly appear behind the door. He had short gray hair with long beard on his face. His attire looked similar to a butler uniform. Even the other people was surprised seeing a person suddenly entered the house but not as shock as Lumina.

"I heard what you're trying to do, planning to sprout your damn wings isn't it? Like I let you asshole do that!"

"But why?! I thought I kidnapped you!"

"Yeah your damn lackeys caught me and confined me on the castle basement but thankfully one of the maids heard my voice and released my bindings. Luminette, you shitty brat, you better prepare yourself. A piece of shit like you was a million years too early to get rid of me!"

"C-Calm down Ojisan, I was just trying to relax a little outside...."

"Relax is it? Bullshit! All you did everytime you went out were causing troubles you hear me!? Acting all innocent even though your heart is more vile than a beast that's why you're a damn whore!"

"Ahahaha that's a big misunderstanding you know~"

The banter continued and Haruto's face was convulsing seeing that, including the others.

"Selianna what the hell's happening here?"

"....As you heard, that person is Her Highness' esteemed uncle, Damian. He is the younger brother of His Majesty the Emperor and since long been taking care of the princess ever since she was born."

"Ever since she was born? Then he is a [Transcendent] too? I mean Lumina's age is..." Haruto's eyes widened but Selianna shook her head.

"No, he's not, his life was prolonged by an artifact because of His Majesty and the princess' wish. Even though he should also be a royalty but he preferred to serve as a servant and attendant to Luminette-sama."

"I see but then why she seemed scared of him?"

"Well, he's the one taking care of her for a very long time after all and he was very discipline towards her. So the only people in this world capable of reigning her from her antics is him."

"Is...that so..." Haruto was amazed hearing the old man capable of handling the 'Strongest Human'.

Without them noticing it the quarrel already over and Damian walked towards them with Lumina grabbed by her scruff like a stray cat, she was obedient and turned limp.

"I'm very sorry for the troubles my master had caused. We will leave right away." Damian bowed deeply towards Selianna and Haruto.

"N-No it's alright, nothing major happened anyway...." Haruto was startled from his polite behavior, completely different than when he's talking with Lumina.

"Yes, in exchange please watch over her, Damian-sama." Selianna bowed too. Even if his job was Lumina's attendant but he was still a royalty so she paid respect to him.

"I will."

After that Damian left along with Lumina and Haruto and the others were left alone in the house.

Kaori took a deep breath and dispelled her transformation. She finally relaxed after Lumina was gone. Her instinct was never to let down her guard against her. Even though she appeared innocent by she knew she was an extremely dangerous individual and could not be predicted of what's she's thinking. There's when she noticed everyone was looking at her in wonder except Haruto who smiled wryly.

Right, there's another explanation needed....

Note: Damian's calling Lumia as bitch and whore didn't mean her being as such, she's a virgin.

And by went through [Growths] humans will have their lifespan increase little by little until they became immortal when they became a [Transcendent]. That's how Zelrigth's still able to live until now despite him not being a [Transcendent]

Shiroyama72creators' thoughts