
Elucia de Lute Ima

Chapter 5

"Anoo? Kami-sama~?

Elsie waved her hand in front of the dazed Haruto. This woke him up from his daze as he greeted Elsie.

"Ah hello Elsie, I'm Haruto and it's a pleasure to meet you too but why'd you call me Kami-sama? I think that Onee-san behind you is more fitting to be called Kami-sama" Haruto smiled wryly, he's amazed that she called him Kami-sama just like Katsuragi Keima but he's not him and he's definitely not a god of conquest...

"Eh? But kami-sama is kami-sama right~?" Elsie blinked in confusion while putting her finger on her lips.

Haruto admitted she looked very cute like that, he remembered that this girl was an airhead and innocent devil.

"And isn't Kami-sama an actual god? I mean you have this godly energy in your body right~?


Elsie suddenly saying a shocking thing. Haruto? A god? What did she mean?

"Ah she's right Haruto-kun." Eisha that just silent until now interjected.

"Eh? But how?"

"It's because you possessed the power of Son Goku remember? Although right now it was sealed but the power of a Super Saiyan God is still in there so it's not wrong to call you a god."

Haruto's mind turned blank, it took awhile for him to process what she just said.

That's right he's a Saiyan but not an ordinary Saiyan, he had surpassed the Super Saiyan God from inheriting Goku's legacy, making him a Saiyan beyond God although it's power was sealed right now.

This state was also what enabled a Saiyan to achieve a form beyond Super Saiyan God called the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan or nicknamed as Super Saiyan Blue.

"But then how did Elsie manage to sense my godly ki? Does that mean that other people would be able to sense them too?"

Haruto's quite anxious about it because if that's the case then he would attract attention from powerful individuals.

"Oh yes I'm just about to explain about that. The reason Elsie's able to sense that is because right now she's connected to your soul. In fact rather than a person, she's now exists as a spirit."

"Spirit? So she's not a human or devil?"

"Well technically she's still a devil but her current condition is just a spiritual form. Only when she materialized in the real world would she be considered as devil. She's able to turn into spiritual form and entered your body at anytime and during that time no one will be able to detect her unless that person is capable of seeing the soul of others. But even then other than a peculiarity they won't know that it was a person inside your soul."

"Seriously? That's so convenient." If that's the case then he could bring her anytime and anywhere without troubles.

"And you shouldn't worry about her safety either, since she's connected to your soul she won't be able to die and if she's struck down she would just turn back to her spiritual form and will reformed inside your body, though it would take quite some time. I suggest that once she's in danger, she would immediately return to your body. No matter how far the distance she's capable to return at anytime in an instant. Oh you can also use a telepathy with her."

"....That's really something."

He's stupefied of hearing what a summon could do. As long as he did not die they would never die and they were perfectly safe too since they could return to his body instantly at anytime and anywhere.

Elsie's smugged hearing the talk of what she capable of as if saying "That's right you know? Praise me praise me~" and both Haruto and Eisha's mouth twitched seeing that.

"Oh yeah by the way is it alright? Isn't Elsie actually a weapon or something that was made by the old devils in the story? Is she fine?" Haruto whispered to Eisha.

"Don't worry about that, I already removed that element from her so she's just a normal girl, though I guess since she's a spirit she's not normal after all?"

Haruto was relieved hearing that. He's actually sympathize with her, kind hearted and innocent but actually a weapon of mass destruction.

"In any case my business ends here. The next time please bring me the crystal for the next summon okay?"

"Oh that's right, how many crystals are there?"

"Hmm I think there's seven crystals scattered all over the world."

Haruto's face were twitching.

'What's this? Hunting dragon ball? Without radar?'

Haruto and Elsie then bowed to Eisha and prepared to leave. Eisha snapped her fingers and their body started to glow and fading but before they gone Elsie said her farewell first.

"Good bye~, See you later Okaa-sama!" She said while waving her hands.

Eisha's face twitched hearing that. Okaa-sama? Indeed, she's the one that created her but...

"Yes, see you later El-chan." She smiled gently and waved her back. The next instant both Haruto and Elsie completely disappeared form that place.

Haruto awaken in front of the altar, still kneeling and holding his hands in prayer. He shook his head and checked about Elsie.

{Elsie, you there?}

{Yes! I'm here Kami-sama!}

{I see, first let's head to the inn and materialize you there after that I will register you at the guild too. You need an identification card after all.}

{Hai!} (AN: Yes)

Haruto got up and went outside the church, he headed back to his room and materialized Elsie there. Using her hagoromo she turned herself invisible and once they reached a desolate place outside she revealed herself again. (AN: Materializing needs some time so they need a secure place like his room inside the inn while opening invisibility just take an instant to be done)

Together they went to the guild and once they were inside Elsie's gathered some attention to the people in there. It's only natural because Elsie was a very cute and beautiful young woman. Haruto that walking beside her also gathered attention, half of it was because of Elsie and the other half was something he still didn't aware of just yet.

They went to the counter and met the same beautiful receptionist as before. The beauty onee-san smiled seeing Haruto but she was surprised when she saw a cute girl beside him. She pretended to not mind it and greeted Haruto.

"Greetings Haruto-san, it's nice to see you again. What's your business this time?"

"Ah hello Rayne-san, it's nice to see you again too. I'd like to register this girl besides me for the guild." The receptionist name was Rayne, Haruto learned her name when he registered before.

"Ara what a cute young girl, is she your girlfriend Haruto-san?"

Haruto tried to answer but Elsie managed beat him first.

"I'm his little sister! My name is Sendou Elsie! Isn't that right Kami-nii-sama?" (AN: Divine Esteemed Brother)

"Y, Yeah you're right." Haruto was blanked for a second but he managed to answer her.

They never talked about this dammit! What's the big idea?

'K..Kami-nii-sama? Is he a god?' Rayne the receptionist's eyebrows were twitching. She decided to treat it as a sister that loved her brother very much.

"*Cough* Very well then let's proceed to your registration, would you like to assign her as your party too Haruto-san?"

"Yes please."

They then proceed with the registration but assigning Elsie to his party made the process longer and Elsie also needed to receive an explanation so Haruto decided to look around the quest board located at the center of the room.


There's someone that attracted his attention near the board.