
Awakening (3)

It was a dark space composed of innumerable amount of randomly arranged and differently sized rectangular prisms amongst the dark and seemingly endless void.

This was the Kamui's dimension Haruto knew of from the series.

But from his place he could see a large stone structure stood among the countless prisms lit by fire torches strapped around the stone wall.

It was a european style middle ages stone building resembling a mansion. He didn't know how the masked man managed to build something like this inside the dimensional space since it never happened before in the original story.

Haruto even suspected his ability to manipulate dimension was even higher than the original Obito or Kakashi, the previous wielders of the Kamui ability. The person just hadn't shown his true capability yet during their battle before.

Now then....

Spreading his sense around the void world to the stone structure, Haruto could sense only two presences inside the building. Both of them was very familiar to him and he could deduce each one of the source of the energy signatures.

One of them was obviously the masked man whose entered inside during the time he was held back by the horde of Gamma monsters he created.

The other was obviously the female knight he intended to save from the very beginning, Lena.

Both of them was located quite near to each other but remained unmoving. With this he predicted the masked man was indeed provoking him to come to his place with the prisoner on his side.

Thankfully other than a small chaos from Lena's fear and anxiety, there's no other abnormality found like the malicious energy from the mutated humans from before.

Since he couldn't use Instant Transmission as there's no telling what Haruto's opponent was preparing for him there, he could only made his way there with his own legs. The enemy already informed of his technique and this dimensional place was his territory and domain, using a space movement technique in this kind of place was too risky, there might be a trap.

Entering the building while also thinking how to deal with the impossible enemy he slowly moved to the underground where both of the presences were waiting.

The underground was just like an abandoned dungeon with foul stench and nasty aura all over the place. There's trace of blood and the smell of rotten flesh. Just with that one could deduce what might happening in this place. It made Haruto who passed by felt sick and furious.

He arrived at the bottom most place and opened a large gate leading to a massive stage about five hundred meters width resembling a colosseum arena, just that there's no observer on the viewers seat.

Instead, there's a small glass room on the top middle containing the imprisoned Lena with emotional and teary eyes looking at him coming out from the gate, she seemed to be saying something but no sound coming out from her glass cage. He looked up and gazed at her figure delicately.

Judging from her aura, she was currently weak and fatigued but her life was not in danger since the energy she emitted was quite stable. It might decrease over time if left alone but that's normal since her condition was one who needed treatment and nourishment. Especially....

'There's another miniscule presence inside her body, as expected she's....'

Although very small and fragile, almost nonexistent but it still a genuine life, a living being. And the signature was quite awfully resembled both his and Lena's own. At first he was still doubting but right now it's already confirmed of what actually happened between them.

Opening his mouth he said without a sound,

'Wait for me.'

Haruto didn't know if Lena could understand what he said or not but judging from how she nodded her head weakly perhaps his message had reached her, he smiled satisfied seeing that.

Moving his gaze to the center of the arena, his expression turned sharp with fierce glint on his wrathful eyes.

His opponent was indeed there, standing with his hands behind his back emotionless. He just calmly watched the interaction of the young boy and the prisoner silently and grinned when the boy turned his head on his way with dangerous atmosphere from his entire body.

"Don't worry, she's still fine. I prepared her as a reward if you can win the battle kukuku."

"Yeah, I know. I'll properly get her back for sure, not as a reward but because she belonged to me since the very beginning. This is only a fight to return back of what you stole."

Haruto snorted while glaring coldly with mocking eyes. Lena who heard of what he said jolted when he mentioned that she belonged to him. There's no sense of repulsiveness, in fact she felt warm and relief deep inside her heart. Without knowing her fear began diminishing. She was extremely scared when her surroundings suddenly turned into abominable monsters and almost get harmed if not for the fact they were commanded to exit the space. But now she finally regained some comfort while eyeing the spectacle below.

"Heh heh. I never thought this girl was someone that precious to you. Well then, you said you want to retrieve her back? Can you do it?"

The masked man chuckled before letting out his aura and energy like a raging tsunami drowning the entire room with a violent wave of energy, he finally decided to show off his true power. Haruto's body trembled from the shock of sensing such colossal energy, this was the first time he experienced the true power of someone on the peak of mortal. The room who received the shock was quaking while the walls and ground began to crack. Lena who was protected by the glass cage was safe but even her place was shaking when the energy wave struck.

Haruto's entire body felt like he was engulfed by hundred times gravity while his bones was making a strange sound from the terrible pressure. Up until now, the other powerful people he knew of like Zelrigth, Luminette, or Wilhelm never really tried to show their power with intense hostility to him that's why he's not used of experiencing this kind of situation. Even Luminette did not let out her power like this since she was only 'playing around' at that time.

"...Heh, I never.... thought it ...would be easy either...."

He made a bitter grin while still enduring the horrible wave of energy. As expected this was just like a rat trying to fight against an elephant but unfortunately, he's not one to give just because things looked impossible. Challenging the impossible was exactly the kind of race a Saiyan was!


*Spark* *Spark*

Not daring to hold back any power, he immediately turned into Super Saiyan 2. Blasting out a golden ki filled with bio-electricity from his body. The pressure around him eased up and he could move properly again thanks to his increase in power.

"Hoo??" The masked man widened his eyes with a bit of surprise coming from his covered face. Just now the power emitted from the young boy was just like a candle light compared to him but the moment he transformed into that golden form it was like a fierce bonfire, that was about a hundred times stronger than before.

"Interesting.... Now then, show me what you got."

He spread out his hands while making a taunting gesture with his glowing sharingan against the opponent ahead of him.

A mere bonfire wouldn't stand a chance against a mighty infernal tornado.