
First Match (1)

The atmosphere turned very chaotic as the princess from Filtrania declared her spouse as a reward for a simple competition. No one actually expected someone to defeat her so they just thought it's only Lumina's mischief but to think she's serious. If Zelrigth learnt about this he would surely vomit blood out of stress and anger.

Alas his happy-go-lucky daughter would never give a crap to something like that. Just like she said, she do what she wants and no one can say anything about that, this is a fact. Who can file a complain to a possibly strongest being in the world? That's just the same as commiting suicide.

Or so they thought, but there's someone who can actually subdue this madcat and that person is her very own uncle, Damian. He came not long after she declared her marriage to public as she clung on the absentminded Haruto who still cannot accept reality.

He was extremely angry and berated Lumina like a furious dragon. His stomachache is still there because of his niece's 'prank' so Kaori kindly lent him a hand to cure him. Thanks to that Lumina was 'disciplined' by Damian (not in public of course, he still had to maintain his country's dignity).

Still, she didn't give up on marrying Haruto because breaking a promise is going against her principle. Damian was grimacing on how to deal with the situation as Lumina wouldn't back off. Haruto just silently watching while rubbing his temple as if having a headache.

Seeing the way they see each other made Damian realize this youngster is unlike everyone he knew. He didn't act timid against Lumina like other people and could actually treat her as equals.

After pondering for awhile he agreed for the marriage between them, shocking Haruto's group to the core. But he said there's no way they can get married all of a sudden and they hadn't even informed the emperor about this.

Thinking it made sense, Lumina also surprisingly agreed with postponing the marriage. She also added a challenge to Haruto.

"If you can make me use at least half of my power someday, at that time I'll be yours right away."

She said that with a very rare serious expression as her smile radiated expectations and faith, as if she truly believed Haruto will fulfill her expectations or maybe even exceeded them.

Face with this kind of expectations that directly challenged his pride, there's no way Haruto could decline or he wouldn't be a man. He grinned widely, forming a fearless smile and accepted her 'challenge'. The Saiyan blood inside his body was boiling fiercely as if it was happy.

In response to that, Lumina made a beautiful mature smile as her eyes narrowed gently. All of them, Haruto especially was stunned as he felt charmed by Lumina's sincere smile. Now no one would doubt her identity as a royal princess seeing the spectacle.

Haruto rubbed his cheek feeling embarrassed with his face tinged a little red saying she should show this kind of smile more often. Lumina giggled saying she would do that as much as he wanted to once she became his lover.

And so, their casual strolling that turned into a reunion leading to a sudden marriage with Lumina ended happily. After this they would prepare themselves for the first match of the tournament tomorrow.

Or so it should be but...

"Why are you here again Princess?" Selianna said with face as if she's giving up.

They're in the VIP audience room on the next day just before Haruto's match. Just before going to the audience seats after separating from Haruto, they were intercepted by Lumina who they thought had gone home and was brought here.

"You're all so mean~! You didn't tell me Haru-tan is participating in the tournament! If Uncle didn't tell me I wouldn't know about it!" She puffed her cheeks, throwing tantrums.

"We're sorry about that." She said.

Of course, they didn't mention that it was all because of the chaotic situation yesterday that they completely forget about it. Furthermore, who would have thought she's going to watch Haruto's match anyway? It's not like they're that close before.

"Hmph fineee. But still...to think he's actually aiming for becoming the champion. I must say Haru-tan really do has guts. As expected of my future husband I guess fufufu." Lumina chuckled playfully.

"Eh? Why is that?" Kaori was confused. Judging from Haruto's current strength she didn't think it will be that hard.

"Of course I didn't mean about the worthless participants that wouldn't worth glancing at. What I meant is the current number one favorite for the tournament." She said.

"You mean about Lotus-san?" Rikka asked and Lumina nodded.

"Yes yes, that's her alias. That little cutey hihihi" She giggled.

"You know about her Lumina-san?" Fia was surprised.

"Hehe, I met her once some time ago maybe about two or three years before? Hmm~" She tilted her head.

"But what's about her?" Asami asked. The information regarding Lotus are not that much so she thought of asking Lumina who claimed to know about her.

Lumina smiled with face as if recalling about something before she opened her mouth.

"That girl is strong. And even compared to other people I met before she definitely possesses the most talent. Well, at least until I met with Haru-tan."

The girls was surprised hearing her praising someone with that kind of expression. Even when she's praising their growth before she didn't act like this. They couldn't helped but feel a little frustrated and yet also very curious about this person Lumina fond of.

"I believe Haru-tan is much more talented with boundless potential. Even for me his development is just too unreal... He's re~ally like a monster. But for the current him, I honestly don't think he could win against that girl, not yet." Lumina shook her head.

"....She's that powerful?" Selianna frowned.

"Can you tell us how powerful she is Lumina-nee?" Fia asked.

Lumina pondered for a bit before answering.

"Well~ the last time I met her she just defeated a Devil Emperor only to return with her condition barely living. Though, it's just the weakest one, a lower Legendary rank." She touched her chin.


Selianna raised her body in shocked with face full of disbelief. The others here still haven't met with a Devil Emperor just yet but she once saw it before during her family trip in the past. It was a very horrifying monster the embodiment of nightmare itself. Even just meeting once already planted a deep trauma inside her heart. If not for Lumina who was going alongside her family at that time, they would already perished without trace. Although a Devil Emperor was extremely powerful but it just a mere kitten in front of the ungodly princess.

Even so, it was a Semi-Transcendent monster, meaning its strength is on the level of someone like Yomi. Lumina just said Lotus defeated the lowest rank one so it still nowhere near Yomi's power but it's definitely not too far away like Haruto before.

"I heard she needed to recuperate for a year and a half so until she fully recovered she shouldn't be a lot stronger than before. Though, it seems like she still able to easily win the tournament at that time with only half of her power heh heh heh." Lumina laughed.

"...Unbelieveable." Selianna was very impressed.

"That's how it is. Amazing ri~ght? I wonder what will Haru-tan do~" Lumina returned to her playful self. Her face was beaming with anticipation. Although she didn't think Haruto can win, she believed her future husband was capable of surpassing her imaginations otherwise she wouldn't be so attracted to him.

The other girls felt concern now. But they discard their thought because it's not like losing meant death. Haruto will faces his required-to-win opponent on the semifinals if nothing gone wrong so becoming champion is not really necessary. Still, they're sure Haruto would get angry at them if they thought like that so they smiled wryly and decided to put their faith on him.

"Oh yeah. Where's Haru-tan? He already a few minutes late? Look, even that baldy is getting tired of waiting for his opponent." Lumina asked, pointing at the grumbling person on the stage below.

Then she glanced at the girls to notice they became frozen like statue.


She's confused of their strange reaction. The girls were putting on awkward expressions with only Asami started to grin in mischief as if she's enjoying something.

"W-Well, he should be coming soon...." Elsie answered with awkward face.


"Motherfucker, just how long should I keep waiting!?" The bald man wearing heavy armor with halberd on his hands was gritting his teeth in anger.

[U-Umm, if contestant Haruto does not show up in a minute, he'll be automatically disqualified.] The female announcer said using a magic mic.

It's already a little more than five minutes since the opposite side came to the stage but Haruto still haven't show up. Even the audiences began to yell furiously making the announcer panicked.

They all thought Haruto must be running away from the match because he's not confident. They remembered his frail atmosphere yesterday and mocked him for wasting their time.

The female announcer and the other staffs were doing their best to calm the raging audiences. She also kept counting on the timer before Haruto was disqualified.

And then, just when it's was less than five seconds left-

"Kept you waiting huh?"

A voice full of confidence belonged to a young man resounded on the arena. They all turned their glance to the direction the voice came from.

The moment the young man emerged on the arena, every person there turned stiff with mouth agape, silencing the commotion in an instant.

There, a person wearing some kind of animal mask with body fully bare except for a jockstrap covering his vital spot was walking dramatically as he crossed his arms. Although he's still young but his muscle is well-built and he also tall so it didn't look bad.

He went up to the platform stage and stood right in front of the halberd bald man before spreading his arms and said,

"Now then. Let us begin the show shall we?"