

There was currently a petite girl about 13 years old staring intensely on the quest board, she seemed to be contemplating hard about something. That girl had short green hair that reach her shoulders but what's interesting was that there were a pair of fox ears above hear head along with a fluffy fox tail sticking out from her butt.

She looked like a hunter just by seeing her attire and equipments. There's a bow and quiver strapped on her back along with a pair of knives strapped on both sides of her waist. She wore a gray shirt with a breastplate covering her chest and a short green skirt with black knee-high socks.

Over time she stared at the quest board, she slapped her cheeks as if she made her mind and reached out for a specific quest.

"A subjugation request?"

But before that a hand took the quest faster than her. She gasped and noticed a boy wearing what seemed a black and orange martial arts clothing reading the quest paper that she intended to take.

"A, Anoo, you are?" She asked the young man

"Hm? Ah sorry about that. I got interested seeing you staring intensely at a quest you see..." The boy smiled while scratching his head.

The boy proceed to ask,

"So you're interested in this quest? But you seemed troubled about it. Is there something weird for this quest?" He asked gently.

"Umm.." The girl's not sure whether to talk to this boy or not. But since she thought she wouldn't lost anything by telling him she decided to answer his question. Perhaps this boy would help her, was what she hope for although she didn't dare to expect too much. They then went to one of the tables in the room and talked.

She introduced herself as Fia, she came from a village near this town and the boy introduce himself as Haruto. Apparently the subjugation request just now was targeted for a giant mountain boar located in the mountain south from this town.

The problem was that a giant mountain boar was a dangerous monster, at least to a newbie adventurer. It would need a party of at least 5 yellow rank adventurers to be able to defeat it.

Haruto then asked,

"Then shouldn't you just search for groups to take on the quest?"

But Fia shook her head.

"It's not that easy to find 5 yellow ranked adventurer in this town. Since this is a very small town without high ranking monsters, it's a perfect place for newcomers. A lot of adventurers that already reach yellow rank - a proper rank as adventurer - will go to other cities to improve themselves. The remaining one in this town are adventurers that want to relax and live slowly so they won't take a party subjugation quest like this that could endanger their lives."

So basically the majority of the adventurers in Calad was newbies and those that graduated would advanced to other places. The remaining of the yellow or green rank adventurers that lived here desire to live slowly out of danger, they were satisfied with their income and did not wish to improve themselves.

Fia herself was a green rank adventurer, a very rare find in this town. It seemed it's not like she did not want to go to other cities but she just couldn't leave her family on her village alone because she's worried about them. But still, being a green rank adventurer at 13 years old in this small town was amazing.

"....Can I ask why do you want to take this quest then?" Haruto asked her the most important question.

Fia explained slowly,

"One of my siblings was sick and I need quite some money to buy the cure. Only this quest's rewards that will give me enough money for that because taking on other quest will take too much time and I'm afraid that my family condition will turn worse if left alone like that."

"...." Haruto saw that the reward for this quest was 5000 quartz. If it needed a party of 5 people to defeat the target it means each person would get 1000 quartz. A large amount compared to other quests that only gave about 50-170 quartz each.

It's natural though since the other quests were for newbies and this was one of the very rare yellow quests moreover a party quest at that, there's no green quests in this town.

Haruto pondered for awhile. At first he only approached her because this was the first time he saw an animal person ever since he came to this world. Since the place he's in was the human country, it's not often he would be able to encounter other races especially in a small town like this. His instinct as an otaku were itching seeing that.

"Alright let me help you." After thinking for awhile more Haruto decided to help her.

Well thinking about it carefully it's not that much of a problem. This quest could earn much money and he's also curious to fight that giant mountain boar to practice his skills more.

All the fights with the cute puppies and snakes on the way to this town could not satisfied him. Although he inherited Goku's skills and experiences, he's still not used to it. His body was still stiff, it was just like someone that knew how to cook like an expert but never cooked before. That's why he needed a strong opponent to get used of his new ability.

Besides, if it turned out more dangerous than he expected he could always teleport back to safety. Now that he had Elsie as companion he could place her on a safety place as a point of teleport. If needed she could also turned invisible using her hagoromo, very convenient for infiltrations.

"Eh? But Haruto-san, you're still white ranked right? I don't think that..."

Fia at first didn't know that Haruto was a newcomer since his attire resembled an expert fighter, that's why she decided to tell him about her. But after she found out about that it's already too late to pull back and that's why she continued to speak.

"It's alright. I may be a newcomer but I can assure you that I'm capable of fighting. I can even say confidently that I could at least defeat a blue rank adventurer no problem."

It's a lie though, Haruto did not know how strong a blue rank adventurer was but he decided to be confident so she would accept his help.


Fia was taken aback hearing that. But it was still hard to believe that's why she said,

"Very well, then I will take you on your offer Haruto-san. But in the middle of the quest if it proved that you're not strong enough, we'll abandoned the quest immediately okay?"

Haruto smiled and nodded. Fia was actually a cautious girl, she did not believe him right away, her attitude all this time also did not seem like a 13 years old kid, befitting of a green rank adventurer.

She's also a gentle girl that she's worried about him and would pull back immediately if he was in danger, but he's sure that if that happened she would still continue the quest alone since she needed the money for her family as soon as possible.

"Then best regards, Fia-san."

"Yes, best regards too Haruto-san."