
Fighting and Crisis

Just what is happening?

When Selianna saw the opened door of the boss room her instinct already ringing alarm bells. And now after she saw what's inside, it was ringing even more loudly.

There's nothing inside the boss room, whether it was the boss, the last treasure chest, or the path that led to the dungeon core.

It was a complete empty room.

"Selianna-sama, this is..." Lena spoke timidly, she too had a bad feeling about this.

"Everyone, take out your weapon." She ordered calmly.

The knights released their own weapons, some of them used staffs and bows for the ranges and some of them fought barehanded, making their battle stance.

They waited for awhile before advancing slowly to the center of the room.

Before long they heard a sound out of nowhere.



A wall suddenly exploded along with the roar. Dust was scattered everywhere and blowing the surroundings. Selianna and the others were holding their stance from the force.

What appeared on the blown wall were 4 pure black minotaurs about 4 meters each. They had vicious yellow eyes and holding massive clubs or axes. What ominous was the dark red mist flowing all over their body.

"That's...minotaurs? But their colors are black so that means a mutation? Furthermore that red mist around them..."

Selianna was shocked seeing the monsters before her. Just a single glance and you would know they were out of ordinary minotaurs.

Minotaurs should be a large muscular humanoid with cow head monsters about 3 meters tall. They had brown and grey fur with black eyes.

And yet the minotaurs in front of them were fully black in color and even larger than usual.

Such case were possible if they were a mutation from ordinary minotaurs but Selianna knew there's another thing beside mutation and that was the red mist flowing from their bodies.

It was full of malice and ominous feeling. She didn't feel like being near that mist.

Some of the other knights too were trembling and their face was pale.

Nevertheless she must defeat the opponents before her, she knew they were the source of the abnormality and who knows what might happened if she let them be.

"Mages! Prepare your magic, and rangers please hold them using your arrows during the casting! The others do not carelessly approach them, use energy attacks instead!"

The magicians among them began to cast their magic while the rangers were preparing their bows and arrows. The others were extending their palms and releasing energy bullets from their hands.

Magic did not require chanting but it would still need some time to be cast and the more powerful the magic was, the longer it would take to be cast.

Arrows and ki blasts were raining upon the minotaurs but it seemed they did not faze at all and stood there silently.

The arrows turned out unable to pierce through their skin and were fend off easily. While the blasts did not hurt them at all.

The mages then finished their casting and unleashed their magics. A torrent of fireballs, ice spears and pieces of rocks appeared in the air and launched towards the minotaurs.


They made a large explosions and blew the surroundings.

The smoke cleared out revealing a yet uninjured minotaurs standing there.

"...They're tough alright, it seemed their resistance towards energy attacks and magic were high." Selianna observed the situation with grim expression.

'Then it had to be physical attacks after all? But approaching them seem dangerous.'

"One of you, go back to the surface and told the other knights to send reinforcement!"

She estimated that the minotaurs were as strong as lower High rank monsters.

It needed to be noted that the giant boar Haruto fought before was only a lower Medium rank monster.

One of the mage nodded and ran back to the exit.

Just when she was considering the next actions someone suddenly leaped out and charged towards the minotaurs.


Lena was surprised that Jake suddenly ran forward and attacked the minotaurs alone.

"What are you all doing getting scared by this kind of monsters!? If magic did not work then we just need to beat them with our strength!" He shouted towards the other knights while running.

"That idiot!" Selianna cursed her reckless subordinates and ordered the others to back him up.

The knights beside the mages along with Lena charged forward while unleashing their ki and aura. (The rangers put their bows and switch to weapons or fight unarmed)


Jake swung his sword diagonally, aiming to cut the left most minotaur's head.


To his surprise, his sword were blocked by the skin and couldn't pierce through at all.

Jake were dazed, not fully accepting what just happened while the minotaur rolled its eyes to its attacker.

"JAKE WATCH OUT!" Lena shouted.

He gasped and noticed a club were aiming towards his flank. He managed jump back and block it with his sword but his hands felt numb and trembling.


Suddenly screams were heard everywhere and 5 of the knights died, crushed by the clubs or split into two by the axes. One of the minotaur too threw its axes towards the mages.

Selianna managed to deflect one of them but she did not make it in time to block the other, resulting on of the mage died instantly.

Now the remaining attacker were only Jake and Lena and the minotaur Jake attacked before were rushing to him with roar.

Jake tried to steadied his sword but his hands still numbed from the attack before.

Lena jumped forward and kick the minotaur from its side, diverting its direction a little and missed its aim.

She was shocked too that it's body was so tough and her legs hurt a little after hitting it. The minotaur too only fumbled a bit after being hit, it was as if she was hitting a large boulder.

Without her noticing a second minotaur were approaching her back and swung it's club trying to crush her.

She just landed after her jump kick so she couldn't evade it. She closed her eyes preparing to receive the blow.


Someone suddenly appeared in front of her and block the strike.


Her leader stood in front of her gallantly

"Fall back! Take that idiot with you and stay out of the fight! These opponents are out of your league!" She shouted without looking back.

Lena nodded and grabbed Jake along with her. He struggled a little and trying to continue fighting but Lena grabbed his waist strongly and ran back towards the remaining mages behind.

The two other minotaurs started to rush on the mages Selianna left behind but suddenly a beam slash struck them and blown them away.

"Your opponent is me."

Selianna flicked her sword towards the club of the minotaur's near her, disarming it.

She unleashed a whipping kick to it's flank, sending it flying toward it's kin. The minotaur struck it's companion and they were blown together while rolling on the floor.

She ran forward to the other two minotaurs she blown before with her beam slash and cut its back with her sword filled with her energy, glimmering brightly.

The minotaur roared furiously while blood splurted out from its back. It punched with its fist clad in thin purple demonic energy towards Selianna but she dodged it and made another wound on its chest.

The other minotaur swung its axes making a cross arc but its target had disappeared from that place.

Selianna appeared behind its back and fired energy beam with her hands. It struck the minotaur and exploded, wounding it with some of its skin burnt from the attack.


Lena and the other knights were awed seeing Selianna's power. The minotaurs they couldn't even wound before were handled alone by her.

The two minotaurs joined the other two and engaged Selianna together.

As expected, fighting against four them were difficult even for Selianna. She suffered some grazes and blows on her body. But her eyes remained resolute without minding her injuries.

After some time she managed to land fatal blows on two of the minotaurs, decapitated them.

There's two remaining minotaurs but Selianna's injuries were not light either, her movements and strength were definitely weakened.

The knights gritted their teeth frustrated for not being able to do anything. If they tried to attack and attracted their attentions carelessly, it may brought more troubles for Selianna instead so they could only watch their leader fighting alone.

And then Lena noticed someone was missing among them. She had a bad feeling and it proven true when she saw Jake was rushing towards Selianna and the minotaurs with his sword raised high.

Lena screamed and chase after him trying to bring him back. But she did not made it in time since Jake already struck one of the minotaur with his sword earning its attention.

Selianna was surprised, dulling her reaction to the other minotaur and she got blown by its fist.

The minotaur roared toward Jake and kicked him in his gut. Jake splurted out blood and his ribs were crushed instantly. Lena finally made it to him and went in front of him trying to protect her childhood friend.


Jake was shocked seeing that and he screamed her name.

When the club nearly reached her head, a figure jumped forward hugging her with her body.

In the end Selianna was the one hit by the massive club and sent flying along with Jake and Lena.


She vomited blood from her mouth, her injuries were heavy, her bones must be broken from the blow while a few of her organs were damaged.

"S-Selianna-sama!!" Lena panicked seeing her superior that just saved her twice.

"*Cough* *Cough* R-Run... Lena.." She said while coughing out blood.

"No...No..." She shook her head and let out tears from her eyes.

The minotaurs were growling happily and approached them slowly trying to deal the finishing blow for the hateful enemy they fought before.

They swung their axe and club downwards aiming for the lying Selianna together.

Selianna gritted her teeth while Lena and Jake were screaming loudly. By now Lena was already crying and tried to intercept but there's some distance between them and it's impossible to make it in time.

...Even if she could the won't be able to do anything.

It was as if time was moving slowly in Selianna's vision, watching the approaching weapons aiming for her body.

'Looks like this is it for me....'

She smiled bitterly knowing her near fate. She suddenly remembered many things, her life until now as a noble, herself that did not desire to be used as political tools and spent the rest of her life in a cage, her efforts in training to become a knight and escaped from her family.

It reached the point until she was promoted to High Knight showered by praises and expectations from her surroundings for her talents.

In the end nothing's really changed and her life was caged once again with her duties. She couldn't do what she liked and went everywhere she wanted anytime. But even so she also liked to fight and protected someone so she endured.

Finally, she remembered what happened recently, her meeting with the most adorable girl she ever met, a young fox girl.

A cute and beautiful young woman with black hair tied in ponytail with strange accessory on her head.

And then,

A handsome young boy with black hair and clothes. The one she hated the most for making fun of her. The one that entered her mind the most ever since yesterday.

But even so it was the first time in a long while that she's been that opened not to mention fighting and bickering with someone.

'...If he saw the current me right now, what will he say I wonder?'

Her smile turned soft and she closed her eyes while imagining such things and waited for the attacks to reach her...



....nothing happened?

"....What a pathetic state you're in."

She opened her eyes in shock and looked upwards.

The boy she just thought was there.